Please note:
Though this may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Ismail(PBUH)
And IbrahimAS would go to
the valley of Makkah and he will see Isma'il AS, and he
will say to Isma'il...
O son! Allah had ordered me an order. So Isma'il will say:
O Dad! Do what Allah SWT had ordered you to do
So Ibrahim told Isma'il: And would
you help me? So Isma'il said: Yes, I will help you
They were making a Du'a to Allah SWT as they were doing this.
What was the Du'a?
O Allah accept this from us, O Allah we are putting up a house for you.
So as they began to build it, it got a little bit high
When it was a little bit high, what happened? IbrahimAS was getting the bricks or the rocks from Isma'il AS
There was no mortar used, no cement. It was just rock on rock on rock
Each one was fitting into the other, like a jigsaw
So what happened, as they were putting it up, now it's
getting high
So Allah SWT miraculously caused a specific rock that
he was standing on to go slightly higher
And he placed it, then it would come slightly lower,
he would get the next one, then it would go slightly higher, he would place it
then it would come low
They knew that this is Allah, it is the house of Allah, he
had shown us one too many times that definitely He is with us
And when the house was built, there was a corner, IbrahimAS
thought to himself,
I want to put a proper rock in this corner that fits flush in the corner
And he was trying to look for a rock and asking Ismail AS let's
put this rock and Ismail AS is looking for something, but he couldn't
find it
And later on Isma'il AS came back and he is seeing a beautiful
rock there
He says: What's this? He says: Allah sent me a rock from Jannah
From paradise, this rock has come and this is what we call today "Al-Hajar-Al Aswad"
It was white and it became black from the sins of the people and now
it's black and if you see, it's a black rock and not as big and white as it used to be
Throughout years, it reduced few tips here and there, fell down and was
stolen in some areas so it's smaller than the original size
Now let's go a little bit further. When Ismail AS had married
and he was in Makkah
And we had mentioned that his father IbrahimAS
used to come and go
He(Ibrahim) used to be between the Arabian Peninsula, (Between Makkah)
And Ash-Shaam (Meaning where Palestine is today)
So he came into Makkah (Nobody knew who he was) and he entered the house
He knocked on the door of Ismail AS, to go and meet his son
Lo and behold, there was a woman who answered the door
He looked at her and he asked her a few questions,
he greeted her... she respobded
And he asked: How is your condition? Where is your husband and what is
he doing?
And she complained one way to this man, firstly
she didn't know who he was
Secondly she began to complain, no he leaves us here,
he goes away
And we don't really have much, we're struggling, there's hardly food
and what have you