Jason stared at Christy for a few seconds as she stared at him back. She blinked twice, almost not believing what she was hearing.
“WHAT?” She asked Jason while staring at him in the eyes.
Jason stared back and gave her a straight face.
“ I said can you please make me another roast beef sandwich, and if you got any cheese can you put it on it?” He said.
Christy stared at Jason for a few seconds without saying anything.
“Boy, a sandwich? Are you serious?” She asked him.
Jason kept his straight face on and continued to look at her without blinking.
“Yes.” He said monotonously.
Christy moved her head back slightly from the position that she was laying at on the bed.
Jason immediately reached in with his hand and gently wrapped it around her throat, and he began to squeeze lightly. Then he drew her face in closer to his so now their nose was touching. “Didn’t I say please?” Jason whispered and asked her.
Christy began to make choking sounds and her heart started beating fast.
She saw the fire in Jason’s eyes, and she knew that right now she had to be compliant.
“Yes daddy.” She quietly said while Jason still had his hands wrapped around her throat.
“I’m sorry daddy, don’t be mad at me okay?” She whispered softly.
“I’ll put you in a slave ship and send you back to Africa! Is that what you want? Do you want me to send you back?”
Christy was born and raised in Eerie, Pennsylvania. She moved down to Philadelphia with her mom when she was about six. Her mother Crystal Angela was born in the country of Puerto Rico, she came over to the states when she was about 15, she would often go back and forth. Since Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States she is considered a US Citizen, and Christy is also a US citizen.
She has never been to Africa or even know anybody that was from that place, except for Jason. Christy didn’t know what Jason was talking about. But she decided not to question him.
Christy slowly shook her head from side to side.
“No daddy, please don’t send me back.” She said.
Jason had his right hand wrapped around Christy’s throat. He then reached down with his left hand and put it inside Christy’s black legging pants. He felt her skin and noticed that she was not wearing any underwear. “PERFECT.” He thought to himself.
He went deeper until he found the crevice, he began to rub the surface of it lightly with his fingers and then he quickly put his index, middle, and ring finger inside the crevice. He began moving his fingers while they were inside her.
She gave a loud moan and began to draw her body back, Jason tightened his right hand around her throat and drew her back in closer to him.
“Don’t ever tell me no!” He said to her while looking in her eyes.
“Don’t ever disobey me!” He added.
Christy began squealing, she could feel a little bit dripping from out of her crevice.
“I’m sorry daddy, please don’t be angry, I just…”
“SHUT UP!” Jason said.
Immediately Christy stopped talking.
“Your name is Betsy and you’re a prostitute okay!” Jason said to her.
Christy nodded her head slowly as she looked at Jason in the eyes.
“Yes daddy, my name is Betsy and I’m a prostitute.” She said.
“SHUT UP!” Jason said.
“You only speak when I tell you to!”
Christy quickly nodded her head up and down.
Jason stuck his fingers deeper into Christy’s crevice, and he began moving it around more and more. At this point his entire fingers were wet and sticky. He could feel little bits of spurts coming out of Christy’s crevice. She began breathing hard and gave silent moans without opening her mouth. She didn’t want to scream out loud and risk making daddy angry.
“You think you’re better than me don’t you? You think you’re tougher then me?” He asked her.
Christy quickly shook her head from left to right.
“No daddy, I don’t think…”
“SHUT UP! Did I give you permission to speak?” Jason asked her.
Christy shook her head from left to right quickly.
“Now go downstairs and make me that sandwich before I lose my temper and do something that I will later on regret.” He said as he let go of her throat.
Christy quickly scurried off the bed and walked to the corner of the room. She turned the lights on and walked out the door.
After he heard her going down the stairs, he rose up from the bed. Jason then threw his shirt back on and began fixing his belt. Then he lifted the rumpled white blanket that was on the bed and he began to fold it. He grabbed the two corners at the ends and put them both together so now they were perfectly symmetrical. He threw an end into the air and it dropped back down to the bed. He then covered the blanket up with the end that he just grabbed and placed them both together. He folded it up one more time and threw the finished product at the top of the bed. He then sat down upright on the edge of the bed and began to pull out his phone from his pocket. As he was reaching he felt a wet spot on the side of the bed in which he was seating. He applied pressure on it and felt it more. It was really wet, Jason began laughing and shaking his head from side to side. “Christy must have a leaky roof.” He thought to himself.
