The Ascension of Prophet


May Allah raise his rank


The Ascension is not the Prophet Ascending up to meet Allah '

We must remember now, Allah does not exist in a place or direction. So it would be impossible for the Prophet to ascend up to meet Allah. What the ascension is is basically Prophet Muhammad(may Allah raise his rank) making the journey with the Angel Jibrill at night from the Masjid in Makkah to the Masjid in Jerusalem. He made this journey both in body and soul.

  • The roof of the house in which the Prophet was staying opened and the Angel Jibrill descended down. He opened the Prophet's chest and washed it with Zam Zam water.
  • Then he emptied something from a container and poured it into the Prophet's chest to increase his wisom and the strength of his belief
  • After the Prophet did the evening prayer Angel Jibril came to him with an animal from paradise called a Burrahk, this is a very fast animal
  • The Prophet mounted the animal with the Angel Jibrill and they took off

  • One of the first places they went to is Bethlehelm, where Prophet Jesus was born
  • Then the Burrahk and The Prophet and Angel continued moving until they reached the city of Jerusalem
  • There, the Prophet entered the Holy Mosque and Allah descended for him all the prophets from Adam to Jesus
  • Prophet Muhammad moved forward and led them all in a segregational prayer
  • Him leading all the other Prophets in prayer is an indication of his high status over them

  • On the Prophet's journey from the Mosque in Makkah to the Mosque in Jerusalem Allah enabled him to see some of His wonderous creations
  • Allah enabled the Prophet to see the world like an elderly woman wearing a lot of jewlery
  • Also, Allah enabled the Prophet to see Ibliss, The Shaytan. The Prophet saw something on the side of the road that did not dare stand in his way or speak to him
  • Also on his journey the Prophet smelled a very nice odor
  • He asked Jibrill where the refreshing odor was coming from, Jibrill told the Prophet it was coming from the grave of the woman who used to comb the pharaoh's daughter hair. The woman was combing her hair one day and the comb dropped. She then picked it up and said "Bismillah"
  • The Pharaoh's daughter saw this and asked her if she had a Lord other than her father
  • She replied "yes, the Lord of me, your father, and all, Allah"
  • The Pharaoh's daughter said nothing, she continued as she was
  • Then later on that same day the Pharaoh's daugter told her father the Pharaoh about what occured with the woman. The Pharaoh became angry and immediately summoned her
  • The Pharaoh ordered the woman to blaspheme and testify that he was God
  • The lady refused
  • The Pharaoh than ordered some men to boil a hot pot full of water and he began to bring the woman's children to the front. The Pharaoh then began to drop the woman's children into the boiling pot full of water killing them one by one. Throughout all this the woman remained strong and steadfast to Islam.
    And then when the Pharaoh got to her youngest child, a baby boy still breadstfeeding.
    She did not loser her Iman, you have to understand, this woman was a strong believer. She did not lose her faith at all, she was just dishearted because the boy was still a baby and the woman loved him so much. So Allah saw this and he enabled the baby boy to speak. He said "O Mother, please be patient for the tortures of the hereafter is far more severe than this worlds'. And do not be reluctant, because you are right"
  • At this the woman then asked the Pharaoh to bury her bones and her children's bones in the same grave after he killed them
  • The Pharaoh agreed
  • The Pharaoh promised her this and dropped her in the boiling pot, along with the rest of her children
  • She died as a martyr of Islam

  • The good odor the Prophet was smelling from her grave was an indication of her high status
  • Among the other things that the Prophet saw on his trip from the Mosque in Makkah to the Mosque in Jerusalem was the punishment of the people in the grave
  • The Prophet saw people who's lips were clipped with scissors made of fire. Angel Jibrill told the Prophet that these are the speakers of sedition. Those who call people to misguidance
  • The Prophet also saw Angels smashing peoples' heads with rocks. These heads will grow back to the form they had been. Then the Angels will smash them again. Angel Jibrill told the Prophet that these are the people who's heads felt too big to perform prayer. Those who would go to sleep without praying

