Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The Friend of Allah

  • The Arch-Angel Jibreel informs Ibrahim of what the king is planning to do. How he is planning to have him killed and steal away Sarah, and Jibreel tells him that the king will definitely kill him if he is in a committed relationship with her, and if he is not then he will let him live
  • Ibrahim makes Du'a to Allah and asks what to do
  • Ibrahim then tells Sarah...
  • "If they ask you what's my relationship to you, tell them I am your brother, you are my sister
  • You are my sister in Islam, I am your brother in Islam
  • So he did not lie
  • Remember, Prophet Ibrahim is a Prophet of Allah, of God. So he could not lie, he was impervious from lying. Just like every other Prophet of Allah, he was truthful, before and after receiving Prophethood
  • And no doubt, the king's servants came and took Sarah away
  • So he resorted to Allah, he prayed and prayed
  • Making countless Du'a
  • The king's servants took her to the a small room awaiting for the king
  • The king came in the room and saw Sarah
  • The king is astonished, he cannot believe his eyes
  • He saw Sarah as the most beautiful girl that his eyes had ever laid on
  • But ohh... Poor Sarah was very sad
  • So also like her husband, she resorted to Allah
  • She made Du'a to Allah
  • "Ya Allah, save me! Save me Allah. You have granted me this protection, this chastity ya Allah. I have never broken this trust, Ya Allah I am begging you, please save me Allah, I worship you alone"
  • So when the king saw that she was sad he also became a bit sad
  • He sits down next to her
  • He is starring at her deeply, he had never seen someone as beautiful as her before, she was so beautiful it was amazing to him
  • So the king orders his servants to come and offer her gold, jewelry, silver, etc...
  • But she was sad, she was not interested in any of it
  • All that she could think about was being free and returning back to her husband
  • So in the middle of all this, the king drifts off to sleep
  • And he has a dream that he would see his own destruction if he was not to let this girl go and harm her in any way
  • The king then woke up in a shocking state
  • He immediately goes to Sarah and tells her that she is set free and can go anywhere she pleases
  • The king also gives her a gift, a young slave girl named Hajaar. Then he tells him that she is free to go
  • So she goes back to her husband, Ibrahim
  • And they are both very happy, and very prosperous
  • They continued to live for quite a while in Egypt
  • Him and his family became very fortunate and rich in Egypt
  • He became so rich, that many people became jealous of him and began sending out threats to him and his family
  • So he became scared and decided to move to leave
  • But he was not scared, not in the least
  • Ibrahim only feared for the lives of his family members
  • He did not want Sarah, or Hajaar to get hurt in any way
  • Ibrahim took his belonging and family members and moved back to As-Shaam, and that is where he settled again

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