He then drew his phone out and went to his messages and started typing up a text to send to Jerry.
Yo bro, where you at? The text read. Jason looked it over and then sent it.
He wanted to know where his friend was at. He still had one more dime bag and he wanted to smoke it with him later when he…
It then came to Jason. He remembered instantly. HIS FATHER! Today was going to be the day that his father was supposed to come over and talk to Christy’s mom. Jason quickly put the phone back in his pocket and ran out the door and down the steps, to go ask Christy when her mom is coming home.
All the lights were turned on in the living room, but Christy was not on the couch. He wondered to himself, where must she be? He looked around. Then he remembered. He quickly walked to the kitchen at the end of the living room. Christy was standing on the counter top applying mayonnaise onto a slice of potato bread.
“Yo Betsy when is your mom gon be home?” He asked her.
Christy did not respond, nor did she turn her head. Jason decided to ask her again.
“BETSY! When is your mom gonna be home?” He asked her louder.
This time Christy turned her whole body, her fists were curled up to her sides as she looked at Jason.
“THAT’S NOT MY NAME YOU STUPID UGLY BOY!” She screamed at him.
Jason walked inside the kitchen. “Who do you think you’re talking to like that?”
Christy grabbed one of the slice of the bed that had mayonnaise and lettuce on it and she threw it at Jason’s stomach. The mayonnaise splattered all over his shirt and the bread fell down.
Jason quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her up and threw her over her back. He then started walking out of the kitchen.
Christy began flapping her arms and kicking her legs as Jason held her over her shoulders.
“PUT ME DOWN BOY! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW! JASON I’M NOT PLAYING WITH YOU!” She balled up her fist and began slamming it against his back. Jason ignored it.
He walked into the living room and threw her on the couch. He looked at her with a straight face without saying anything.
Christy got up from the couch and stood on top of the table, she then jumped off it and landed on Jason’s back. She wrapped her arm around his throat and began squeezing, trying to choke him.
Jason ignored her puny attempts. He reached over and grabbed her from the back and threw her back on the couch. She quickly got up again and went to his face and started flapping her arms.
Jason gently pushed her back on the couch. She fell on it, he then began to approach her. He knelt on the ground next to the couch, then he placed both of his hands on both her thigs and began to open her legs. When her legs were fully opened he gripped her black legging pants from middle next to where her crevice was, he quickly ripped it and moved it to the side. He then stared at the two lips in the crevice, as it stared at him back, then he began to delve his face in. Christy grabbed his head and tried to push him back.
“GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!” Christy yelled.
Jason slapped her hands back. She retreated and let Jason continue. His face buried between her legs. Christy’s head dived all the way back, she starred up at the ceiling as she began moaning.
“JASON! JASON!” She moaned out his name as her hands began rubbing his head.
Jason continued to eat, he could not hear the moans and screams that Christy was making. All that he could hear was the waterfall between her legs. He closed his eyes as he ate. Christy began rubbing his head and the side of his cheek.
“DADDY!!” Christy screamed out as she gripped Jason’s head with his low haircut.
Jason then reached with his fingers and stuck it deep into Christy’s crevice and began pulling in and out. Christy immediately gave a loud shriek as her legs began kicking in the air. More water started splashing into Jason’s closed eye as he was eating, he ignored it. He grabbed the two lips in Christy’s crevice and pinched them both together. Christy gave a loud yell.
“JASON!!” She screamed out.
“SHUT UP!” Jason yelled.
The lips were fat, they were meaty, they gave Jason a certain look, he didn’t like the way that they looked at him. he stared at the two pieces of skin back as he squeezed them between his fingers.
Christy continued screaming and rubbing Jason’s head. Her legs were all the way raised up in the air and they were kicking, her neck was tilted back as she stared at the ceiling.
Jason then took his head out from between her legs and he stood up, then he pointed to the steps.
“Go upstairs and wear that yellow skirt that you wore today.” Jason told her.
Christy was still lying on the couch. Her legs were spread and water was dripping out from her crevice, her legs continued to shake, she was not able to feel her entire body.
“NOW!!” Jason yelled as he continued to point.
