Chapter 14

page 104

Then she began to deep-throat “it”. My head cocked back and I began to scream out in enjoyment as I grabbed her dome with both of my hands.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I WANNA MARRY YOU! YOU’RE THE ONLY GIRL FOR ME, I WANT YOU IN MY LIFE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!” I said out loud as she continued to deep-throat “it”.

She pulled “it” out of her mouth and she began smacking it on the side of her face.

Jason you really mean that?” She looked up at me and asked.

I pretended as if I didn’t hear her. Then I grabbed the end of “it” and I rubbed it against the front of her lips. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick it.

Jason… you gotta leave Christy okay, so that me and you can be together.” She said as her tongue wrapped around “it”. I began rubbing her face and stuck my thumb in her mouth.

I will baby, you’re so beautiful. I love you.” I said as drool dripped out of my mouth.

Jason you promise?” She looked up at me and asked me with starry eyes while looking up.

I promise baby. I love you so much.” I said as I continued to rub it up against the front of her lips.

Just open your mouth and put it back in okay. I love you so much, you’re so beautiful.” I said as I played with her tongue with my thumb in her mouth.

And you’re gonna do it today?” She said.

Do what baby?” I ask her.

Leave her, break up with her. You’re gonna do it today right?” She said.

Yeah yeah, I’ma do whatever you want baby. Just put it back in your mouth, you’re so beautiful.” I said.

Violet begins to giggle. Then she opens up her mouth and then slowly puts all of it inside. She then grabs “it” with both hands, she squeezes it tight and clenches her fists tightly around it. She then strokes it fast with her hands as she sucks it.

I wanna taste you inside my mouth Jason. Pleasee. Just lemme taste you okay…” She said.

I placed both of my hands on top of her head, then I slowly began moving my hips in and out and continued to stroke. Her head kept coming forward and then going backwards.

That’s what you’re gonna get!” I said as I tightened my grip around her head and continued to stroke it in her mouth and my hips moved in and out.

Violet then stuck her tongue out. Spit begins to fall from out of the corner of her mouth.

She continues stroking it and rubbing it with her hands faster and faster. More spit begins to fall from the corner of her mouth as she begins to make slurping sounds.

I love you.” I said.

You have the most beautiful eyes in the world.” I added.

She continues stroking it with her hands as she’s sucking it, I begin to feel it building up. I hold on tighter to her head and move my hips faster as I stroked ‘it” in her mouth.

HERE COMES THE JELLY!” I screamed out.

Violet looks up at me as “it” oozed in her mouth.


I immediately held onto one of the bathroom sinks with my left hand, as I gripped her head with my right hand.

I LOVE YOU!” I scream out in enjoyment.

Violet then starts to stroke “it” with her hands. She continues to make slurping sounds and puts all of “it” in her mouth. The “head” disappears first, then she opens up her mouth wide and swallows up the rest of “it”. She looks up at me as it continues to spill in her mouth.

You’re so good to me baby. I love everything about you. You have the most beautiful eyes in the world.” I said to her as I rubbed my fingers across her face. Christy pulls “it” out of her mouth. Then she stuck her tongue out and showed me all of the white content on it. She puts her tongue back in her mouth and swallows hard, so that I can hear her. Then she puts her hand over her mouth and begins to giggle.

You’re so silly Jason.” She said as she continued to giggle.

Then I lifted my boxers up, and then my pants, and then I began to tighten it.

Violet gets up from the floor. She stands up and wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me into her.

So you’re gonna tell her today right?” She asked me.

I pause for a second as I look at her. “Tell who what?” I said.

She removes her hand from around my waist and looks at me.

CHRISTY! You’re gonna break up with her today right so that we can be together?” She said.

Uhhh… yeah.” I weakly replied.

She stomped her left foot on the floor and gave me and exasperated look.


I did?” I asked her.

YES! You said that you was going to do it today so that we can be together.” She says as she wraps her arms around my waist again and begins to swing.

We’re gonna be together forever Jason, just me and you. First you just have to break up with Christy okay?” She said to me.

I turn my head and look away from her. “I will.” I said.

And you’re gonna do it today?” She asked me.

Yeah today, I got you.” I said..

YAY!” She said as a big smile appeared on her face.

She then pulls out her white iPhone from her back pocket. She then hands it to me.

Put your number in, and I’ma call you later today okay.” She said as she handed me her phone.

I took it and saved my number in her phone, then I handed it back to her. She took it and put it back in her pocket.

Okay, I gotta get back to class.” She quickly said.

Then she reaches over with my hand and kisses me, she buries her tongue in my mouth. I kiss back slowly. I close my eyes as our lips locked. Her mouth was warm, her tongue was energetic. I quickly remember what she just finished doing and then I start to pull my head away.

That’s gay! I think to myself. Then I come back to myself and think some more.

But… it’s mines! I then pull my head in to her and bury my tongue in her mouth again. She wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my hand around her head. Then I pull my head away.

I love you Jason.” Violet said softly.

I… love… Christy! Because she’s my wife.” I wanted to say.

I love you too Violet.” I said instead.

She reaches over and kissed me on the cheek, then she walked out the bathroom door and begin to head back to class.

I’m left standing there in the bathroom. I turn my head to the left slightly as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

What have I gotten myself into?” I began thinking.

I lift my head back up and slowly walked out the door and headed into Mr. Keen’s room.

Mr. Keen was standing up in front of the classroom as he continued his discussion about stem cells.

Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, stroke, burns, cancer and osteoarthritis. Stem cell therapy can help with all of that!” Mr. Keen says to the class.

I walk over to my regular desk, pull the chair out, then I sit down. The test that I took the previous day in the library was lying down on my desk. Mr. Keen had graded them and passed them back out. I lazily sat down on the chair as I looked at the face down paper on the desk. I really didn’t care about the score that I received. I laid my head down and folded my arms on the table. Thoughts began to fill my head of Christy and Violet. How was I going to break it to her? Christy’s my wife and I love her, there’s no way that I’ll ever break up with her or leave her. Violet is just… somebody on the side. My feelings for her were not genuine at all. But still… I told her that I love her and I want to be with her. And I also told her that I’m going to break up with Christy! I could lie to her about loving her and wanting to be with her, but how can I lie to her about breaking up with Christy? They’re friends, and they’re girls… all girls do is talk!

I’m screwed!” I think to myself as my head is laid down.

The bell rings about half an hour later. Everybody gets up from their chair and begin to walk out of the classroom. I remain seated.

It’s just me and Mr. Keen that’s left in the room.

What’s up son? Everything okay?” Mr. Keen says as he walks over to me.

Yeah Mr. Keen, everything good. Can I talk to you about something right quick?” I said to him.

Mr. Keen begins to smile. “Of coure son! The way you killed that test yesterday, you can talk to me about anything.” He said.

Test? Huh? What is he…?” I begin to think.

Then I remember and reach over for the paper and turn it over.

95%” Nooo waay!

I moved the test to the side and looked at Mr. Keen.

I’m just having a little… issue… that I was hoping you could help me out with.” I say.

Mr. Keen then pulls out a chair from one of the desks and sits down on it next to me.

Yeah Jason. Anything.” He says.

I folded my hand on the table. “This is completely off record okay.” I said to him.

Yes yes.” Mr. Keen says as he pulls his chair closer.

Keen… I just… I just…” I begin to say.

Mr. Keen doesn’t say anything, he just keeps looking at me.

Take your time son.” He said to me.

Keen… I love Christy! I think about her all the time and I love being around her.” I said.

Mr. Keen slowly nods his head and continues to look at me.

I don’t love Violet. But I told Violet that I was going to break up with Christy so that I can be with her, but I don’t wanna leave Christy, she’s the one that I love!” I say to him.

I messed up bad Keen, I love Christy. I can’t leave her, but I can’t lie to Violet. Her and Christy are best friends and they talk everyday. Idk what I’m going to do. I’m just… screwed!” I said then I put my head down on the desk and began to sob.

Mr. Keen reaches over with his hand and rubs my back as I continue to bawl. After about two minutes, I lift my head back up and begin to sniffle. Three tissue papers are laying down on the desk as I lifted my head. Mr. Keen grabs all three together and extends his hand out to me. I take them and put them on my nose and blew. Then I wiped all of the tears that were on my face. After about half a minute Mr. Keen puts his hand on my shoulders.

Jason…” He says.

Son… just tell Christy how you feel.” He adds.

If she’s truly the girl for you, then everything will work out. But if it doesn’t work out, than you can’t beat yourself up over it.” Mr. Keen said as he had his hand on my shoulder.

You gotta have faith in yourself son, be deliberate with all of your choices and have confidence when you make them.” Mr. Keen said to me.

I looked at him in the eyes, I immediately knew what I had to do. I then get up from the chair.

Thanks Keen.” I said as I began to walk out.

Any time Jason… And good luck.” He said.

A few seconds later I walk into the cafeteria on the second floor. Loud noises begin to fill the air as kids chatter away. Some are standing, walking around, sitting. I begin to survey the room as I look for her, she’s not seated at our regular table. I begin to think that maybe she left or maybe…

I then spot her. She’s seated with some of her friends at a different table. She has both her legs up and a green sweater is spread over her body. I hurriedly begin to walk towards her.

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