Prophet Moses (AS)


Prophet Ibrahim
  • I am the Messenger of Allah, coming to guide you to worship no one but Allah
  • We want you to send Bani Isra'il with us and we want you to releasae them and stop opression
  • Firawn laughed at them, him and his people
  • Aren't you the one? Is it not that we looked after you when you were a little child?
  • We brought you up in our own house, today you want to be against us
  • And you stayed for a part of your life with us
  • And you did that little deed of your which made you run away, and indeed, you are from those who are very very ungrateful
  • He[Musa] says- You want to come and speak about these favors of yours upon me...
  • To try and get away from the fact that you have enslaved the whole of Bani Isra'il
  • You're telling me about Rabbul Alameen, what is Rabbul Alameen?
  • That is a big insult, you're trying to call hi an animal! ASTAGHIRULLAH
  • You say- 'Who is He?'
    Not- 'What is He?'
  • Whoever created the skies and the Earth and whatever lies between it
  • If indeed, you are convinced. That is who Rabbul Alameen is
  • He [Firawn] looks at the people around him and says- Are you listening to what this man is saying?
  • Are you listening? Can you hear?
  • Do you know of a God besides me?
  • He is saying, there is someone who created the skies and the Earth and everyone
  • And that is the God who deserves to be worshipped alone. Nobody else
  • I am the God!
  • He [Musa] says- He is also your God, your maker
  • The One who made you and your forefathers before you, all of them
  • He is the Maker, we worship Him alone
  • So he [Firawn] says...
  • Indeed, this Messenger who is sent to you is mad. He is mad, look at him
  • [Musa] said- Well, Allah SWT is the one that created the east and the west, you don't have that capability
  • And people around are just watching
  • They are shocked, how could someone speak to the Pharaoh like this?
  • And everybody was gathering
  • And all the servants and the slaves and the worshippers of Firawn
  • Are watching someone for the first time in the life of Firawn defying him
  • If you yourself are not going to worship me as a God, I will jail you
  • What if I have brought you something very clear, a sign?
  • He [Firawn] says- Ok, let's see the sign you have
  • When Firawn asked for the sign, let's see it,
  • Musa AS threw his stick and that stick will turn to a massive snake...
  • That they mention that the tongue of that snake, one part was touching the roof and the other was touching the ground
  • Everyone around sees that scene, gets scared and pulls away
  • And then Musa grabs it again and it comes back again as a stick
  • And he showed him the hand, the hand was white shining
  • The people around and Firawn together, they said...
  • This is indeed, a very knowledgable magician. He knows his magic tricks in and out
  • Hold himself and his brother and go and send people out,
  • A large number of people out to call in all the magicians
  • And we want them to come, let him [Musa] do this magic, and they will do the magic, and we see who wins
  • And Musa said- Ok, put that challenge forward, we accept that challenge, let's assign a day
  • There was an agreement between Musa and Firawn to say; We have an appointed day
  • The day when they would all come in their beauty and their gold and their jewelry
  • On that day in the morning, we will meet Insha'Allah at a specific place
  • You bring your magicians and we are there
  • And now Firawn is looking for every magician
  • And then the day came
  • Where people attended the place and it was an open challenge
  • The people; The Egyptians and Bani Isra'il all gathered. In a place in which Musa AS and Firawn had agreed on
  • And Musa AS alone with his brother Haroon will come forward
  • And Firawn will come with his army and his magicians to stand before Musa AS
  • And then the challenge will begin and everyone is watching, and everyone is listening...
  • And everyone is there to experience the great experience of their life
  • It's reported that there were 15,000 magicians
  • And one narration says, seventy magicians
  • So let's take the smaller of the lot, seventy magicians
  • They looked at Firawn and said- Well, we want to ask you something before we start here
  • If we win, what's going to happen? Are we going to get some money?
  • Yes indeed, I'm going to not only give you money, but I will make you my chiefs from amongst my close people
  • And then they ask Musa- O Musa, you want us to throw our sticks and ropes or do you want to throw before?
  • Throw whatever you would like to throw, let's see it
  • They threw all their sticks, and they threw their ropes and sticks
  • Whatever they bought with, they just threw it
  • And then they said
  • With this authority of Firawn, we will be amongst the winners
  • When they threw their ropes and their sticks, they had fiddled with the eyes of the people
  • And their sticks and ropes will turn to snakes just floating around everywhere
  • Everyone got scared including Musa AS, he got scared when he saw that scene
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