The entire class slowly calmed down shortly after, and all eyes were fixed upon Mr. Bulk as they were awaiting for instructions from him.
“Okay class, enough of that now. Today is going to be a fairly light day, we’re just gonna do fitness testing and have free time for the rest of the period.” Quiet hoorays and cheers silently and quickly filled the classroom. Everybody was delighted, so was I. Even though gym was an easy class, I found at times it was very tedious and boring, due to the fact that Mr. Bulk for most of the time made us do some yoga stuff and play games like baseball and volleyball, which I was not very fond of, both the games and yoga.
“Okay by a show of hands how many of you are actually doing the fitness stuff at home". Mr. Bulk asked us in his regular monotone voice. He had showed us a few stretches and workouts we can be doing at home to build up our upper body strength a little bit. Nobody raised their hand up, including me. Mr. Bulk slowly gazed around the room to see if anybody had their hand raised. After seeing that nobody had their hand up Mr. Bulk slowly lowered his head in despondency. Then he tightly shut his eyes and slowly shook his head from side to side.
“You guys are all pathetic, you should be ashamed of yourselves.” Said Mr. Bulk.
Even though Mr. Bulk was disappointed at the fact that nobody in the class were doing those workouts, we could all tell that he was not really upset, it was very rare to catch somebody like him angry or mad. The entire class began to calmly laugh in an uproar after hearing Mr. Bulk’s harsh, sarcastic comment, and sensing his false anger towards us.
“Today we’re just gonna do some pushups, we’ll do it by row so everybody stay seated and I’ll call you up". We’re gonna aim for twenty pushups today, now if you can’t do it all the way then that’s fine, just try to do as many as you can. This will be graded so try your best.” Loud groans surrounded the room. I could tell that everybody was distraught about the fact that our pushups was going to be graded. 20 pushups most likely seemed like a lot of work for some people, but for me it was merely a walk through the park. I did 70 pushups every day during football practice, well the coach made us do it. Luckily I didn’t have football practice today, only tomorrow and on Wednesday. I looked around the class and saw everybody’s infelicitous expression then bowed my head and faintly smiled, if only they all knew how good they had it, twenty pushups will seem like nothing to my football teammates, they would jump in delight if the coach made them do that many pushups during practice, but sadly that won’t be the case, ever. We started off with a mere twenty at the beginning of the season, then we added 10 every week or so, and now we was at 70.
“Okay first row come up now.” Mr. Bulk said as he took down a few notes on his clipboard. I began to take notice of how short his shorts was. Mr. Bulk had on a pair of camouflage shorts, which greatly complimented his all white V-neck t-shirt, for a teacher Mr. Bulk certainly had swag, or a good sense of fashion. But today the shorts he had on was far too short. Them jawns went all the way up to his thighs. I wanted to burst out laughing but I didn’t think it would be fitting, especially due to the fact that he was an adult teacher in charge and I was just a student, if I said the wrong thing to him he could easily write me up and send me to the principal’s office. Even though Mr. Bulk liked to have fun every now and then, everyone and him was well aware of the line between a teacher and a student.