Know, may Allah have mercy on you. These are the eternal
attributes of Almighty God. Every accountable person is required to know every single one of these by heart and mind before their death.
May Allah bless the one who takes their time to read all these and gets a sense of understanding for all of the following. And may the curse of the Angels and Jinns be on the one
who belittles these attributes and claims that God is not attributed with these.
He is alone in His attributes and only He can give Himself names of attributes that befit Him
They are the following
(al-Wujud) Existence
(al-Wahdaniyyah) Oneness
(al-Qidam) Eternity
(al-Baqa) Everlastinngess
(al-Qiyamu bin-Nafs) Non-neediness of others
(al-mukhalafatu lil-hawadith) Non-resemblance to the creatures
(al-Qudrah) Power
(al-Iradah) Will
(al-^Ilm) Knowledge
(al-Hayah) Life
(as-Sam^) Hearing
(al-Basar) Sight
(al-Kalam) Speech
K -Knowledge
N- No Similarity to the creation
O- Oneness
W- Will
H- Hearing
E- Everlasting
N- Non-neediness of others
S- Speech
S- Sight
L- Life
E- Existence
E- Eternity
P- Power