Christy then lifts both her hand up to cover her mouth. I stay standing there in front of her. She doesn’t say anything. For a few seconds everybody is quiet, me, Christy, all the students and teachers crowded around us.
“Come on son, let’s go!” Said a security guard as he places a hand on my shoulder.
I stay standing there for a couple more seconds, expecting Christy to remove her hands from over her mouth to say something.
“Jason… I…” She begins to say.
“ALRIGHT EVERYONE, LET’S GO BACK IN!” Says her Economic teacher, as she begins to bring all of her kids back in the classroom, including Christy.
She turns her head and looks back at me as she’s going inside. She moves her lips and says something to me without making a sound, but I couldn’t quite make out what she said. I extended my arm to try to call her to come back but before I can, her head disappears in the classroom.
“Come on.” The security guard says as he grabs on to my elbow. Then me and him both go in the elevator and head down to the second floor.
“Is your class on this floor?” He asks me.
“Yes.” I reply to him honestly.
“Okay go back to class, and don’t be roaming the hallways no more okay.” He says.
I nod my head up and down. “Yes sir.” I say.
The security guard then turns around and begins walking the opposite direction. I also turn around and start walking to Mr. Keen’s room. My favorite class, after Lunch and Gym.
I walk straight, then I approach a corner and make a left. I come to a hallway filled with lockers on both sides. I keep walking straight as I head to another corner.
Violet comes out of the hallway and walks in front of me.
“Oh Jason, I didn’t even see you there. Are you okay?” She asks me.
“Yes.” I say to her, then I keep walking.
“What happened upstairs, with you and Christy?” She asks me as I’m walking back.
“She just texted me and told me what happened.” She said.
“What else did she say? Is she still mad?” I ask her.
Violet paused for a minute and does not respond as she carefully looks at me.
Then she sits down on one of the tables in the hallway, she pats down with her hand next to her and she calls me to come sit down. I hesitate for a little bit. I have to take my time with Violet. I’m very dubious about her intentions for me, I still remember our last experience.
“What’s wrong?” She asks me with a concerned tone of voice.
I sit down next to her, then I put my head down and bury them in my elbows.
“She don’t love me no more!” I say out loud.
Violet gasps, then she puts her hand over her mouth.
“What happened?” She asks me.
I stare blankly ahead and begin to shake my head.
“I messed up. It was my fault.” I said.
“But still, me and her we’re married, I thought marriages were supposed to be about giving chances and stuff like that.” I said.
“She gave me no chances whatsoever. I mean… I know I messed up. But I’m a boy, that’s what we do. We mess up!” I say to her. Then I laid my head back down on my knees.
“I just…”
“I just… want my baby back.” I say then I close both my eyes as my head is down.
Violet lifts her hand up and covers her mouth, without Jason seeing.
This is the sweetest boy ever! Violet thinks to herself.
Then she lightly puts her hand on Jason’s back and begins to rub.
“Aw it’s okay Jason, I’m sure she still… cares about you.” Violet said.
“She did sound pretty upset on the phone though.” She adds.
I then lifted my head up. “What did she say?” I ask her.
“She just… sounded very unhappy. She texted me while I was in class and she called me early this morning. She said that you went out to smoke weed with your friends and that’s all that you care about.” She said.
“That’s not true! I care about HER, I care about football, I care about my family, I care about school, weed is not all that I care about! Why do she be exaggerating and trippin’ like that?” I said to Violet.
“Idk Jason.” She quietly said, then she places her hand on my lap.
“I don’t approve of it at all, not in the least bit. But you know, you’re a man, if that’s what you wanna do…” She says as she begins to move her hand slightly up my zipper.
I pretend as if I don’t notice and let her continue.
“You can do whatever you want, and no one can tell you what to do.” She said.
I begin to nod my head up and down. “Yes! I am the man!” I say out loud.
“Yess you are. You’re a very… big… large… man.” She says as she continues to rub my legs and pushes her fingers close to my zippers and she begins to pull it down. Jason immediately gets stimulated.
Then Jason gets up from the table. “I gotta get back to class Violet.”
He turns around and begins to walk away. Violet then holds out her hand and calls to Jason.
“Wait…” She said.
“I need your help with something.” Violet continues.
Jason then turns his full body to face her.
“What you need help with?” He asks her.
Violet then slides down from the table and begins walking towards Jason. He watched her as she slowly walked towards him. Everything that she had on was too tight and too revealing. She had on a small white T-Shirt which looked like a blouse. And she had on black legging pants, in which I could see her underwear through them. And her hair was also put up in a pony-tail like Christy, but she had long blonde hair, whereas Christy’s hair was all black.
