Chapter 14

page 106

I twist up my face in confusion and watch my friend as he leaves. Doesn’t he know that lunch is over, so why would he be going to the cafeteria? I shake my head and turn back around and start walking the opposite direction. I made a right turn and entered into the Academic Building and went into a long hallway. Afterwards I kept walking straight and entered into the gym where class was being held at.

I went and sat down in my row on the hard gym floor. Mr. Bulk had not yet entered. One of my group member was already seated there. A tall Chinese girl with glasses named “Coo-chee”. Se had short black hair with a pale skin complexion, and she was a very quiet person, hardly ever talked. The only time that I can remember her opening her mouth to speak was when she raised her hands up a couple weeks ago to ask Mr. Bulk to go to the bathroom. Though she wasn’t much of a talker, she always joined in on the laughs. Last time when I stood up in class and started doing my African dance, in which I would snap my fingers and move my waist in a repeated motion, then I started to rapidly beat my chest with my fists and chant out some African tribal dance words. I saw Coo-Chee burst out in laughter along with everybody else in the class. There are a total of four members in every group. In my group it was me, Jahlisa, Coo-Chee, and a kid named Malik.

I turned around to face Coo-Chee. “What do you think we’re gonna be doing today in class?” I ask her.

Coo-Chee shrugged her shoulders.

Bulk need to hurry up and come in and get class started, I’m trying go home and smoke some weed, watch some pornographic content on my phone and masterbate.”

Coo-Chee puts her hand over her mouth and begins laughing.

Would you like to come smoke some illegal marijuana with me and get high?” I asked her.

Coo-Chee shakes her head from side to side while smiling.

You don’t like to consume marijuana?” I asked her.

Coo-chee shakes her head from side to side.

Well why not? Everybody does it. You gotta join the wave and be hip.”

Coo-chee smiles while looking at me.

I have a wife, her name is Christy, she’s really pretty.” I said.

Coo-chee continues to stare at me while smiling.

Would you like to have a threesome with me and her?” I asked her.

Coo-chee erupted in laughter again and almost falls over. Mr. Bulk then walks in.

Okay sorry about that everybody, let’s get started.” He said to the class.

The rest of my group member then comes and sits down. Malik sat down at the back of Coo-chee and Jahlisa sat in front of me. She had grey sweatpants with a blue hoodie which was opened, underneath the hoodie was another matching blue shirt.

Please can you sit down gently please, cause every time that you just come and drop and sit down all hard the whole gym jumps up and I always hit my head when I drop back down.” I said.

So please, I’m begging you, don’t sit down hard.” I said.

Bye boy! What are you trying to say?” She asked me as she sat down.

I looked at her with a straight face and didn’t say anything. I then turn around and pulled closer to Coo-chee to whisper in her ears.


Everybody starts laughing, including Coo-chee who topples over in laughter.

Mr. Bulk begins calling out names to take attendance. He calls out names by rows.

Okay fourth row. Coo-che?e.” He said.

She raised her hand. He did the same for Malik and Jahlisa. I was next.

Jason!” He said.

I raise my hand up while my legs are crossed, like a small kindergartner child who had to really go to the bathroom.

Ooohh ooohhh that’s me! I’m Jason! That’s my name!” I said.

Mr. Bulk then checked off my name and proceeded.

Do you really have to be that hype though?” Jahlisa asked me.

Do you really have to have that face?” I reply.

Jahlisa puts her hand over her mouth and begins laughing.

What are you trying to say?” She asked me.

I stare at her in the face with a blank expression on my face.

You look like you smell like pee…” I said.

I overheard Coo-chee laughing from behind me.

Jahlisa smiles at me, then she turns around and faces forward.

I drag on the gym floor close to her.

Usually… you be coming back at me. Why aren’t you saying anything?” I ask her.

She turns her head around to me.

She gave a short pause. “I heard about what you did today on the third floor and at Lunch.” She said.

