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Though this may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
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on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Ismail(PBUH)
They were so happy, they knew that if this man says something...
there has to be some reason behind it
And so did Ismail AS, he did not just follow his father
for no reason
He knew that this is my father, he is a saint,
he is a Prophet and if a Prophet instructs me... there is
nothing I can do
This man was married again to another woman from the same tribe
and he lived, after some time IbrahimAS came back
Exactly the same thing, he knocked the door,
the door was opened
He asked this woman after greeting her
How is your condition? What is happening here? And so on
She didn't talk excessive talking with him,
ALHAMDULILLLAH, we praise Allah on all conditions
So IbrahimAS looked at this woman
and he tells her: Give him my regards, pass him my Salaam
And tell him, he should maintain the threshold,
he should maintain the doorstep, ALLAHU AKBAR
So when Ismail AS came back, he felt that his
father was there
He asked: Did anyone visit? She said: Yes... she described the man
But this time, when he asked: What did he say?
She said: Well.. he said, I should give you Salaam and you
should maintain your threshold, meaning the doorstep.. keep it
So he said: That was my father, telling me to keep you as a wife
You're a good woman ALHAMDULILLLAH
And then civilization and settlements start to take place in the valley
of Makkah
And Ismail AS, his father is Ibrahim,
Ibrahim is not an Arab
And this is where the Arabs come in, the original Arabs come from Yemen
Now when the Yemeni tribe Jurhum mixed with Ismail and Ismail mixed with them
Ismail grew among the tribe of Jurhum and he spoke
the tongue that Jurhum speaks and that's the Arabic language
And not only did Ismail learn the Arabic language from them
But he became so eloquent in the Arabic language
He became a scholar in the Arabic language, he became one
of the best among them in the Arabic language
And Ismail AS got married from the tribe of Jurhum
and then descendants and offspring came and took place
In the valley of Makkah from Ismail AS
and from the offspring Quraish comes,
And from Quraish.. Hashim comes, and from Hashim Abdul Mutallib
And Abdul Mutallib is the grandfather of Muhammad SAW
So the Prophet SAW descendants where does
it go back to?
It goes back to Ismail, and who is Ismail?
He is the son of Ibrahim and he is
the grandfather of all the Prophets and Messengers
Going back to the point how Ismail originally is non-Arab,
but married to Arabs amd lived among them and he had offsprings there
And that's why the Yemenis, the Arabs before Ismail, they call them
"The Original Arabs"
The Arabs that came after Ismail... they call them
"imitation Arab"
The imitation Arabs are those who are not originally Arabs but
they came in and fitted in to be Arab
And from among them is Muhammad SAW and most of
the Arabs these days
So they're all imitation Arabs. And this gives you a brief history where
the Arabs come from
Among the most important characteristic of Ismail is what Allah
talks about him in the Quran
We should emulate what I am about to recite,
because we are all probably lacking in this particular characteristic
Allah says in the Quran:
"And mention in the book, Ismail. Indeed he
was true to his promise, and he was a Messenger and a Prophet.
And he used to enjoin his people prayer and Zakah and was
to his Lord pleasing" SURAT MARYAM 19:54
He was always truthful to his promises
He was always truthful when he made a promise, he would fulfil
his promises if he promised someone
What else?.. He used to command, not just advice, but command
his family (his wife and his children)..
To pray their prayers and to pay their Zakat.
And on top of that he was pleasing to his Lord
It is narrated that Ismail AS once promised a particular
person to meet him at 'Asr time at a particular place
It says; He went there and he waited for the man
And he would not leave his spot, and the man forgot that he had
an appointment with Ismail AS
He told him: Have an appointment with me. And Ismail AS
waited from 'Asr until Maghrib
So about three hours or more four hours.. He waited for him,
because he used to fulfil his promise
The man then came in the end and he apologised
In Makkah he lived all his life there and he passed away in Makkah and he was buried
in Makkah