
Joseph AS


Prophet Jesus
Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living, animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden on a basis of a number of reports.

Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
  • Sayyidina Yusuf held those emotions in his heart and he did not speak
  • And then he said: Also silently; You are in worse case,
  • And Allah knows best the truth of what you assert
  • Now the brother are trying to free Binyamin
  • Because they had given their father a promise
  • That we'll come back with him
  • They said: O ruler of the land; Verily he has a father who is old
  • So take one of us in his place;
  • Indeed we think you are one of the good doers [12:78]
  • He said: No, that will be oppression [12:79]
  • He is guilty; We're going to keep him,
  • When they gave up; They went on the side
  • The elder brother; He said: I'm not going to leave Egypt
  • I'm not going to go and face my father after this
  • We have betrayed Yusuf before
  • And now we're going to go to our father and say that...
  • Our brother is taken as a prisoner; I'm not going to leave
  • So he stayed there, and the other brothers went back to Egypt
  • So they went back and they told their father what happened,
  • The father didn't believe this
  • How could it happen that before you betray Yusuf
  • And you come and lie and now you betray his other brother and you lie
  • So he told them; Nay but your ownselves,
  • Have beguiled you to do something [12:83]
  • This time they're telling the truth
  • They said: Ask the people in Egypt
  • All of them will witness that we're telling the truth
  • He said: No you have made a plot; I will have patience
  • May Allah bring them all back to me; Yusuf and his brother
  • He did not even lose hope in Yusuf
  • Because he remembers the dream of Yusuf
  • And he knows that one day Yusuf will be victorious
  • The father started to cry and weep until he turned blind [12:84]
  • The brothers tried to reduce this pain on their father and they said:
  • By Allah you will never seize remembering Yusuf,
  • Until you become weak with old age or until you be of the dead [12:85]
  • He said: I only complain of my grief and sorror to Allah,
  • And I know from Allah that which you know not [12:86]
  • And then he said: O my sons...
  • Go you and inquire about Yusuf and his brother
  • And never give up hope of Allah's mercy
  • Certainly no one despairs of Allah's mercy except people who disbelieve [12:87]

  • And the next year; they went to Egypy to receive the ration
  • They went to Sayyidina Yusuf AS and they met with him
  • And they said: O ruler of the land; A hard time has hit us in our family
  • Difficult moments and they were begging him
  • And we have came with poor capital
  • Something that is not worth a lot
  • So pay us full measure and be charitable to us [12:88]
  • When Sayyidina Yusuf AS saw his brothers begging
  • At that point; When Yusuf saw his brothers begging
  • He didn't want it to go any further
  • He said: Do you know what you have done;
  • To Yusuf and his brother when you were ignorant [12:89]?
  • So immediately when he said that; they knew
  • That the man who's standing in front of them is Yusuf AS
  • They said: Are you indeed Yusuf?
  • I am Yusuf and this is my brother
  • Allah has indeed been gracious to us [12:90]
  • It is the story of someone who went through difficulty
  • Trials, misery, sorrow and sadness but then in the end;
  • Allah had bestowed his blesssings on me; Why?
  • The essence of the Surah of Yusuf
  • Verily who has Taqwa and is patient
  • Allah SWT will not waste the deeds of the right doers
  • Sayyidina Yusuf was victorious in the end in Dunya and in Aakhira

  • But it happened after a while; Therefore it needs patience
  • If you do not have patience
  • You will not be able to survive the long road
  • Now they realised; They realised their loss and they said:
  • By Allah; Indeed Allah has preferred you above us
  • And we certainly have been sinners [12:91]
  • These brothers who were jealous of Yusuf
  • So jealous; they tried to kill him
  • Now they're saying: You're better than us
  • Today, there's no punishment or no blame on you
  • Go you are free; May Allah forgive you
  • And he is the most merciful of those who show mercy [12:92]
  • But he gave them something; He gave them his shirt
  • And he said: Go with this shirt of mine
  • And cast it over the face of my father
  • He will become clear sighted and bring to me all your family [12:93]
  • When the caravan was leaving out of Egypt
  • Sayyidina Yaqub smelt Sayyidina Yusuf; He was smelling his shirt [12:94]
  • And he was still in Egypt and this is another miracle of Sayyidina Yaqub AS
  • They said: O our father by Allah; Certainly you are in your old error [12:95]
  • Then when the bearer of the glad tidings arrived
  • He cast it over his face and he became clear sighted
  • He said: Did I not say to you I know from Allah that which you know not [12:96]?
  • They said: O our father ask forgiveness from Allah for our sins
  • Indeed we have been sinners [12:97]
  • He said: I will ask my Lord for forgiveness for you
  • Verily He only is the One who is Oft-Forgiving; The Most Merciful [12:98]
  • Now all of them moved and they started moving towards Egypt
  • To fulfill the invitation of Sayyidina Yusuf AS
  • Then when they entered on to Yusuf
  • He betook his parents to himself and said:
  • Enter Egypt If Allah will in security [12:99]
  • Sayyidina Yusuf was sitting on a high throne
  • So he elevated his father and his mother to sit with him on the throne
  • And then all of them; The father and the mother and the eleven brothers;
  • Made Sujood to Sayyidina Yusuf AS
  • To fulfil the dream which he saw when he was a child
  • So the eleven planets were his brothers
  • And the sun his father and the moon is his mother
  • O my father this is the intrepretation of my dream of old
  • My Lord has made it come true [12:100]
  • My lord; You have indeed bestowed on me the sovereignty
  • And taught me the intrepretation of dreams
  • The only Creator of the Heavens and the Earth
  • You are my Wali in this world and the Hereafter
  • Sayyidina Yusuf had everything a seeker of this world wants
  • He had power and authority; He had wealth
  • He had control over the kingdom of Egypt
  • Which was the greatest kingdom of the time
  • He was combined with his parents and family again
  • And the dispute among them was solved; He had it all,
  • But this for Sayyidina Yusuf is nothing
  • He would say ALHAMDULILLAH for what Allah SWT has given me,
  • Look at the Dua that Sayyidina Yusuf is saying; He said:
  • Cause me to die as a Muslim and join me with the righteous [12:101]
