Prophet Moses
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Prophet Moses (AS)
They had created a huge magic, Allah says
Imagine if we take the narration of 15,000,
There are so many sticks and ropes, what must be happenin?
The people were worried. Hey! Look at all this. What will happen?
So Allah
There was a slight concern in the heart of Musa
Powerful verses! Allah says- We told him, O Moses, don't worry
Throw that stick; It will eat everything they have made, it will devour it into non-existence
For indeed, what they have brought is magic, the magicians will never succeed
will throw his stick; His stick will turn into a massive snake that ate all the snakes that were around
And Musa
picked it up again, it was a stick
Who saw that? Not Musa alone, not Firawn alone,
The magicians and all the people living in Egypt saw that with their own eyes
One man against many, one stick against many
That one snake ate all their snakes
The magicians; They saw Musa, he's not a man of magic
They saw that stick and what that stick turned to, that's not magic
All these magicians fell prostrate
We believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Haroon [These two]
We are now joining them, we believe that they are worshipping the correct Deity
Now Firawn is watching, everybody is watching, they are looking at Firawn, how are you going to react?
He says...
How can you believe in him before I give you permission to do that?
This man is actually your senior who taught you all this magic
You're just making a fool of me here
This is just a plan and a plot that all of you have made in order to get Banu Isra'il out
I am going to cut off your hands and your feet the opposite
So the right hand with the left foot the left hand with the right foot
And I am going to crucify all of you!
Do what you want, pass whatever judgement you want
You can only pass judgement whilst we are in this world
No problem, do what you want to us Firawn
We are definitely going to return to Allah either way, if you kill us or we die naturally
We are hopeful that our Rabb will forgive our sins
And He will forgive the fact that you forced us to engage in this magic here
For indeed, Allah is the Everlasting and He is Much Better
Their hands and arms and feet were chopped, and they were crucified, and they were killed
And they passed away to enter the paradise of Allah
They told themselves and they told Firawn- Are you going to leave this man doing what he did?
He is going to lead people away from your religion, from worshipping you
Firawn says- We will slay all of their males and we let the females live
Firawn says- Let me kill this man, he can call out to his God to save him
I fear that he might change your religion
There was a man; One man who was very closely related to Firawn in his own household
He had accepted Musa
but no one knew, but he knew
There was a man who was a Mu'min [Believer] from the family of Firawn who was hiding the fact that he was a Mu'min
Do you want to kill a man who is claiming that his God is Allah, the Maker, the Creator, you want to kill him?
How can you want to kill him when he has brought the signs from his Rabb to you to clearly see?
If he is a liar, his lies will overtake him
But if he is telling the truth then you people have had it
So if he's a liar, it's not going to harm you, it's going to harm him
And if he is telling the truth, then you people have had it, punishment is coming in your direction
So the best thing, don't kill him, leave him
Why do you want to kill him?
If you kill him, you're doomed
And if you leave him and he is a liar, he is doomed
So they decided not to kill Musa
These people [Bani Isra'il] are being slain one after another
They need a little bit of encouragement
instructed his people to do two things; Seek the help of Allah and bear patience
They told him- What's the difference?
We have suffered before you came because of you and we are suffering now after you have come also because of you
Before you came they used to kill all the children because they didn't want you to be born
Now that you are there and you are up, they're still killing all the children
How can we be behind you?
He says- Look, Allah
will destroy your enemy,
will grant you the leadership on land. You just sit and watch
And then Allah
start to torture Firawn and his people
The first punishment is; Allah
made Firawn and the Egyptians go through a severe drought and reduce in fruits
The time of season where they used to get hundreds of kilograms of fruits;
That season will come, they only get few fruits
These are only the farms of the Egyptians, but the farms and the gardens of Bani Isra'il normal fruits
This is only a drought that will come down to the Egyptians, but Bani Isra'il everything is normal
They went to Moses and said- O magician, go and call your God
To remove this calamity we are in, if He removes it, we are guided
Don't worry, we will accept your message
So Allah
says- Musa
made a Du'a and we removed that, they suddenly broke their promise
So Allah says- We sent them yet another sign, a third sign
Allah will send a flood on them
A flood will come to them that will destroy all the houses of the Egyptians
And the houses of Bani Isra'il untouched
They went back to Musa
- Ya Musa, just call out to your God, we will now definitely accept
when he makes a Dua suddenly everything subsides and returns to normal
And then they laughed at him again, they said- No no, it wasn't you. It was us
We sent them after the third sign a fourth one, what was the fourth one?
We sent them locusts
There were millions and billions locusts flying around that they covered the sun, it appeared as darkness
And everywhere there were locusts, they sit on locusts, they look at locusts, in their food are locusts
Here there are locusts, there are locusts, a plague of locusts
And the gardens and the farms of Bani Isra'il are left untouched
And after that they went back to Musa
- Ya Musa, you know what, call out to your Rabb
So when he calls out- Ya Allah, remove this, it is removed
They went back on their word
So Allah
sends them yet another sign, the sign of lice
All over, biting them, sucking their blood. Everywhere you go
They sleep they're bitten, they walk they're bitten
They go to their farms they're bitten, they come here they're bitten
They know this is a problem, all of them are bitten, but why are the people with Musa
not being bitten?
Go and call your God to remove this calamity we are in, if He removes it, we are guided