“I need to go the library on the fourth floor to print out a paper, but I’ve never been there before, could you please show me as to where it is at?” She asks me.
I stand there and stare at her, then I fold my arms across my chest.
“You’ve… never… been to the library?” I ask her with conspicuous skepticism in my tone.
“No, I mean yeah I have. But I need help to print out that stupid stem cell paper for Ms. Senkow. You got her class right?” She asks me.
“Yes.” I reply.
Violet then walks towards me and grabs my arm.
“Please please please could you help me?” She asks.
I gave a short pause. “Yeah, whatever.” I say as I lightly shrug my shoulders.
“YAY!” A big smile spreads on Violet’s face.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She says as she reaches over and wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a big hug.
Jason keeps his hands outward and doesn’t hug back. But then she begins to tighten her grip around his neck. And she gently shook her head so that her long blonde pony-tail brushed across his face. The scent went right into Jason’s nostril. He sniffed deep. Cocoa Butter and Irish Spring, Jason then closed his eyes as he began to wrap his arms around Violet’s back.
As she hugged him he began to lightly rub her lower back.
“Thank you so much Jason!” She said.
“You don’t know how much you’re helping me out!” She adds as she rubs the back of his head and massages his ears.
Jason quickly releases from her grip and put his hands on her shoulders and taps lightly.
“Don’t sweat it.” Jason says as he turns around and begins to head for the elevator. Violet slowly follows behind him, and she is in awe as she stares the entire time. The rhythmic pattern that he had when he walked. Every time that he lifted up his leg and put it back down, Violet’s heart skipped a beat.
They both step inside the elevator. They stood side by side as the elevator ascended. Violet thought about making a move now, but then she began thinking that now might not be the best time. The elevator is going to open back up in a few seconds and if somebody sees them then they might tell Christy…
“Thank you so much again Jason.” She said as she turns to him.
“Yeah…” Jason weakly replies.
Violet then turns back forward. She then begins to yawn and stretch, she moans as she does this.
Jason pretends that he doesn’t hear her and he keeps his head down and swallows hard a gulp of spit.
Violet yawns again, moaning louder this time. And she stretched out both of her arms far wide, she then lightly rubs her fingers against “it”.
Jason closes his eye as he begins to get stimulated.
“I am so tired!” She said as her hands fell back down her sides.
The elevator door opens up. Jason steps to the side as he let Violet pass first.
“Thank you.” She said with a smile on her face as she walked past Jason.
“Whoever said chivalry was dead, clearly has no met you.” Violet said.
Jason smiles politely, but doesn’t say a word. They make a left turn and starts walking straight forward.
“Hold on okay, I just have to go get a drink of water real quick.” Violet said.
Jason nods his head towards her as a way to say “okay”. Violet then walks over to the water fountain in the corner. She pulls up her pants again. Her pony-tail was already tied behind her head, but she still held it with her hand as she bent over to take a drink.
As soon as she began to bend her elbows, Jason’s eyes were fixed on her. Her legs, her thighs, her pony-tail, her tight legging pants. Then Jason’s eye wandered across her backside. His eye got larger as they almost bulged out of his skull. Violet could feel and see Jason staring, so she takes a longer time while drinking.
After about two minutes she lifts her head up.
“AAHHH! That was good.” She says as she wipes her forearm across her mouth.
“Come on Jason, where to?” She asks him.
Jason doesn’t respond. He’s still standing in that same spot and does not move. Thoughts begin to fill his head. When he was staring at Violet, that wasn’t her that he was staring at. That was Christy, that was his wife.
“Jason… what’s wrong”? Violet asks him as she trudges behind him and began to tug on his arm.
“Are you okay?” She asks with a lot of concern in her tone.
Jason remains standing there while looking straight forward. Flashes of Christy’s face began to pop in his head, then Christy’s backside, then Violet’s backside.
“I gotta go to the bathroom right quick!” Jason said as he began walking through the bathroom door which was close to the water fountain.
Nobody was inside as he stepped in. Class was still in session and the kids just got into their class, which is maybe why the bathroom had nobody in it.
Jason walked up to the sink and he placed both his palms flat down and looked in the mirror. Jason then drops his head down and begins to splash water on his face. He then looked at his reflection in the mirror again. He placed his fingers on the mirror and begins to count.
“Christy… Christy… Christy.” Jason repeatedly whispers to himself.
A few seconds later the bathroom door slowly opens, and Violet walks in.
“Jason… are you… are you okay?” Quietly she said as she steps in.