Christy slowly got up from the couch and began treading up the stairs. Jason went and sat down on the couch and waited for his wife to come downstairs. The mayonnaise that Christy threw at him was still dripping down Jason’s stomach. He began wiping it off with his fingers. Jason figured that he would have to take a shower in order to get the smudge out. He didn’t mind.
A few minutes later Christy came down the stairs and walked to where Jason was seated on the couch. She had on her yellow skirt with the same green velvet shirt that she had on.
She rose her arms up and dropped them both to her sides, as a gesture to Jason to tell her what to do next.
Jason stared at her for a few minutes as she stood there. He reclined his head back on the couch and folded his arms on his chest, making sure not to rub his elbows against the mayonnaise that was smeared on his stomach.
“Turn around.” He commanded her.
Christy knew what he wanted. She turned halfway around so that her back was now facing him. Jason stared at her backside without blinking, his mouth was slightly open.
Jason then pointed his fingers and called her. “Come over here.” He ordered her.
Christy obeyed and slowly started walking towards Jason. She stopped when she stood in front of him.
“Yes daddy? Now what do you want me to do?” She asked.
Jason looked at her, he reached in with his hand and started rubbing her backside.
“Dance. I want you to dance.” He told her.
Christy stood there for a few seconds. Confusion covered her face. Jason then reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone, he went to his music player and then turned on some Club Dancing Music. As soon as Christy heard the music, she lifted up her arms and started shaking her hips. She then turned around and showed Jason her backside and continued to move her hips in a circular motion. Jason stared at the augmented shape of it as it moved from side to side. His mouth opened and drool began slowly seeping out.
She continued dancing as he stared. Stimulation began to enshroud him. As he stared at Christy’s hips moving only one thing was on his mind. He quickly rose up from where he was seated on the couch, wiped off the drool that was dripping out of his mouth with the back of his hands. He then walked towards Christy, grabbed her by the arm and started treading up the stairs.
“Jason where are you taking me?” She asked him.
He did not respond, he only kept treading. Christy decided not to ask him anymore, she trusted him.
He walked inside her room while still holding her by the arm, made a left, and then started heading into the bathroom in her room.
He walked in the bathroom with Christy and closed the door and turned on the light. Then he dropped Christy’s arm, it dropped to her side.
Then he reached and grabbed her from underneath her backside, he began squeezing and lifted her up and seated her on top of the bathroom sink. He then began kissing and nibbling on her neck.
Christy wrapped her arms around Jason’s neck and began moaning silently. She then started rubbing his head and kissing him. Jason buried his tongue inside of her mouth. Her lips were soft, her breath was cold, both of their tongues wrestled in her mouth.
Jason picked up his wife again, this time by the waist. He picked her up and went inside the shower and began to close the curtains.
Christy placed his hands on his chest. “Wait baby.” She began taking off her green velvet shirt and the yellow skirt she was wearing. She threw them outside the shower curtain. Then she started loosening up Jason’s pants and he kicked them off, he then took off his shirt and threw it to the side outside of the bathroom curtain.
He put his head back inside and started kissing and sucking on Christy’s neck. He closed his eyes as he kissed and sucked. Christy started to silently moan. He then stood up from the shower floor and reached up in the shower head and turned on the hot water. He then grabbed Christy by the hand and stood her up as well. He kissed her again on the lips as the hot shower water ran down their naked bodies.
Jason looked at her in the eye as his tongue was buried in her mouth. He noticed that the spot on her neck where he had previously been kissing now had a red coloring in it.
He drew his head back and looked at Christy in the eye.
“I love you.” He said to her.
Christy looked at him back. “Daddy, I love you too.”
Jason reached over and began rubbing her cheek. The hot water was still striking their naked bodies.
“Baby, can I tell you something.” He asked her.
“Yes.” Christy softly replied.
“You gon have my son okay.” He said.
Christy looked at her husband in the eyes for a few seconds, then she started shaking her head from side to side.
“No baby, not yet.” She said.
Fire flashed across Jason’s eye, he then lightly wrapped his hand around Christy’s throat.
“Are you trying to tell me what to do?” He asked her.
Christy began moaning slightly. “No baby, it’s just…”
“CHRISTY, I’M HOME!” Crystal Angela’s voice came through the front door. Christy heard it opening and closing. Then she heard her slowly climbing up the stairs.
“HONEY, WHERE ARE YOU?” She asked and bellowed.