  • After the Prophet took the night journey he ascended to the upper heavens in extraodinary stairs, one made of gold and the other of silver
  • Him and the Angel Jibrill arrived at the first heaven
  • When the Prophet and Jibrill arrived here Jibrill requested the gate to be opened from the gatekeeper, another angel
  • The Angel assigned to the gate asked, "who is with you?"
  • Jibrill responded "It's Muhammad"
  • The Angel asked Jibrill "is it time for him to ascend?"
  • Jibril responded "yes"
  • The gate opened and the Prophet and Jibrill entered the first Heaven
  • The first heaven contained Prophet Adam
  • He greeted him pleasantly and made supplication to Allah for him
  • Then the Angel Jibril and the Prophet continued further up to the second Heaven
  • The second Heaven contained Prophet Jesus
  • He greeted Muhammad pleasantly and also made Du'a for him
  • The Prophet and Angel Jibrill proceeded
  • They moved up to the third Heaven
  • The third Heaven contained the handsome Prophet Yusuf
  • He greeted Muhammad pleasantly and made supplications to Allah for him
  • They moved up to the fourth Heaven
  • The fourth Heaven contained Prophet Ibriss
  • He greeted Muhammad pleasantly and made Du'a for him
  • The fifth Heaven contained Prophet Ibriss
  • He greeted Muhammad pleasantly and made Du'a to Allah for him
  • The sixth Heaven contained Prophet Moses
  • It was here that Prophet Moses asked Prophet Muhammad to ascend further up to a point where he can speak to Allah and ask Him to lessen the daily prayer from 50
  • The Prophet agreed, he humbly went and asked Allah to lessen the prayer
  • The Prophet went to Moses and told him that he did it, and Allah had agreed to lessen the prayer from 50 to 45
  • Again, Prophet Moses asked Prophet Muhammad to go to the presence of Allah and ask him to reduce the prayer
  • “O Muhammad, I know people, your nation will not be able to handle it, go back and ask for the burden on your people to be relieved.”
  • Even though Prophet Muhammad is the best of the Prophets and creations he knew that Prophet Moses had more knowledge and wisdom at this time, especially in regards to the people
  • The Prophet knew this and immediately accepted and went to Allah to ask him to reduce the daily prayer
  • He did this a total of nine times
  • The prayer was reduced to five
  • Prophet Moses told Prophet Muhammad to go back to the presence of Allah and ask him to reduce the prayer
  • Prophet Muhammad said no
  • He said he was too ashamed to ask Allah again and he was satisfied with five
  • The Seventh Heaven contained Prophet Ibrahim
    He is the best, after Prophet Muhammad. Allah says in the Quran that he chooses the family of Ibrahim over all of mankind. This is because Ibrahim was so great, and he is the father of many Prophets. Prophet Moses, Solomon, Muhammad, they are all descendants from Prophet Ibrahim. He had his first son at the age of 86
  • And he had his first child with his wife Sarah when he was 120

  • All these Prophets gave Prophet Muhammad a warm welcome and made Du'a for him
  • After the Prophet got to the seventh Heaven Allah enabled him and the Angel Jibrill to go to paradise, and there he saw its inhabitans and how their situation would be
  • He saw most of the inhabitants of paradise are from the poor people
  • The poor "Muslims" of course
  • While he was in paradise Allah also enabled him to see Malik, the gatekeeper of Hellfire
  • Malik did not smile when he saw the Prophet. The Prophet found this very strange and asked Jibrill why
  • Jibril told the Prophet that Malik did not smile since the day Allah created him, had he would have smiled for anyone, he would've surely smiled for you
  • In paradise Allah also enabled to see some very beautiful women. These women, they are not Angel, Jinn, or human. They are in paradise and would be married to those men in paradise which Allah willed for them to marry
  • The Prophet also saw The Throne in paradise
  • The Throne is carried by four Angels, on the day of judgement it will be carried by 8 Angels
  • The Prophet said that he was permitted to talk about one of the Angels carrying The Throne
  • He said that it will take a fast flying bird 700 years to fly from the Angel's shoulder to its' earlobe. 700 YEARS!

  • After the Prophet's ascension he descended back down and returned to his home in Makkah
  • Some scholars say that his journey to Jerusalem, The Heavens, and what is above it took 1/3 of the night
  • The next morning the Prophet gathered the people and told them about his trip and ascension the previous night
  • The blasphemers belied and mocked him. They're saying "we need a month to get there and back, and you're saying that you did it in one night?"
  • They said to Abu Bakr, "look at what your companion is saying. Trying to deceive us and tell us he went to Jerusalem in one night"
  • Abu Bakr said "if he said that, than he is truthful"
  • Abu Bakr strongly believed in all that the Prophet said and conveyed
  • The blasphemers asked the Prophet to describe the Masjid in Jerusalem and its' surroundings, for they had been there before and they knew exactly how it looked
  • Allah enabled the Prophet to see the Masjid in Jerusalem and he was able to describe it in exact detail
  • Still, they did not believe

  • The blasphemers refused to believe and most of them died without believing