“Ain’t nobody being a perv, you just need to hurry up and get what you want, I got places to go and people to see.” I exclaimed to.
Christy raised one eyebrow up at me, “Oh you gotta girlfriend Jason?”
“Yeah I gotta couple.” I responded to Christy. Though I was intentionally lying. I knew she could tell I was lying.
“Oh my bad, sorry for keeping you so long.” Christy said. “Apology accepted, just promise not to do it again.” “I pinky promise.” Said Christy, then she held out her pinky finger towards me. I began to smile and grasped her pinky with mines, sealing the agreement made. I didn’t let go off her pinky though. I began to squeeze it with my fingers and reached over with my mouth and acted as if I was going to bite her fingers. She quickly drew her hand back.
“Oh my God, WEIRDO!” bellowed Christy. I gave a short laugh in response to Christy drawing her hand back. “I ain’t eat yet I’m hungry as hell.” Christy cocked her head back and rolled her eyes at me,
“so that means you can eat my hand weirdo?”
“I’m sorry.” I said to Christy while pouting my lips and stared at her with sorrowful eyes.
“Aww. Its okay” said Christy, “just promise not to do it again.” “I pinky promise.” I quickly responded to Christy then I held out my pinky finger towards her.
“Nope. Not falling for that again.” Then she turned her back and flicked her hair towards me. I began to laugh out loud.
Christy was not the type of girl I imagined her to be. I always thought she was nonchalant and self-driven. After observing how amusing and diverting her characteristic can be, it only made me like her more and more.
“This is all I want.” Said Christy as she held up two bags of chips, a soft pretzel with cheese, and a bottle of lemonade. I was relieved, she had not chosen a lot. All together her total was going to cost me no more than $2.50. I smiled at her.
“You sure that’s all you want?” I asked Christy.
“Yes boy! Stop asking silly questions.” Christy replied as she bent her waist and placed her hand on her waistline, like a pissed off mother.
“I just care about you kid, I don’t want you to starve and die like those kids in Africa.” Christy chuckled at my statement and laughed. I took a few steps towards where the chips was located and said “okay now help me choose, I’m hungry as hell.” I said to Christy while searching through the different various chips type. Then behind some pretzels I saw something that was very familiar to me, immediately my heart filled with joy and I yelled out “SUN CHIPS!”
I absolutely loved Sun Chips. They were a joy in my life. Christy’s eyes lit up the same as mines did when I saw the Sun Chips. “Oh my God I love these!” Exclaimed Christy, then she quickly switched the Lays chips she had previously gotten and took the Sun Chips instead. I hurriedly grabbed four bags. Then I started to act like a burglar in a bank and began to put all the Sun Chips in my pocket, they were not fitting though. Christy saw this and she collapsed to the floor and began laughing continuously in an uproar. "OH MY GOD!” She exclaimed, she was still laying down on the floor in tears. “I can’t stand you!” She bellowed. I gave a weak smile back and helped her get up from the floor. Then I put all the Sun Chips I was pretending to steal back on the rack, luckily none of the staff saw me attempting to steal the Sun Chips, they was not in on the joke and was probably going to think I was really stealing that many chips. I grabbed one of the Sun Chips and stared at it.
“These jawns really be popping though.” I said to Christy while looking at the red Sun Chips bag.
“I know, I like the green ones more.” Said Christy. “Well they don’t have them here so tough cookie Bub!” I responded to Christy. “Tough cookie though?” Christy asked me in a slight awe. I shrugged my shoulders and said “I don’t know, I heard someone say it in a movie, it was pretty funny when they said it.” Christy smiled and gave a slight chuckle. “What movie?” “The Wolverine, you ever seen it?” I responded. “Uhh… No, why would I watch something called “The Wolverine”. I don’t partake in such monstrosities.” Said Christy dully.
“It’s not a monstrosity, it’s actually a pretty good movie with Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart, you just don’t understand!” I replied to Christy.
“I understand that you are a lame, and a weirdo.” Christy said. I scoffed and opened my mouth in awe, then I placed my hand on my chest. “Such insolence you have.” Christy gave a short laugh then said “whatever boy can we go sit back down my feet getting tired.” We then proceeded to the checkout center so I could pay for everything. All together the total was $5.30, I was glad because I had more than enough money. I hurriedly paid for the items then me and Christy walked back to our seats on the other side of the cafeteria.