Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
They forgot everything around them; O Allah this is not normal
He's not a human being; He's a gracious Angel [12:31]
And while they were looking and being stunned
They were cutting their fingers instead of the fruits
And now Yusuf AS doesn't have one trouble;
Not only double trouble but triple trouble
From one woman chasing him; All those women now are after him
Now they understood what the wife of Azeez is going through
So she told them: This is he, the young man;
About whom did blame me for his love
And I did seek to seduce him, but he refused
And now if he refuses tp obey my orders
He shall certainly be cast into prison
And he will be one of those who are disgraced [12:32]
She's still running after him and threatening him
And the women who saw him
Now were all encouraging him to obey his master
Now things are becoming very very difficult
And painful and distressful on Sayyidina Yusuf
Seduction is surrounding him from every side
He said: O Allah take me to jail
Atleast I will be away from this Fitna; It's better for me
Subhanallah Yusuf is doing all of this to keep away;
From one of the most powerful seducing things that could effect a man
And then he said: Unless you turn away their plot from me;
I will feel inclined towards them
And be one of those who commit the sin
And one of those who are ignorant [12:33]
So his Lord answered his invocation
And turned away from him their plot
Verily He is the All Hearer and the All Knower [12:34]
Now the news has spread; It's a scandal now
How can they solve the problem? By taking the innocent to jail
When he entered the prison; Two others walked in to the prison with him
Those two men; They were slaves working for the king
And one night they saw a dream
One of them he saw; He was squeezing grapes to turn it to wine,
The other one; He saw in his dream that he was carrying a basket
Of wheat or bread [On his head] And birds were coming and eating from it
So when they saw the piety of Yusuf AS
They said: Because we see that you are of those who are righteous
We want you to tell us the interpretation of this dream
And before Yusuf AS interpreted the dream; He called them to Allah
He said: It's Allah SWT; My Lord the one that taught me this
It's not coming from me, I am nothing
I follow the path; The religion of my forefathers
Ibrahim and Ishaq and Yaqub; They are my forefathers
They're all Prophets and Messengers [12:38]
They followed one religion; That religion is called Islam
O My Friends; For you to worship many gods better
Or worshipping Allah SWT Almighty The One [12:39]?
Which one is better? Worship Allah SWT
And then after he gave them The Dawah and preached to them
Now I'll tell you what the intrepretation is,
O two companions of the prison;
One of you will be very close to the king
And he will be pouring wine for the king
This is the one who saw that he's passing wine
And the other one of you will be taken out of jail and be crucified
And he will be left on the cross until birds will come and eat from his head
And that is the one who saw that; He has bread and birds are eating from it
And then he said: The issue in which you are asking about is judged
That's it, that's the judgement of Allah; It's Done [12:41]
And then Sayyidina Yusuf went to the one who he thought;
Would be saved and would be close to the king
And Sayyidina Yusuf told him:
Please remember my name in front of the king [12:42]
So Yusuf wanted his case to be presented in front of the king
So the king would look into that case and maybe free him
There are two intrepretations that are given; One intrepretation is that;
This man he left jail and he went to work with the king
But when he got to the palace and got close to the king;
And all of the luxury of life; He forgot about Yusuf AS
The other meaning is that Sayyidina Yusuf AS forgot to ask Allah SWT
And he asked this man to ask the king
Instead of asking Allah; He asked the king to help him