The Shaytan and Jinn


  • The Shaytan, or Ibliss is a Jinn, he is the first Jinn
  • Allah created him out of fire
  • Ibliss is The Shaytan, nonetheless, he is the accursed devil himself
  • "Ibliss" is a proper noun and is the Arabic name of the particular satan who deceived Adam and Eve in paradise, and even now lays in wait for any opportunity to deceive the sons of Adam
  • Ibliss exists now
  • He has no Power, only Allah has Power
  • We have more in common with Ibliss than we do with Allah. We have nothing in common with Allah, absolutely nothing
  • "Satan" is a common noun that denotes any creature that is mischievious, misleading, and delinquent, whether it be human or not
  • The word "Jinn" is etymologically derved from a word meaning to hide or to be hidden
  • Jinns are creatures that are made from fire and possess both a body and a soul
  • The Jinn are held legally accountable before Allah(awj) and can choose to believe or disbelieve
  • The Shaytan is the head of the Jinn. It is Allah who is really in charge but Ibliss is the one to control all of the Jinns
  • The bad Jinns are called "Shayateen"
  • The Shaytan is Allah's fury on mankind
  • 4 times The Shaytan is closest to you. When one is really happy, really hungry, angry, or sexually stimulated