Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
Who is the most noble of man?
Rasullullah SAW said: It is Yusuf [Joseph]
The Noble, the son of the Noble
The son of the noble, the son of the noble
The father of Yusuf is a Prophet
His grandfather is a Prophet
And his great grandfather is a Prophet
And he is a Prophet himself
It's Yusuf AS; The son of Yaqub [Jacob]
The son of Ishaq [Isaac]; the Son of Ibrahim[Abraham] AS
Yusuf AS one day when he was a young child
Verily I saw in a drem, eleven stars and the sun and the moon
I saw them prostrating themselves for me
Yaqub told his Son Yusuf: He told him O Son:
Don't you dare go and mention this story to your brothers
Why? Lest they arrange a plot against you,
The father knew that this dream means;
That Yusuf will attain very high levels
And the father knew that this is something the brothers will not accept
Because they were already jealous of Yusuf
And we'll see how bad their jealousy was
The ten brothers got together and realised; This is going overboard
Our father always favours Yusuf and favours Binyamin [Benjamin],
We are the young and strong ones and what's Yusuf compared to us?
He's only one and we are ten and over all this
Our father favors Yusuf over us; This is not acceptable to us