Invalidators of prayer


Invalidators of prayer

During prayer the Muslim must avoid anything that invalidates his prayer. The invalidators of the prayer include:

  • Uttering words which do not include mentioning Allaah
  • Uttering a letter or two letters that carry a meaning while remembering that one is praying
  • Performing many moves that lasts for the duration of one Ra'kah which is one cycle
  • Eating, even if it is little, like a sesame seed, except if one forgets
  • Drinking while remembering that one is in the prayer. Even if it is little, like swallowing a drop of water on one's lips
  • Performing one move with the purpose of playing
  • Performing an excessive move such as jumping
  • Purposely adding an extra integral of action such as making sujood three times in one Ra'kah
  • Intending to interrupt prayer, in this case one's prayer becomes invalid immediately
  • Making the intention to interrupt prayer contingent on the occurence of an incident, such as saying in one's heart "if my brother comes I willl interrupt my prayer and open the door for him". This invalidates the prayer immediately, even if one's brother does not come
  • Hesitating about interrupting the prayer
  • Completing an integral while the doubt is still persisting about one's intention during the opening takbeer, or doubting a long time about this intention. For example: If someone recites the Fatiha while doubting about if one intended Dhuhr or Asr, one's prayer is invalid.
  • The prayer is also invalid when the time of doubt is done even if an entire integral did not pass. An example is if one recites the entire Surah of ___ while one doubts one's intention, then one's prayer is invalid