Chapter 11

page 76

Christy gave a short loud laugh. “Boy no you’re not!” She bellowed.

“We’re gonna be sitting down in my living room doing HOMEWORK, and that’s it!” Christy said.

“Yeah you gon’ be laying down doing that math homework, while I lay down next to you and lick my tongue all over your booty cheeks.” I said to her and began laughing and stuck my tongue out.

Christy was silent on the other line. After a few seconds my laughter finally died down, Christy was still silent.

“Are you done?” She calmly asked me.

I adjusted my position on the bed and narrowed my eyes a bit as I pushed the phone closer in my ear.

“What…do you mean?” I asked her.

“Nah cause I was just asking, cause’ you sounded a little bit hype over there laughing is all.” She calmly said.

I didn’t say anything, I remained quiet for a few seconds. I knew exactly what was going on and taking play. Christy was trying to be smart.

”Don’t be mad cause you’re gonna get your booty eaten, it ain’t my fault.” I said to her.

“That’s not even funny! That’s disgusting and gross!” She said.

I smiled and laughed a bit. “How?” I asked her.

She didn’t say anything, she gave a heavy sigh.

“Just stop talking about it okay?” She said to me.

“Fine.” I said while curling my face.

“You just better not be farting while…” I started to say.

“Okay bye.” Christy said hurriedly.

“Wait, don’t hang up. Where are you going”? I asked her.

“I’m hanging up Jason! Cause you don’t know how to play, I told you that I don’t wanna talk about that, and you still persist!” She said to me.

I began to pout my bottom lip and sob, acting as if I was holding back tears while talking to her.

“But… I’m sowwie!” I said.

“No, Jason, you play too much, I’m leaving.” She said.

“But, I don’t want you to leave.” I said.

“Mhmm… bye Jason.” She said.

I began to pout and my sobbing noises increased. “No…” I said to her.

“What?” She asked me.

“I don’t want you to leave.” I said to her.

“Well, you should’ve thought of that before you started playing.”

Jason began to pout and whine over the phone so that Christy could hear him. She heard it and she began to silently laugh, she put her hands over her mouth to stop any sounds from coming out.

“I don’t want you to leave bae because I’m gonna be so lonely without you and I love you so much.” Jason said in a little boy’s voice.

Christy erupted in laughter. “Boy I CAN’T STAND YOU!” She said as her face lit up and she continued laughing.

Jason laughed along lightly with her.

“On some real though, I don’t want you to leave okay?” Jason said to her.

He was telling Christy that he really did not want for her to hang up and leave.

“And… why is that?” She asked him.

Jason began to think how he can word this. He didn’t want Christy to leave because he liked it whenever he talked to her or was around her, but he didn’t want her to know though. Because then if she knows then she might try to use it to her advantage in some way.

“Stop asking silly questions.” Jason said.

“I’m not.” Christy replied to Jason.

“That was a silly question right there that you just asked me.” Jason said to her.

“Why else would I want you to not leave Sherlock?” Asked Jason.

“Idk Jason, why don’t you tell me? Why do you want me to stay on the phone with you and not hang up”? Christy asked Jason.

Jason did not reply. He gave a light sigh, he then gave a wide smirk.

“Because Christy… You’re my baby and I love you, being around you and talking to you makes me feel complete. When I’m not around you I feel like a piece is missing. You are so beautiful, and I love you. MWAH!” Jason said and gave her a kiss over the phone.

“Awwwwww.” Christy said and began to blush as she put her hands over her mouth.

“That’s so sweet.” She added.

Jason paused for a few seconds and didn’t say anything. She was still blushing and still had her hands over her mouth.

“I’m so high.” Jason finally said and then began to snicker lightly.

Christy stopped blushing and made a straight face.

Christy began to shake her head slowly to the side. “That’s sad.” She said.

Jason began to tell her to shut up, but then he heard Cecilia calling him from her room.

“JASON!!” She bellowed.

“COME QUICK!! JASON!” She yelled.

Ugh! What could she possibly want? Jason thought to himself. She sounded as if it was urgent and she really needed him. But she always sounded like that when she called him. This was not the first nor the second or third time. Cecilia would always call him screaming, saying that it’s important and that she needs him. Then when he shows up bolting through her door, she would only ask him to get her another Oreo Fudge Ice Cream Cone from the freezer downstairs.

Why even bother?” Jason thought to himself.

“JASON!! PLEASE!” Cecilia bellowed out.

Jason immediately shot up from his bed and ran out his door. Now he knew that it was an emergency, Cecilia never said “please” unless it’s something very important. He ran past the upstairs bathroom and was outside of Cecilia’s front door in no less than 5 seconds. He placed his hands on the door knob and slowly began to turn. He noticed something though before he could turn the knob all the way. He noticed the silence. The entire hallway had absolutely no noise in it, except for Jason’s heavy breathing. The oldhead and mom were both in their room. He suspected that they might have been sleeping, which is perhaps why they did not react or respond to Cecilia’s screaming. Still, Jason thought that to be very strange. What he thought was even more strange was the fact that Cecilia was now so quiet. As he stood outside of his door, his hands are already placed on the doorknob and he’s ready to turn. He decides to perch his head on the door gently, to try to listen to what’s going on inside. He heard nothing though as his head was slightly placed vertically on the door, he listened attentively but heard nothing.

The intruder must’ve gotten in her room and knocked her unconscious, Jason thought to himself. “I must act quick! If I want to save my sister!!”

“KAWAAHH!” Jason said as he opened the door wide and burst in. The entire room was dark. Cecilia’s bed was empty, she wasn’t laying down on it. The pieces began to put themselves together in Jason’s head. The intruder must’ve snuck in the house, go inside Cecilia’s room, knock her unconscious, and then kidnap her! And they managed to do it all so elegantly in such a short amount of time.

Jason sunk his head in shame. His sister was gone. Cecilia was no more. She’s probably on a ship somewhere heading to an island in Scandinavia to be sold off as a slave girl. If only he would’ve came immediately as she called him. If he hadn’t waited then… He began to turn and slowly trudge out the room. Then he noticed a figure, standing behind the front door. Jason couldn’t make out the entire image of the figure, but he knew that it was definitely there, he wasn’t just imagining it. It sort of looked like some type of shadow monster, it’s body was small and it was just curled up behind the door with its’ arms up to his face. He began to approach closer. The image now became clear. It was not a shadow monster. It was his little sister, Cecilia. She was standing behind the door with her hands over her face.

“Cecilia, what are you doing?” Jason asked her.

She didn’t say nothing. Her hands were still covered over her face. Then she began to slowly pull down her left hand to say something.

“Jaaassoonn. There’s a spider over there, on the bed.” She said as she pointed towards her bed.

“Go…. Kill…. It.” She said.

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