Please note: This is in fact a picture of Prophet Jesus(PBUH).
Though it may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Jesus(PBUH)
There has been much controversy surrounding the life of Jesus and the controversy
of his nature and message
Jesus was born to the best woman who ever walked on the face
of this Earth, namely. The Virgin Mary
Jesus was born in Bethlehem and he grew up in Palestine
While he was still young, he and his mother traveled to Egypt
At the age of 30 the mission of Jesus began
The Cretor made Jesus a Prophet and recipient of Divine Revelation
Jesus was an Israelite Prophet
Prior to receiving Divine Revelation, Jesus followed Mosaic Law-
the Divine Guidance and Holy Scripture given to the great Prophet Moses.
Jesus' laws were similar to the laws of Moses. Both enjoyed prayer and fasting and
forbade fornication, the worship of idols or images, and the eating of hog flesh
Jesus taught the same message about The Creator that all The Prophets before him
taught, such as Moses, Abraham, Noah, and Adam taught
The Creator is perfect and does not change
And all the Prophets (including Jesus taught: "Worship
The Creator and none of the creations")
All the Prophets taught that The Creator is One without partners-
no one except God makes things exist
Therefore, God is not a physical or spiritual body, nor is God an image
Whatever you imagine in your mind The Creator is absolutely different
Jesus taught that The Creator does not need any of His Creations
and that The Creeator exists without being in a direction or a place
The true monotheistic (i.e. belief in One perfect God) message of Jesus
was corrupted and replaced with the Pagan idea of "trinity"
Jesus never taught that he was God or a part of God
nor did he teach that he was an offspring of God
The trinity was an attempt to compromise the pure monotheistic
message of Jesus with the belief of heathens who were using Jesus'
name to spread their own ideas and their idolatry
It was not until the year 325 C.E.- three hundred years after
God made Jesus leave this Eartn
that the Roman Emperor Constantine (who was a pagan sun worshipper at the time)
made the Trinity the official Christian doctrine
Furthermore, it is a historical fact that Jesus never
ever called his religion Christianity
Similarily, the New Testament is not the original Evangel- that is.
The God-given Holy Book sent to Jesus
Instead, the present day New Testament is simply a book
of hearsay and uncomfirmed reports about what Jeus
allegedly said and did
Written by authors whose identity cannot be proven
This book was not completed until three-hundred
years after Jesus was here on Earth
and lastly, the oldest new testaments are not in the language
that Jesus taught his followers. (that is Syriac)
Instead, the oldest available New Testament (which, incindentally are
simply fragments from pages of very old manuscripts)- are in Greek- and no
one knows who translated them
Since Jesus did not instruct his followers in Greek
It's obvious that the New Testament cannot be the Holy Book of Jesus
The name "Christianity", it's doctrines (such as the Trinity) and
it's book (The New Testament) are all man-made corruptions of Jesus' true message
They are NOT from the teachings of God revealed- but from men with evil intentions
who wished to distort the message of this honorable Prophet
All The Prophets taught the same essential message about The Creator
Jesus was not a Christian
Prophet Moses truly did not call his religion Judaism or Christianity
And obviously Abraham, Noah, or Adam could not have been Christians or Jews
All The Prophets had the sane religion
The Religion of Islam
Islam means "surrender to the Will and orders of God"
Prophet Muhammad came about 600 years after God made Jesus ascend safely to the Heavens
Prophet Muhammad renewed the call to believing in the Oneness and Perfection of God
Prophet Muhammad came with hundreds of astounding miracles to prove
that he is indeed a Prophet sent by God
And God has protected the message of Prophet Muhammad from being lost