Both of us was most likely going to be late to get to our next class. We only had about 75 seconds to get to the academic building which was all the way at the other side of the school, it was impossible to do. We were standing outside the cafeteria where the lockers for the younger kids were at.
“What you bout to do”? I asked Christy as me and her slowly roamed up and down the lockers. I was getting used to her pleasant company and really didn’t want her to leave and go, I wondered if she sensed my desire for her presence.
“Finna go to the mall with one of my friends”. Christy replied. “I’m all done for the day.” Christy was all finished with her classes. Since it was so close to the end of the year some students were given alleviated schedules in which those who sustained a high GPA for the entire year were given shorter schedules than those who had fluctuated GPA’s. I was not among those lucky few. It’s not like my GPA was bad or anything it’s just that it often tended to vary or change throughout the year. Like in the beginning of the year between October and January my GPA was a solid 3.2. Then as it got to like March it went to like 2.1. I don’t know how that happened but it did, until this day I am bewildered by that occurrence.
“Oh. You gon buy me some gear?” I was asking Christy if she was going to purchase for me any clothes while she went out shopping. She stared at me with open eyes for about 32 seconds. “Yeah what you want”? Christy asked me.
“A jean jacket and some J’s.” J’s were Michael Jordan sneakers. They’re very stylish and valuable, especially the old authentic ones, they were priceless, you had to be like the mayor’s son to acquire them.
“Yeah I got you”. Replied Christy. I knew she was lying, nobody would go through that much trouble to buy a jacket and a few pairs of J’s just for somebody they had just been introduced to, but still, it felt good to mind wander.
A faint smile went across my face, I could tell Christy saw it and was intensely staring at it. “What you smiling at boy?” Christy vaguely asked me with one eyebrow up. She did this as she leaned against a locker.
“Nothing miss, I just be thinking.” I said.
“About what?” Christy asked.
YOU! BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. I terribly wanted to say, but alas I was far too shy, so I bit my tongue in my mouth and simply shook my head from side to side with a blank expression on my face.
“You a weirdo, but call me tonight though to remind me.” Christy said.
“I got you boss!” I said to Christy with much passion.
“You got me bro?” Christy said then held out her hand to give me a hand shake.
I weakly took her hand in mines and shook it to show her that I acknowledged her indefinitely. Christy scoffed and flicked some of her hair in the back of her ear. Again and again I was hypnotized by her beauty, her light caramel skin with long black hair and a nice body frame, she looked like something out of a magazine or something, maybe a centerfold. Her beauty was undeniable.
The bell rang loud, alerting everybody that first period had commenced.
“Ard well I gotta get to class, I’m already late.” I said to Christy. Even though I enjoyed her company very much I didn’t want to put her in front of my school, education always comes first, I could always talk to Christy, for she would always be there. But it wasn’t the same for school, it was not a fact that it will always be there, no matter how bad I may want it to be, at times it may go away and be gone, and I can maybe never get it back.
“Ard youngbul, call me tonight.” Christy said. She was chastising me because of my young age. Even though she was older than me by a few months I don’t really think my age was nothing to be made fun of or scold, rhetoric cannot be questioned, many don’t understand that concept though.
“I got you, I’ma call you and start breathing hard.” I made a gesture with my nose in which I sucked a bunch of air through my nostrils and I drew in deeply and made a loud noise while doing it. Christy almost fell back and hugged her stomach while she burst out laughing uncontrollably. A smile spread across my face as well and I began to chuckle a few times.
“Oh my God I can’t stand you!” Christy said as she continued to laugh and grip her stomach. She had regained her balance and no longer looked as if she was going to topple over from her uncontrollable laughter. She starred at me for a while then began to laugh again.
“You ugly, I’ma call you though.” I said to Christy as I stared back.
“Ok BOY don’t forget.” Christy jeered.
“I won’t bruh, I got you.”
I shook Christy’s hand again and headed for the stairs as she went out the door in the locker room, me and her was going our separate ways, If only she knew how impossible it would be for me to forget to call her, for she would be all I think about that whole entire day. I was ecstatic.