Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
And they say in the books of Tafisr; Some Mufasireen say:
That Jibril came to Sayyidina Yusuf AS and told him:
Who is the one who freed you from the well? He said: Allah
Who is the one who delivered you to safety in Egypt? He said: Allah
Who is the one who put you in the right place to be raised up and honoured you? He said Allah
Who is the one who saved you from the fitna? He said Allah
Who saved you from the Fitna and the wife of Al-Azeez? He said Allah
He said: If Allah is the one who saved you throughout all of this
How come instead of asking Allah
You're asking the king to save you out of jail?
And Yusuf stays in the prison; Most narration says seven years
One night, the king was asleep and he saw a strange dream
I saw in the dream, seven fat healthy cows
Eaten by seven lean lazy cows
And he said: I saw seven green ears of corn;
And seven dry ears of corn,
And the king is so worried about this dream
So he starts to speak to the people around him
Specially the wise men; The scholars who are around him [12:43]
And most of them said:
You only saw jumble dream; mean nothing [12:44]
Who's listening? The one who was locked up with Yusuf
He remembered; The best person to inerpret dreams is Yusuf
So he went to Sayyidina Yusuf and he said: Yusuf, man of truth,
Seven fat cows, devoured by seven weak ones
Seven green ears of corn and seven dry ones
Tell us the interpretation of this
So that I can go and let the people know [12:46]
Yusuf AS now has a bargaining tool in his hand, he's in jail and this man comes to ask
him about the intrepretation of the dream
He could have said: I'm not going to tell you the answer until you free me
But Yusuf didn't. He gave him the answer without asking for anything
And not only did he give the anwer
He gave the intrepatations and his recommendations
He said: For seven years you are going to have an abundance of harvest
These are the seven fat cows, and then he said:
That harvest which you reap; Keep it in the ears
Except a little of it which you may eat [12:47]
He told them: You need to ration
Even though you're going to have a lot of harvest, don't use it all
Save most of it and only use the minimum
And then he said: after the seven years of abundance
There would come seven difficult years; you would have nothing
And in those seven years, you're going to be eating from what
From what you have stored [12:48]
So these are the seven lean skinny cows eating the seven fat ones
And the seven green ears of corn;
You're going to use them for the seven dry years,
And then he told them something that is not in the dream
And that is a Wahi from Allah SWT
Then thereafter will come a year;
In which people will have abundant rain
And in which they will press wine and oil [12:49]
This was conveyed to the king; The king was impressed
He wanted to make use of this expertise; Bring him to me
The Messenger went to convey this news to Sayyidina Yusuf
He told him the king is offering you to leave prison and jail
You're free; Not only are you free to leave
But the king wants to have you as one of his advisers
But the response of Yusuf AS was amazing
It was even amazing to Rasullullah SAW
Yusuf said: No I'm not going to leave
Sayyidina Yusuf said: Return to your lord and ask him
What happened to the women who cut their hands
Surely My Lord Allah is well aware of their plot [12:50]
Yusuf AS did not want to leave prison until his innocence is established
Because he was put in jail and he's innocent
And Rasullullah SAW said: May Allah have mercy on Yusuf
If it was me I would have rushed towars the door
And responded to the call
But the story of Yusuf is an example from the beginning to the end;
It's an example of patience; That is the essence of the story of Yusuf
So the king gathered all those women, and then he told them:
Tell me what happened and tell me the truth on Yusuf
And you are claiming that Yusuf tried to do the evil with you
I wannna hear the truth today; So what did they respond?
We did not see anything wrong from him,
Nothing of what you heard is true and then who came out?
The head of this whole accusation; The wife of the treasurer
And she is the one that gathered all those women
And she is the one that deceived all those women
And she was the one behind of Yusuf being locked up in the prison
She got up after seven years and she said:
Now it's time for the truth to be clear
It's me that tried to have the evil doing with him
He's an honest man; Righteous man; It's my fault [12:51]
And this is the time for my husband to know that I never did the evil
I tried but it didn't happen and when I told my husband I didn't do it
I am honest I did not do it [12:52]
Now Yusuf AS accepts to come out
Coming out with what? With honour; with respect
The king said to him: What do you want?
So Yusuf; What did he ask for?
He asked for the job of the treasurer
I gave you the solution and I know how to put it into place
He ruled everything, and this is how we gave power to Yusuf on land [12:56]
Seven years will come passed
Those Seven years; Allah SWT had given them seven blessed years
Especially what? The ruler and the treasurer behind that is Yusuf AS
And Yusuf AS for seven years; He put a strategy
That he kept enough food and stock for the next seven years
So people were comfortable in the first seven years