As me and Christy were walking to our table she was peacefully singing a tune I was not familiar with. Her voice was very low while singing and all the noise in the cafeteria drowned out her voice. Many of the kids in the cafeteria were yelling and running around so her voice was barely noticeable. But I was still able to hear it, only because I was intentively listening to her while walking, though I was pretending like I could not hear a word she was saying. She had a very nice voice while she was singing, it was low and very soft. She was really able to hold a note for a prolonged period of time, I could tell that she often practiced her singing.
I covered my ears with the palm of my hands and closed my eyes really tight as if I was in some kind of terrible pain. “AAHH! IT HURTS! THE AGONY!” I yelled.
Christy gave a short laugh, “Boy shut up, you know you love my singing.” She said while laughing.
“I know nothing.” I said while continuing to walk, we were approaching our table steadily. Christy did in fact have an amazing singing voice, and it filled my heart with enjoyment listening to her sing. I just wanted to act as if I wasn’t impressed by her vocals, so I can seem more cool and attractive to her. I always wondered why that is. Why is it that most girls are attracted by bad boys, or males of bad characteristic? I often wondered. That question was very puzzling to me.
“I know this lady named Margaret, she’s really good with teaching people how to sing, I could give you her number you can hit her up and go to American Idol next year.” I said to Christy.
“NOO! Boy I don’t need no singing lesson from some old lady named Margaret.” Christy said.
“How do you even know she’s old?” I asked Christy with a straight face. We were walking side by side now and we were slowly approaching our table.
“Because…” Christy said while smacking her lips. “Margaret sounds like the name of an old lady.”
“That’s my little sister name, square up!” I quickly walked in front of Christy and faced her, then I looked at her with a contempt straight face as I got into a fighting stance and put my fists up as if I was about to engage her in a fist fight.
Christ immediately burst out laughing. We have now approached our table but we were standing up. Christy still continued to laugh.
“You’re scared of me!” I said to Christy.
“No I’m not.” Replied Christy.
“Shut up, you’re a whore that’s what you are.”
Christy rolled her eyes at me, “Bye boy.” She said as she held up her palm in my face.
She then sat down on the chair and began to eat the soft pretzel, I was still standing, I don’t know why. While I was standing I could see Darrel on the other side of the cafeteria giving me a head nod. Again, Darrel was giving me acknowledgement for talking to one of the most attractive girls in the school. I smiled and nodded back.
“BOY SIT! You all making me uncomfortable and whatnot.” Christy bellowed at me.
“Oh WELL! Tough cookie bub.” I said.
“Oh my God, please stop saying that, you’re so lame.” Christy told me.
I gave a short laugh and sat down. Then I abruptly opened up the bag of Sun Chips to begin eating it. I had not been made aware of how fragile and delicate the Sun Chips bag were, and I unintentionally ripped the bag in half and tore it, all the Sun Chips ended up spilling all over the table and some fell on the floor. Me and Christy looked at the tiny chips that were on the table in disgust. I stood on top of the chair connected to the table and began to slowly eat the spilled chips on the table, as if I was some kind of bird. Christy saw this and cocked her head back and began laughing out loud. She had not even finished eating her soft pretzel when she began laughing, and I could still see bits and pieces of the pretzel in her mouth as she was laughing.
“Eeww cover your mouth bruh, disgusting.” I told Christy.
Then she leaned forward to me and opened her mouth all the way so all the food that was encased in her mouth was visible. I quickly drew back and held my hand over my nose.
“Your breath stink!” I exclaimed.