I should've went at her, I could tell she wanted me and I wanted her back twice as much, I'm so fukkin stupid!! I could've got her and married her and we would've had many children together and lived happily ever after. Why df do i not just go for it?? Why df am I so stupid???


😳 it's for the sake of Allah

My reward is with my Lord in Jannah Tul Firdos

I am a pious slave of Allah

-I just wish...

😔 I wasn't so alone

What are some easy ways to kill yourself *Google search*

First off, if you’re reading this, I’m sure there is something going on in your life – possibly something bad. You have thoughts – negative ones mostly. I need you to understand that, this is normal, but you’re right. You probably are going through a bad time in life. People don’t care about you anymore, nobody loves you, you feel awful. You are in debt, or worse… an ailment and you’re in pain. I understand.

-btch no you don't understand!

Suicide is an easy option. Possibly because you want to start over at the press of a button. Like a video game. Press the button. Boom! Restart.

You see, life is very like (and unlike) a video game. In video games, you either fail or win. There is a certain something that you have to do to win. Like get to the fucking princess. Or find a treasure. Something.

-bro wtff r u talking about?? I wanna kill myself this retarded mf talking about video games and princesses n shyt df 😕

Life is different. Sometimes there are no princesses, no villains. Heck, no fucking treasure. It’s frustrating. Let’s hold on to that thought for a second. Moving on….


Let’s talk about all those idiots around you. People.

-fuck everybody! fuck this whole world!

They don’t care. They don’t treat you well. Selfish SOBs. There is no fucking meaning to relationships

I get the frustration. But here’s the thing. What if they cared? Like, how much is enough? How much should they care for you to be happy?

-not a lot, just show you care a little bit

You don’t know? Well, they don’t know either. I guarantee you, after you’re gone, they’re gonna cry. Like they cared. Hah!

-good! Maybe if they cried then they would get a taste of how I'm feeling a little bit

THE SECRET ABOUT PEOPLE, NOBODY WILL TELL YOU Now, here’s a fun fact about people. You can game them. They’re not as clever as you think they are. You can make them dance according to your wish if you know where and how to pull the strings. 😉 I do it all the time, let me tell you how.

-fukkin faggot, giving me winking faces n shyt

-btch. Death. Die. Suicide. I wanna kill myself this stupid mf talking about dancing n shyt and giving me winks n shyt, fuckin faggot

This is the secret, note it down (No really, write it down on a piece of paper or something).

1. First off, think about your favorite person in life. The one, whom you will talk to before you suicide.

-I don't have a favorite person. Only me

Ok, it’s a bit complex. Let me break it down for ya.

For example, if you wanted someone to tell you that they loved you.. say your wife or your son or your lover…. Find the SOB, get a minute from him and stand right in front of him/her.

Swallow your pride. Forget your past. Look straight in their eyes. And say “I love you, you SOB!”.

-so this would mean that I would stand in the bathroom mirror and look at myself

Fucking walk away then. Let them marinate on it for a while.

-wtf does marinate mean?? It sounds like a homosexual term, and why df are u swearing so much??

5. Now you sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

-how df can I sit back and enjoy the show if I wanna die and kill myself. You're not helping!

I guarantee you. You’ll be surprised the way they react. What you just did, is the most powerful thing in the universe (or hologram of whatever the hell it is). They can’t ignore it.

-fuck this universe! fuck you!! fuck the word "marinate"

I’ll leave it to you to figure out what will happen next. You will enjoy it, I guarantee.

-btch what's gonna happen next is I'm gonna purchase some cyanide pills or shoot myself in the fuckin head!

Wait..now, let’s get to the point, ways to suicide. Almost fucking forgot.

-stop cursing

1. JUMPING OFF A BUILDING Probably the easiest because nobody will suspect you until they find you dead. Just get to the top of a fucking building and jump down.

There’s one thing though. The time you’re “in flight” from point A to Point B at the ground is going to be so painful than you think. Especially when the building is a high rise. This is the reason why professional jumpers have their harness on, because on the way down, you might lose your limb, or tear your jaw off, or get your back twisted – you know, things like that. And when you reach down, it’s all over.

But God forbid, you survive. Life is going to be miserable. Like living with only a limb, or in a coma despising the moment you chose to jump. Not something you’d want right?

-btch idcc! At least if I'm in a coma I won't have to be conscious and deal with this fuckin fucked up world

Fucking walk away then. Let them marinate on it for a while.

5. Now you sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

I guarantee you. You’ll be surprised the way they react. What you just did, is the most powerful thing in the universe (or hologram of whatever the hell it is). They can’t ignore it.

I’ll leave it to you to figure out what will happen next. You will enjoy it, I guarantee.

Wait..now, let’s get to the point, ways to suicide. Almost fucking forgot.

1. JUMPING OFF A BUILDING Probably the easiest because nobody will suspect you until they find you dead. Just get to the top of a fucking building and jump down.

There’s one thing though. The time you’re “in flight” from point A to Point B at the ground is going to be so painful than you think. Especially when the building is a high rise. This is the reason why professional jumpers have their harness on, because on the way down, you might lose your limb, or tear your jaw off, or get your back twisted – you know, things like that. And when you reach down, it’s all over.

But God forbid, you survive. Life is going to be miserable. Like living with only a limb, or in a coma despising the moment you chose to jump. Not something you’d want right?

