Prophet Adam

The first human

Prophet Ibrahim
  • And he buried his brother and so on, and he was very very remorseful
  • And thereafter it is reported that he could not really stay with Adam(AS) with all the regret that he had
  • And so he went away
  • Then Allah makes mention of something very interesting again
  • Where Adam(AS) got sick, he got ill, he got ill at a certain stage
  • And look at Allah's plan
  • Allah made him wish for something
  • Wish for what?
  • Certain fruits that he had eaten in Jannah
  • He ate some fruits in paradise, and still re remembered the taste
  • So he was wishing for it, making Du'a to Allah saying "Oh Allah, I am wishing for these fruits"
  • So Allah instructed him that at a certain place you will find something. Not that you will find the fruits, but at a certain place you will find something
  • But he was unhealthy, he was not healthy enough to go there
  • So he decided to send some of his children, he said "Go to that place, and you will find something for me there"
  • So when they went there...
  • They found some angels, a group of angels
  • What did they have with them?
  • They were dressed in white, and they had some tools with them
  • There was a pick, and a shovel, and tools to dig
  • Now these tools were new to the children of Adam(AS)
  • They looked... These Angels told the children of Adam(AS) "we are Angels, and we want you to go back to your father, he is ill and his time is up" Allahu Akbar
  • So they walked with the children of Adam(AS) back to Adam(AS)
  • And as they entered
  • As they entered
  • Hawa, may peace be upon her
  • She recognized this angel, he is the angel of death
  • So she quickly started going behind Adam(AS) and he says "no no no, don't worry, move away"

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