Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
They don't know who this child will grow up to be
And if they would have sold him with his weight in gold
That would have been a cheap price
And who did they sell it to? The one that bought him
His name was the Azeez; He was the treasurer of Egypt
That treasurer; He was an impotent so he did not have kids
So when he found this young beautiful child; He bought him
He went back to his wife and he said: Let him grow up within us
Maybe we'll benefit out of him as a slave or use him as a son
And this is how we established Yusuf
And the Azeez loved Yusuf so much;
That he treated him more than a son
He start even to pass on some work to him
Some responsibility; Some authority until the big test came to Yusuf
Yusuf grew up in the house of Al-Azeez
And when he Yusuf, attained his full manhood
We gave him wisdom and knowledge
Thus we reward the doers of the good [12:22]
The wife of Al-Azeez presented herself to Sayyidina Yusuf
And she in whose house he was; Sought to seduce him
And she closed the doors and she said: Come on you
She tried to sleep with him by force
He said: I seek refuge in Allah; Truly your husband is my master and he made my stay agreeable
I will never betray him because the wrong doers;
Will never be successful [12:23]; Subhanallah,
And Yusuf AS is running away from her
And while he's running away from her
She is chasing him and she grabbed his shirt from his back
And Yusuf AS is running away from her,
So she ripped his shirt from the back
And while this is taking place; Who walks in? Her husband
She got caught; Straightaway she twisted the story
She said: What is the recompense for him;
Who intended an evil design against your wife?
She said: Put him in jail or punish him [12:25]
But she did not suggest killing him,
Yusuf said: It is she that sought to seduce me,
Allah SWT in that moment sent one of their relatives,
So he came, and he said: I will tell you how we can tell the truth;
If the shirt of Yusuf is torn from the front;
Than she is telling the truth [12:26]
If the shirt of Yusuf is torn from the back than she is lying [12:27]
Because if the shirt is torn from the front
It means that Yusuf was attacking her
And she was fighting him so his shirt was torn
If the shirt is torn from the back;
It means that she was running after him trying to grab him
So it's a very wise suggestion
His shirt was torn from the back so she was lying
So when he saw his shirt torn from the back he said:
Surely it is a plot of you woman; Certainly mighty is your plot [12:28]
And then the husband told Yusuf: Turn away from this;
Meaning ignore it, don't speak about it as if nothing happened
They don't want a scandal, it will be a political scandal for them
And then he told his wife: Ask forgiveness for your sin;
Verily you were of the sinful [12:29]
But the high class society; They have a lot of spare time
And the woman get together and they gossip
They were talking about the action of the treasurer's wife
They're saying: What kind of a woman is she; she goes out of all men
She goes and chases her own slave, she is crazy [12:30]
So the treasurer's wife, when she heard of that
She wanted to show them that what she did was out of her nature
Because this man Yusuf AS: He is extremelt too good looking person,
And she invited those women over
She prepared a nice session; All of them sitting down and she got fruits
And she got them knives to peel the fruits,
And while they're sitting down speaking
She got Yusuf to wear his best of clothes and Yusuf AS doesn't know;
The plotting and the planning that she is planning
And while they are sitting down; Laughing; Smiling; Eating the fruits