Prophet Moses
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Prophet Moses (AS)
I am the Messenger of Allah, coming to guide you to worship no one but Allah
We want you to send Bani Isra'il with us and we want you to releasae them and stop opression
Firawn laughed at them, him and his people
Aren't you the one? Is it not that we looked after you when you were a little child?
We brought you up in our own house, today you want to be against us
And you stayed for a part of your life with us
And you did that little deed of your which made you run away, and indeed, you are from those who are very very ungrateful
He[Musa] says- You want to come and speak about these favors of yours upon me...
To try and get away from the fact that you have enslaved the whole of Bani Isra'il
You're telling me about Rabbul Alameen, what is Rabbul Alameen?
That is a big insult, you're trying to call hi an animal! ASTAGHIRULLAH
You say- 'Who is He?'
Not- 'What is He?'
Whoever created the skies and the Earth and whatever lies between it
If indeed, you are convinced. That is who Rabbul Alameen is
He [Firawn] looks at the people around him and says- Are you listening to what this man is saying?
Are you listening? Can you hear?
Do you know of a God besides me?
He is saying, there is someone who created the skies and the Earth and everyone
And that is the God who deserves to be worshipped alone. Nobody else
I am the God!
He [Musa] says- He is also your God, your maker
The One who made you and your forefathers before you, all of them
He is the Maker, we worship Him alone
So he [Firawn] says...
Indeed, this Messenger who is sent to you is mad. He is mad, look at him
[Musa] said- Well, Allah
is the one that created the east and the west, you don't have that capability
And people around are just watching
They are shocked, how could someone speak to the Pharaoh like this?
And everybody was gathering
And all the servants and the slaves and the worshippers of Firawn
Are watching someone for the first time in the life of Firawn defying him
If you yourself are not going to worship me as a God, I will jail you
What if I have brought you something very clear, a sign?
He [Firawn] says- Ok, let's see the sign you have
When Firawn asked for the sign, let's see it,
threw his stick and that stick will turn to a massive snake...
That they mention that the tongue of that snake, one part was touching the roof and the other was touching the ground
Everyone around sees that scene, gets scared and pulls away
And then Musa grabs it again and it comes back again as a stick
And he showed him the hand, the hand was white shining
The people around and Firawn together, they said...
This is indeed, a very knowledgable magician. He knows his magic tricks in and out
Hold himself and his brother and go and send people out,
A large number of people out to call in all the magicians
And we want them to come, let him [Musa] do this magic, and they will do the magic, and we see who wins
And Musa said- Ok, put that challenge forward, we accept that challenge, let's assign a day
There was an agreement between Musa and Firawn to say; We have an appointed day
The day when they would all come in their beauty and their gold and their jewelry
On that day in the morning, we will meet Insha'Allah at a specific place
You bring your magicians and we are there
And now Firawn is looking for every magician
And then the day came
Where people attended the place and it was an open challenge
The people; The Egyptians and Bani Isra'il all gathered. In a place in which Musa
and Firawn had agreed on
And Musa
alone with his brother Haroon will come forward
And Firawn will come with his army and his magicians to stand before Musa
And then the challenge will begin and everyone is watching, and everyone is listening...
And everyone is there to experience the great experience of their life
It's reported that there were 15,000 magicians
And one narration says, seventy magicians
So let's take the smaller of the lot, seventy magicians
They looked at Firawn and said- Well, we want to ask you something before we start here
If we win, what's going to happen? Are we going to get some money?
Yes indeed, I'm going to not only give you money, but I will make you my chiefs from amongst my close people
And then they ask Musa- O Musa, you want us to throw our sticks and ropes or do you want to throw before?
Throw whatever you would like to throw, let's see it
They threw all their sticks, and they threw their ropes and sticks
Whatever they bought with, they just threw it
And then they said
With this authority of Firawn, we will be amongst the winners
When they threw their ropes and their sticks, they had fiddled with the eyes of the people
And their sticks and ropes will turn to snakes just floating around everywhere
Everyone got scared including Musa
, he got scared when he saw that scene