I give a short pause. “Ok… Soo…??” I reply.

Jahlisa drops her head in laughter. Then she lifts it back up.

For some reason Jason… Christy really likes you.” She said.

And she’s my friend.” She adds.

Ohhh…” I say. Then I slide back down.

I then decided that I’m not going to be saying anymore rude or disrespectful comments to Jahlisa.

Okay, we’re gonna continue our flag football game outside from yesterday.” Mr. Bulk says.

The entire class gets up and heads out the door. Once we get outside we go to the football field. We have to walk a little bit of a distance up the street from the school, that’s where the large football field is at. While I was walking there along with everybody I then immediately remembered… football! I haven’t been to practice for like this entire week. I know Darwin is gonna be highly upset. I’ll go into his office after class and talk to him.

Mr, Bulk put all of us in two groups and we began playing. My team won, of course because of me. Football was my sport. I had a knack for it. Even though we were only doing two-hand touch. I was faster than everybody in the class, and much stronger. I maybe could have won with only myself against the other team.

After class when we were walking back, I was sweating hard. But not because I was tired or anything like that. I just sweated a lot because that’s just the way that I was. We then walked back into the school, the bell rang and everybody began to collect their things to head out. I opened my bookbag and delved my hand inside and pulled out an Old Spice deodorant stick. I always kept a spare in my bag, just in case.


I didn’t have to go out of the gym room to go into Darwin’s office, his office was already there at that same gym. His office was based at the locker room in the gym.

I walked inside the locker room and walked up to his door, then I knock three times.

Come in!” Said Darwin.

I open the door and walk in.

Jason! Where you been at man?” Said Darwin.

I ain’t seen you in practice all week!” He said.

I know Darwin, I’m sorry. It’s just that my aunt’s uncle step-sister passed away, and my mother has been mourning all week. I’ve had to stay home to watch over her. The tragic event really caused her health to start deteriorating and she hasn’t been healthy at all.” I said.

Is she okay now?” He asked.

Yeah she cool now, my dad watching over her.” I said.

Well can you make it to practice today?” He asked me

When? After school?” I asked him.

Yeah, are you gonna be able to make it?” He asked me.

Yeah definitely. I’ll be there.” I said.

Then I began walking out the door, then out the locker room, and out the gym.

My next block was Algebra, with Mr. Spica. I walked in the room and sat down at my table. There were 7 tables in the entire class, and each table had 4 people in it, just like in Gym class. The kids who were at the table was me, Jerry, Darrel and Stacey, who was seated right across from each other. They were already sitting down when I walked in. I went and sat down on the chair next to Jerry.

Keep it a bean you look like Jerry Springer bro.” Jerry said.

Keep it a bean you look like an oompa loompa.” I said.

Keep it a bean you look like Shark Tale and Lavagirl.” Said Jerry.

I burst out in laughter. “Keep it a bean…”

You look like Toby MacGuire.” I said.

Naahh broo you already said that!” He said as he began smiling.

Mr. Spica gets up from his desk and walks to the front of the class.

Alright everybody. Today we’re just going to be doing review for the test on Monday.” He said.

Then Mr. Spica walks back to his desk and reaches down and grabs a stack of worksheet papers, and he begins passing them out.

This is gonna be the study guide.” He said as he passed the papers out.

The Caucasian overweight kid Billy then walks in and sits down at his table, which was perfectly adjacent to ours.

You good bro?” Darrel said to Billy as he walked by him.

Yes.” Billy said as he sat down.

I then reach in my pocket to pull out two of the chocolate chip cookies from Lunch that me and Christy did not eat.

I reached over the table and gave it to Darrel.

Darrel takes it and then begins laughing. He then walks over to where Billy is seated. He kneels down and places it in his pocket.

I got these for you bro.” Darrel said as he put the cookies in his pocket. He then walked back to the table and sat down.

