Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
Yaqub AS had twelve children; two from one wife
Those two are the young ones
The youngest one is Binyamin and his older brother Yusuf,
Yaqub used to favour Binyamin and Yusuf over the rest
The other ten had their eyes always open on their brother
Yusuf and Binyamin, and they did not like how their father always favours;
Yusuf and Binyamin over the rest
Yusuf was very young at the time, he was a child
He saw this dream; Eleven planets and the sun and the moon
Are making Sujud; Prostration to him [12:04]
So he told his father about this dream
He said: Don't tell your brothers about this vision
Why? Lest they arrange a plot against you; It is from Satan; [12:05]
And then he told his son: Allah will choose you
And teach you the interpretation of dreams [12:06]
The ten brothers got together and realised;
Ten of us; we're all young; we are all mature
We are all strong; Ten of us make a strong gang; A strong group;
And our father favours Yusuf over ten of us
Na; Our father is in great astray [12:08]
So one of them said: They might as well let solve it
What's the solution? Kill him
Or just get rid of him; Bash him until he dies
After we do such a crime, we could repent to Allah [12:09]
The older brother; Lenient one out of them
He said: Better than killing him, let's throw him in a deep well
And one of those travelers, they'll find him
And they'll take him with them [12:10]
In this way you got rid of him, and at the same time you did not kill him
So they accepted that, and before that they thought;
How are we going to convince our father
Let's go to our father with a good intention
Yaqub was so protective over his son;
He would not let him go out and play with them
They said: O our father, why do you not trust us with Yusuf,
When we are indeed his well wishers [12:11]
Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play
Verily we will take care of him [12:12]
He said: Truly it saddens me that you should take him away from me
And then he said: I fear less a wolf should devour him
While you are careless of him [12:13]
So they picked up this from their father and then they used it
They took out Yusuf with him to go out and play
They threw him in a well
When they were throwing him in the well;
Allah SWT revealed to Yusuf
Indeed you shall one day inform them of this affair; While they know you not [12:15]
And then they took his clothes and they slaughtered a small goat
And they poured the blood of that goat on his clothes
And then they went back to their father crying [12:16]
Saying: O dad; You know what happened?
And their father's so upset and he's looking for Yusuf; Where's Yusuf?
They said: O father; We went out playing; Have fun as we told you
And wanted to have fun with Yusuf and let him play
And while we were competing with each other;
And occupied with the competition; We came back
And we saw Yusuf dead, eaten by a wolf
O Father believe us; We're not lying
You don't beliebve us even if we are truthful [12:17]
And they came with the shirt of Yusuf AS full of blood
And Allah says: False and fake blood; Deceiving their own father
That the whole shirt was not even ripped
Then Yaqub said: Subhanallah; How merciful this wolf is
He ate my son, and left his shirt
It's your own desires that deceived you; [A beautiful patience] [12:18]
Yusuf was in the well, a caravan of travellers passed by
They sent somebody to go and get water for them
So he inserted the bucket in the well and Yusuf cling to the bucket
And this man is pulling up the bucket looking forward to get some water
And he finds in there a child; He was so happy
Why? Because in those times slaves would get you a lot of money
So they picked him up, took him with them in their caravan
And they went to Egypt, and they sold him in Egypt
They sold him for a good price but Allah SWT says: