Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The Friend of Allah

  • They lived in As-Shaam for quite a while. Him, his wife, and this girl Hajaar
  • They are very prosperous in As-Shaam
  • They all grow very wealthy and Ibrahim continues to spread the message of Allah there just like he had previously done
  • They live for many years there
  • Prophet Ibrahim. Now 85 years old. Allah has given him the good of his religion, and Allah has given him a beautiful wife and he is wealthy
  • Subhan'Allah
  • But there was still one thing missing from Ibrahim's life, still a piece missing
  • Ibrahim wished dearly to have a child
  • He longed so dearly for this
  • Sarah felt Ibrahim's strong yearn to have a child
  • She would look at him and feel so very sad
  • 85 year old man, and he did not have a child
  • Ibrahim did not have a child with Sarah because she is barren
  • It wasn't physically possible for her to have a child
  • So Sarah starts thinking "O Ibrahim has already given me so much, it's time to give him back something"
  • So she decides to give her slave Hajaar as a present
  • "Here is Hajaar, O Ibrahim, take her, she is yours now, get married to her and may Allah bless you and her, and us
  • Subhan'Allah
  • Now remember, Ibrahim is a Prophet of the Lord
  • No Prophet ever fornicated
  • From Adam to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w.)
  • So Ibrahim accepted her offer, and he married Hajaar
  • Allah blessed Ibrahim with his first child Isma'il(AS) when Ibrahim was 86 years old
  • Isma'il also grew to be a Prophet
  • O Ibrahim Alhamdulilah what more can he get. A Prophet and a messenger and Allah has given him this Dunya. And has given him a beautiful wife, and another wife, and now Allah has given him a child
  • The tests come now
  • He was instructed to take his child and wife and to move on the earth
  • Until he got to a certain place which was completely barren, it had nothing on it, it was just soil and it was a very very hot place
  • This place is the Valley of Makkah
  • Allah instructed Ibrahim again
  • Allah wants to test Ibrahim, "Who comes first, me or the child"
  • And if it is Allah then prove it
  • Allah orders Ibrahim to sacrifice the child

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