Stacey reaches her hand and slaps Darrel on the back of his neck as he sat down.

Why would you do that??” She said to him.

Darrel begins rubbing the back of his neck.

I was trying to be civil, it’s good to be generous and giving.” Said Darrel as he continued to rub the back of his neck.

Stacey began to shake her head from side to side and doesn’t say anything.

About half a minute later, Billy pretends to drop his pencil. He kneels down to pick it up. Then he goes underneath the table and goes in his pocket to pull out the cookies and then he began stuffing his face with them. Me and Darrel laughed as we watched him.

Keep it a bean you look like Vince Carter.” Jerry leans over and says to me.

Keep it a bean you look like Courage the Cowardly Dog.” I said.

Darrel laughed out loud. Jerry brings his head back and begins working on the worksheet that Mr. Spica just passed.


After the bell rang and class was over, I marched over to the front door in the classroom along with everybody else, and I walked out. Many kids were in the hallways as they were chattering along and going into their locker and getting their bags to leave. I didn’t have a locker. Lockers weren’t given to everybody, because they were so limited. Those who needed one would have to go into the principal office and talk to Doc so that you can get one. I didn’t have one because I carried my book-bag with me everywhere I go. So I didn’t need one. Plus, I knew that there are some kids who may be in desperate need of a locker, and they would need it more than me.

I walked into the lobby of the Academic Building, near the principal’s office, and I sat down on a small bench outside of the office. Then I pulled out my phone and dialed Christy’s number. I now knew it by heart.

I pressed “Call” after I dialed her number. The phone rang once.

Hello.” Her voice came on.

Christy. Sup bae? Where you at? What you doing?” I asked her.

I’m inside my room. Just laying down watching TV. Waiting for you to come over?” She said.

Bae I’m still coming over okay. I just gotta go to Football practice right quick, I ain’t been going all week.” I said.

She gave a short pause. “Okay. When are you coming over then?”

Right after football practice I’m coming right over.” I told her.

When is that going to be” She asked.

Around 4:30, in like two hours.” I tell her.

She gave a long pause. “4:30??” She asked.

Jason I’m just gonna come to the school and we can both walk home together.” She said.

Naw bae you don’t have to…” I begin to say.

I want to. I wanna come watch you.” She said

I don’t want somebody to rob and attack you though while you coming?” I said to her.

Christy gave a short laugh out loud.

Jason nobody’s going to attack me.” She said.

How you know?” I asked her.

I just do boy. I’m coming to the school okay.” She said.

I give a long pause as I crunch up my face.

I see that you have made your final decision and you are adamant.” I tell her.

Yes, I have and I am.” She said.

Okay, whatever. Just don’t slow me down while we’re walking.” I tell her.

Christy laughed out loud and puts her hand over her mouth.

Okay… I won’t.” She said.

I have a cheer leader outfit, can I wear it and come cheer you on?” She asked.

HELL NO!” I say.

If you do I’m gonna KILL YOU!” I add.

Dress appropriately when you come or don’t come at all.” I tell her.

Christy begins to giggle. “Okay BOY!” She said.

Do I make myself clear?” I asked her.

Yes…” She said.

Yes… what?” I said to her.

She gives a short pause, and then she sighed.

Yes… daddy.” She said.

That’s a good girl. I’m going to head over to the field now okay.” I said.

Okay.” Said Christy.”

Ard bye, I luh you.” I said.

Christy doesn’t respond. I can hear her breathing but she doesn’t say anything.


I know what you said Jason.” She cuts me off.

You said that you’re gonna start treating me better remember? Please start by saying that you love me correctly.” She said.

I give a short pause, then I sigh heavily.


Christy begins to laugh. “Thank you Jason. I love you too.” She said.

Go to Football practice okay, I’m coming soon okay.” She added.

Okay… See you soon.” I said.

I then disconnect the call and begin to walk over to the Football field up the street from the school.

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