Well, we got more options.

You might have seen this in movies. Cut your wrist with a sharp object and job done!

What you need to know though, is that this isn’t easy as it looks like. First the pain involved when you cut your own wrist is too much to suffer before a death. Second, if you’re not a medical practitioner, it is easy to miss that important vein – and if you miss it, you might actually survive the whole ordeal.

So, its not as easy as a simple cut anywhere on your wrist. You got to find the right veins and make sure that you don’t miss them in the process. Its not that painless after all. Also, the fact that you will not die soon but only will be unconscious for a long time, after you cut your wrist, will end you up at a hospital bed as a survivor. Think about the emotional pain you have to go through facing all those people. They’ll be like “Dude..really?”


-ima be really meticulous, and ima watch a lot of YouTube videos to see how to do that shit right

If people are around, one of them might call for help and get someone to rescue you. It might also be a good idea to make sure there are no swimmers around. Like if there’s one around he’ll enjoy the day rescuing you and ruin your plans to die.

So go find a bridge, where there’s hardly anyone around. Good luck finding one.

-it doesn't have to be a bridge, just somewhere of a high latitude

This involves taking some toxic substance within your body. Poison is easy to find, as some of the daily use chemicals too can be toxic if ingested. The fun thing is that even though most toxic substances are dangerous, they aren’t lethal. Given the right kind of medical attention at the right time, your life can be saved.

Suicide by poison intake has the most number of survivals so, this isn’t a reliable way to suicide. Also, it wouldn’t taste good. Yuck!

-do you really think I give a fuck about the taste??

-I think rat poisoning will suffice

-or cyanide

Postpone any decision to end your life

When suicidal thoughts are strong, it may feel like you have to act on your thoughts immediately. It’s really important to postpone the decision to end your life and to remind yourself that these thoughts will pass.

-no they won't pass! I've been having these thoughts for some time now and they are still present in my head

Many people report that by putting off the decision to die, they’re able to get the support they need. People who have experienced suicidal thoughts and have been able to avoid acting on them say that they can now see that postponing their decision to die was the best thing they did.

-sure, I'll postpone it. I was going to bathe with a toaster in the bathtub 🛁 but I suppose I'll just do it tomorrow

Keep a list of other things you can do to distract yourself. This might include:

watching television
playing sport
going to the movies
ringing a friend
going for a walk or a run
reading a book
listening to music.

-umm... let's see
watching television- don't watch tv

playing sport- impaired balance

going to the movies- hate movies

ringing a friend- don't have one

going for a walk or a run- impaired balance

reading a book- sure!

listening to music- sure!

Although it may be difficult, and may seem like an even bigger challenge than taking the steps to end your life, reach out to others. Talking to someone you trust can help you to see alternative ways of solving or thinking about the problems or feelings that are overwhelming you. It can also help to remind you that people care about you, and that they wouldn’t be better off without you. It can help you to realise what’s important to you and clarify your reasons for living.

-I already told God but He didn't say nothing!

You could tell a family member or friend, teacher, counsellor or any person that you feel comfortable with. If they don't believe you or don't want to listen, keep trying until you find someone who does. Sometimes people don't react well at first because they don't know how to cope. This isn’t your fault, and although it may feel hard, don't give up!

-I have "N-O-B-O-D-Y"

If you find it hard to talk about how you’re feeling, try writing something down for the other person to read.

-I'm gonna write a suicide note

Make your environment safe

If you’ve been making serious plans for how to end your life, let someone know the details of these plans. Get rid of anything you’ve been thinking about using to harm yourself and avoid going to places where you’ve considered killing yourself. Don’t use any alcohol or drugs, and remove these from your home – they can really cloud your judgement and make you feel worse.

-the marijuana eases the pain tho

There’s Nothing Selfish About Suicide The trouble with suicide is that no one knows what to say. No one knows how to react. So they smile and wave and attempt distraction... but they never ever say the word. The survivors, it seems, are often left to survive on their own

-I agree!

You might be experiencing some of the following thoughts and feelings:

are you sure that you want to die

- I've never been sure more about anything in my life

desperately want a solution to your nightmare and can’t see any other way out

-the only solution is death!

don't care if you live or die and are taking more risks or living recklessly

-Idgaf about my life! My existence is meaningless

don't actively want to kill yourself but would welcome death if it happened.

-I actively do want to kill myself! If it happened I would be more than happy. If I did not wake up in the morning I'd be glad

You might view death as a release or way of taking control

-death is not a release, nor is it a way of taking control, death is the answer!

don't know why you are having suicidal thoughts and completely powerless to know what to do about it.

-I know exactly why I'm having these thoughts. Because my life is shitty and I have nothing to live for!

We can talk with you through all of this.

-I don't wanna talk I wanna diee!!!

-df *Suicide Prevention Hotline*


-Obviously I've made up my mind. This is what I want to do, I am adamant

-I wanna kill myself because I'm sick of living in this world full of fake ass people! I'm sick of everything! I just wanna 💀-----🔫

Reasons why I want to kill myself:

1. I'm ugly as shit!

2. No woman wants to marry me

3. I'm tired of these faggots always approaching me

4. My hormones allow me to continually disobey my Lord and sin

5. I don't have any friends

These are all valid reasons for killing myself and I will not be punished in the Hereafter