The Belief

The Belief
Pay attention very closely.


In the beginning there was absolutely nothing and only Allah existed. That is how it began and that is how it will surely end. Allah created everything from the first creation, the original water. It was from this first creation of water that time began to exist. I cannot even say that Allah existed long before time because it was He who created time so it would not be proper to say. Rather I will say that Allah exists out of time. There is no creation that coexist with Allah. Certainly He is unequivocal, certainly He is Almighty, certainly He is God. The most relevant theological concept that we have to know about God is His Oneness. Allah is One. God is One. Refer to here for further explanation.

Now that we have established that the only true God is Allah we must now discuss what He likes and dislikes.
NOO! 😰 That is blasphemy. Allah does not like or dislike because only the creation likes and dislikes and He is not similar to the creation at all. I seek refuge from Allah and I pray that he may forgive me for such blasphemy. Rather I will say what Allah accepts and does not accept. Allah accepts good. He accepts Islam. He only accepts those 2 in this Dunya.