Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
Sayyidina Yusuf held those emotions in his heart and he did not speak
And then he said: Also silently; You are in worse case,
And Allah knows best the truth of what you assert
Now the brother are trying to free Binyamin
Because they had given their father a promise
That we'll come back with him
They said: O ruler of the land; Verily he has a father
who is old
So take one of us in his place;
Indeed we think you are one of the good doers [12:78]
He said: No, that will be oppression [12:79]
He is guilty; We're going to keep him,
When they gave up; They went on the side
The elder brother; He said: I'm not going to leave Egypt
I'm not going to go and face my father after this
We have betrayed Yusuf before
And now we're going to go to our father and say that...
Our brother is taken as a prisoner; I'm not going to leave
So he stayed there, and the other brothers went back to Egypt
So they went back and they told their father what happened,
The father didn't believe this
How could it happen that before you betray Yusuf
And you come and lie and now you betray his other brother and you lie
So he told them; Nay but your ownselves,
Have beguiled you to do something [12:83]
This time they're telling the truth
They said: Ask the people in Egypt
All of them will witness that we're telling the truth
He said: No you have made a plot; I will have patience
May Allah bring them all back to me; Yusuf and his brother
He did not even lose hope in Yusuf
Because he remembers the dream of Yusuf
And he knows that one day Yusuf will be victorious
The father started to cry and weep until he turned blind [12:84]
The brothers tried to reduce this pain on their father and they said:
By Allah you will never seize remembering Yusuf,
Until you become weak with old age or until you be of the dead [12:85]
He said: I only complain of my grief and sorror to Allah,
And I know from Allah that which you know not [12:86]
And then he said: O my sons...
Go you and inquire about Yusuf and his brother
And never give up hope of Allah's mercy
Certainly no one despairs of Allah's mercy except people who disbelieve [12:87]
And the next year; they went to Egypy to receive the ration
They went to Sayyidina Yusuf AS and they met with him
And they said: O ruler of the land; A hard time has hit us in our family
Difficult moments and they were begging him
And we have came with poor capital
Something that is not worth a lot
So pay us full measure and be charitable to us [12:88]
When Sayyidina Yusuf AS saw his brothers begging
At that point; When Yusuf saw his brothers begging
He didn't want it to go any further
He said: Do you know what you have done;
To Yusuf and his brother when you were ignorant [12:89]?
So immediately when he said that; they knew
That the man who's standing in front of them is Yusuf AS
They said: Are you indeed Yusuf?
I am Yusuf and this is my brother
Allah has indeed been gracious to us [12:90]
It is the story of someone who went through difficulty
Trials, misery, sorrow and sadness but then in the end;
Allah had bestowed his blesssings on me; Why?
The essence of the Surah of Yusuf
Verily who has Taqwa and is patient
Allah SWT will not waste the deeds of the right doers
Sayyidina Yusuf was victorious in the end in Dunya and in Aakhira
But it happened after a while; Therefore it needs patience
If you do not have patience
You will not be able to survive the long road
Now they realised; They realised their loss and they said:
By Allah; Indeed Allah has preferred you above us
And we certainly have been sinners [12:91]
These brothers who were jealous of Yusuf
So jealous; they tried to kill him
Now they're saying: You're better than us
Today, there's no punishment or no blame on you
Go you are free; May Allah forgive you
And he is the most merciful of those who show mercy [12:92]
But he gave them something; He gave them his shirt
And he said: Go with this shirt of mine
And cast it over the face of my father
He will become clear sighted and bring to me all your family [12:93]
When the caravan was leaving out of Egypt
Sayyidina Yaqub smelt Sayyidina Yusuf; He was smelling his shirt [12:94]
And he was still in Egypt and this is another miracle of Sayyidina Yaqub AS
They said: O our father by Allah; Certainly you are in your old error [12:95]
Then when the bearer of the glad tidings arrived
He cast it over his face and he became clear sighted
He said: Did I not say to you I know from Allah that which you know not [12:96]?
They said: O our father ask forgiveness from Allah for our sins
Indeed we have been sinners [12:97]
He said: I will ask my Lord for forgiveness for you
Verily He only is the One who is Oft-Forgiving; The Most Merciful [12:98]
Now all of them moved and they started moving towards Egypt
To fulfill the invitation of Sayyidina Yusuf AS
Then when they entered on to Yusuf
He betook his parents to himself and said:
Enter Egypt If Allah will in security [12:99]
Sayyidina Yusuf was sitting on a high throne
So he elevated his father and his mother to sit with him on
the throne
And then all of them; The father and the mother
and the eleven brothers;
Made Sujood to Sayyidina Yusuf AS
To fulfil the dream which he saw when he was a child
So the eleven planets were his brothers
And the sun his father and the moon is his mother
O my father this is the intrepretation of my dream of old
My Lord has made it come true [12:100]
My lord; You have indeed bestowed on me the sovereignty
And taught me the intrepretation of dreams
The only Creator of the Heavens and the Earth
You are my Wali in this world and the Hereafter
Sayyidina Yusuf had everything a seeker of this world wants
He had power and authority; He had wealth
He had control over the kingdom of Egypt
Which was the greatest kingdom of the time
He was combined with his parents and family again
And the dispute among them was solved; He had it all,
But this for Sayyidina Yusuf is nothing
He would say ALHAMDULILLAH for what Allah SWT has given me,
Look at the Dua that Sayyidina Yusuf is saying; He said:
Cause me to die as a Muslim and join me with the righteous [12:101]