Chapter 10


Page 96

"It’s not funny!” Abdul shouted to Shay as she continued to laugh.
“Why don’t you wanna be his dad?” Shay asked in the midst of her laughter.
“Btch! Cause I don’t like their mom that’s why. That btch ugly af!” Abdul said.
“Have you ever seen Kim Possible? You know the naked mole rat, ‘Rufus’. That’s what she looks like, no lie!” Abdul said.
Shay gave a huge laughter.
“OMG!” She said as she was laughing.
“And Rufus always be like ‘BOOYAH!’” Abdul said as he punched his fist in the air.
Shay erupted in laughter and held her stomach. She nearly fell off the bed.
"I got enough to worry about, you dig what I’m saying. You think I have time to be a father? FAACCKK NOO!” Abdul said.
“What you have to worry about?” Shay asked as she stopped laughing and climbed her head back on his chest.
“People acting funny around me!” Abdul said.
“What you mean bae?” Shay asked.
“Just random people, acting like they know me n shyt, and trying to be my friend n shyt. People changing their names wtf. Nggas is scatted!”
“People are changing their names?” Shay asked.
“YAASSS!” Abdul replied.
“The mailman, my classmates, every one! Everybody is gay!”
Shay gave a huge laugh. “Omg what you mean bae?”
Abdul closed his eyes and turned his face to the side. “Idk. I think I have a hunch. This shyt is all about Religion.” Abdul said.
“How?” Asked Shay.
“Nggas praying on my downfall. I got the music playing but the sound’s off.”
“Look, I don’t wanna talk about this shyt. I’ve already told you more than enough. You’re probably working for the other side.” Abdul said.
Shay smacked her lips. “I’m definitely not!”
“You definitely are!”
“I’m your wife.”
“You a opp.” Abdul said.
“Really Abdul?” Shay asked.
No response came from Abdul. There was a pause.
“You have to be able to trust your wife. That’s why you married me.”
“I married you cause your ass fat. No other reason, you hear me?” Abdul said.
“Really Abdul?”
There was a pause. Abdul was starring up at the ceiling and Shay was staring up at him.
“You dumb as shyt.” Abdul said in a low tone of voice.
"Of course I trust you btch. Why would you ever think otherwise?” Abdul said.
"You do?” Shay asked.
“Why are you so stupid?” Abdul said.
He continued. “I freely married you, without any compulsion. No one held a gun to my head and forced me to marry you. I did it freely. And I prayed Istikhara.” Abdul said.
“What is Istikhara?” Shay asked.
"The prayer of guidance. Whenever you have a difficult decision to make, you pray Istikhara, and Allah will help guide you so that you can make the correct decision. And I indeed prayed Istikhara before I married you. Because... Marriage is a life long commitment. And I never plan on getting divorced with you.” Abdul said.
"Why don’t you ever wanna get divorced?” Shay asked.
"Btch! Cause I love you. Ya hear me?”
"Aww... You love me?” Shay asked.
"I done told yo ass already shorty, on multiple occasions.” Abdul said.
"Can you make a song for me, like you did for your little sister?” Shay asked.
"FAACKK NOO!” Abdul replied.
“Btch! Cause I don’t know you, you not my girlfriend!”
"Yeah, cause I’m your wife.”
"You a quick fling shorty!”
Shay sucked her teeth. “Really Abdul?”
"Yes! I don’t got no love for you.” Abdul said.
"Because all you do is take my money!”
"No I don’t boy.” Shay said.
"I know you’re working for the government btch!”Abdul said.
“You sound stupid.” Shay replied.
"Whatever. You’re just trying get in my pockets shorty. I already know what type time you on.” Abdul said.
"I want you to make a song for me.” Shay said.
There was silence. Abdul did not respond. Then he shrugged his shoulders.
“Insha’llah. When my feelings for you develop stronger. Right now their stagnant. Their fluctuating.”
“Why are they fluctuating.” Shay asked.
"Because I know you’re working for the other side. You’re not really with me.”
"I am! I’m with you bae.”
"No, you’re not.” Abdul retorted.
"Yes df I am!” Shay said.
"I don’t believe you. You gotta earn your stripes.” Abdul said.
"How do I earn my stripes?”
"You gotta keep sucking my dck.”
Shay smacked her lips.
"Yass!! That’s the only way for me to know.” Abdul said.

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