“VIOLET! This is the boys’ bathroom, you can’t be in here, somebody can see you.” I say to her.
Violet begins to gently close the door behind her. She then shrugs her shoulders as she walks toward Jason.
“Nobody’s here Jason… it’s just me… and you.” She says.
“I know you was staring at me.” Says Violet.
“I know… you want me.” She adds.
I turn my head to the other side. “Idk what you’re talking about.” I said.
Violet begins to laugh lightly as she puts her hand over her mouth.
“Jason… ITS OKAY.” She said.
“I want you too.” Again she says.
“Nobody’s going to find out.” She says as she places both her hands on my stomach and begins to rub down.
She then puts her hand in my pants and begin rubbing and moving her fingers inside. Immediately, “it” stands up straight as Violet is holding it in her hands.
She gasps. Then she puts her hand over her mouth as she stares at it.
She then gets on her knees as she begins stroking it with her hands.
“Let me just suck it for you okay.” She says.
She then spits in her palms and begins to rub it together, like some sort of a magician. Then she grabs the “head” with both her hands and she begins squeezing it and turning it like a pottery spinning wheel.
She opens her mouth wide as she stared at it and “it” dangled in front of her face.
“OH.MY.GOD!” She said.
“You are sooo huge!” She says as she continues to rub it and play with it.
“I’m gonna put it in my mouth okay? Can I do that?” She asks me.
I slowly nod my head up and down as drool begins to drip out my mouth.
Violet begins to snicker lightly. Then she pulls her pony-tail to the back. A big smile spreads across her face as she wraps her tongue around the “head”. Immediately I draw my head back in enjoyment and grabbed her head as “it” went in and out. Her mouth felt warm, wet. Her spit was a lot, and it was sticky. She began using her hands as she sucks it. She grabbed on at the end of “it” really tight, then stroked it with her hands. Immediately my knees become weak and I almost fall. I regain my balance at the nick of time.
“I need to sit down, let’s go in the stalls.” I said to her.
She nods her head up and down as she places her hands on the floor to get up.
“Yeah, come on... let’s go. First lemme just…” She then reaches her head back down and puts “it” in her mouth again.
“Do it just like that baby.” I said as I sit down on the cold bathroom floor and spread my legs out.
“Suck all of it baby, I love you.” I said.
Violet pulls “it” out of her mouth and she begins to smack it on her face.
“Really?” She asked me.
I don’t reply. My eyes are still closed as I rubbed her head.
“Put it back in your mouth bae.” I say to her.
She pops it again with her lips, then she puts it back in her mouth. Her head goes in and out as she continues to suck.
“Jason you love me?” She asked me.
I pretend like I don’t hear her and keep my eyes closed.
“Jason…?” She calls me.
“Yessum.” I weakly reply.
“You just told me that you love me… did you mean it?” She says.
“Put it back in your mouth bae.” I said.
She then stops holding “it” and massaging it and lets go of it completely. Now it just dangled freely in front of her face.
I quickly reach my hand down and pick it up.
“Don’t make it go soft, omg don’t do that! Open your mouth and put it back in, say ‘AAAH!’ You’re at the dentist office okay.” I said to her as I try to open her mouth with both my hands.
Christy closed her lips and drew her head back.
“Nu uh, no, nope! Not until you tell me you love me.” She said.
“I love you, from the bottom of my heart, you’re my rock.” I said as I looked at her deeply in the eyes.
“Aaawww Jason that’s so sweet. Did you really mean that?” She asked me.
Umm no! I thought to myself. “Yes baby, from the bottom of my heart.” I say to her.
She then places her hands back on “it” and begins rubbing, twisting and squeezing. Then she puts it in her mouth and begins to pop it again with her lips. She then sticks her tongue out, and she smacked “it” against her tongue.
“You like that Jason?” She asked me.
My head flies back and I shut my eyes tight as I begin to rub her head.
“I love you! I wanna marry you baby, I want you to have my children.” I say to her.
She lightly cackles in laughter.
“Jason… if you really love me… do you know what you would do?” She asks me as she continues to pop “it” in her mouth.
I begin to rub her cheek. “You’re so beautiful baby. Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do anything for you.” I said as I rubbed her cheek.
Christy gave a short pause. She didn’t say anything as it was in her mouth and she lifted up her eyes to look at me.
“Mhmmmm!” She starts moaning as she is sucking it.
“Whatever you want me to do baby, tell me. I love you. You’re the girl of my dreams.” I said to her.
She then pulls it out of her mouth as she looks up at me.
“Jason… if you really truly love me, if you want for us to be together… You’re gonna have to leave Christy.” She said.