They lived in As-Shaam for quite a while.
Him, his wife, and this girl Hajaar
They are very prosperous in As-Shaam
They all grow very wealthy and Ibrahim
continues to spread the message of Allah there
just like he had previously done
They live for many years there
Prophet Ibrahim. Now 85 years old.
Allah has given him the good of his religion,
and Allah has given him a beautiful wife
and he is wealthy
But there was still one thing missing
from Ibrahim's life, still a piece missing
Ibrahim wished dearly to have a child
He longed so dearly for this
Sarah felt Ibrahim's strong yearn to have a child
She would look at him and feel so very sad
85 year old man, and he did not have a child
Ibrahim did not have a child with Sarah because she is barren
It wasn't physically possible for her to have a child
So Sarah starts thinking "O Ibrahim has already
given me so much, it's time to give him back something"
So she decides to give her slave Hajaar as a present
"Here is Hajaar, O Ibrahim, take her, she is yours now,
get married to her and may Allah bless you and her, and us
Now remember, Ibrahim is a Prophet of the Lord
No Prophet ever fornicated
From Adam to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w.)
So Ibrahim accepted her offer, and he married Hajaar
Allah blessed Ibrahim with his first child Isma'il(AS) when Ibrahim was 86 years old
Isma'il also grew to be a Prophet
O Ibrahim Alhamdulilah what more can he get. A Prophet and a messenger and Allah has given him this Dunya. And has given him a beautiful wife, and another wife, and now Allah has given him a child
The tests come now
He was instructed to take his child and wife and to move on the earth
Until he got to a certain place which was completely barren, it had nothing on it, it was just soil and it was a very very hot place
This place is the Valley of Makkah
Allah instructed Ibrahim again
Allah wants to test Ibrahim,
"Who comes first, me or the child"