Chapter 12

page 85

Christy’s heart sank as soon as she heard the door opening. She already knew who it was that opened the door, before she even spoke and called her out, who else could it be? They were the only two who lived in that house and they were the only ones who had access inside.

When Jason had told her to go downstairs to make him another sandwich she did just that, when she arrived downstairs she looked at the digital clock that was hanging on the wall, the time read “4:26pm”. She knew that her mom would be coming home around 6-7pm, just like she always does, so she thought she had plenty time. At least enough time to get in the shower with Jason, that’s what she really wanted to do. Which is the reason as to why she threw the bread with mayonnaise on it, she knew that he would not like that and he would want to clean it off, and the only way to get it fully cleaned was to take a shower.

But she started thinking that he might want to take a shower by himself. He might just want to get in the shower and clean it off alone, and she did not want that. So she purposely started yelling at Jason and tried to fight him, knowing that it would make him angry and stimulate him, and that’s what she wanted.


When Crystal Angela walked through the front door she placed her car and house keys on top of the table and she took off her long sleeve purple sweater-shirt and she hung it in the closet in the living room.

She works as a LPN nurse at UPENN. She’s been working there for over 15 years. When she first started she was living in Eerie, and every time that she had to come to work she would have to drive six hours from her house in Eerie, just to get to work. She did this for the first two years when she was working there. Then, when she realized how much money she was spending monthly on gas she decided to move closer to her workplace, in Philadelphia. At the time she married to her husband Frank, Christy’s father, there was a lot of domestic abuse in their relationship though. One day, after they got into a heated argument, he had to call the police and authority over to the house.


She was referring to his manager at work. Frank works as a Sales Support Associates at a bank in the city of New York. His job requires that he travels abroad often and negotiate with other Support Associates in different countries, so that he can set up and establish deals and contracts for his bank in New York.

His manager “Margaret Evenston” was the head consultant at the bank in which he worked at, in New York. She was the one who allowed Frank to go overseas, and she funded it. She knew that Frank had very good communication and social skills, and he was superb at setting up new contracts. Which is why she allowed him to go overseas to many European countries like Germany and Poland. He would have to frequently report back to her and notify her about how everything was going, and if he was able to get the contracts or not. Which is why his phone was filled with messages from her. Crystal Angela knew the type of work that Frank does, he had already explained it to her many times, and she agreed and told him that she understood. But then a few months pass, she would act as if the conversation never took place and she forgot all about it. She would then go through his phone and open it up behind his back, and she would see the messages from Margaret, then immediately she would start yelling at Frank and accusing him of being immoral and an adulterer. This would happen frequently. They had both been married for eight years, the first year in the marriage was fine and okay, they had no problems. But then at the beginning of the second year is when the problems started to develop in the marriage. But today it got really heated.

Frank had come home from work after an almost 7 hour drive from New York City to Eerie, PA. He placed his phone on the couch and then he went to the kitchen to get something to eat. As soon as he went, Crystal Angela hurriedly came downstairs and started going through his phone. When she saw the messages the accusations began.

“YOU TALK TO HER MORE THAN YOUR OWN WIFE FRANK! I’M SICK OF IT!” She went in the kitchen and showed him the phone and began screaming and yelling.

“She’s my boss! Of course I’m going to be talking to her.” Frank said in defense to himself.

Crystal Angela still did not believe him. She then quickly went in the bathroom and threw the phone inside the toilet and flushed it down. When Frank tried to stop her she began fussing and screaming and she slapped Frank across the face. This made Frank very angry, they had gotten into many arguments before in the past but it never escalated to the point where physical violence was used. Frank knew that he could’ve just put his hands on her once and she will be knocked out. But Crystal Angela was the type who loved to call the police and bring people into their domestic situation, he didn’t want for her to do that and then having to risk being separated from Christy, he loved his daughter so much, she was the only reason why he put up with Crystal’s rude behaviors, if it wasn’t for Christy, he would have been divorced her and went on his way.

The neighbors heard the screams that Crystal Angel and Frank was making. They got scared and worried and called the authorities over. When they came, they told Frank that he has to leave the house and he can’t stay there no more, because of all the animosity and loud noises that they were making. Frank agreed. He went upstairs into Christy’s room, at the time she was only five years old. It was at about 1:30am in the morning, he walked over to her bed and rubbed her cheek gently to wake her up as she was underneath the blanket sleeping.

“Daddy has to go away for a while okay, me and mommy got into a little argument, but everything is going to be okay.” He told Christy.

“Daddy, where are you going? Don’t leave.” Christy said.

“Daddy just has to go away for a while okay, not too long.” He said.

Then he kissed her on her forehead and walked out the room door and gently shut it. He then got his luggage and all his belongings and left the house. The police officers told him that he would only have to be gone for a few nights, until they worked everything out, when they did he would come back.

A few days later Crystal Angela took him to court, for full custody of Christy and to have a PFA restraining order put on him. Earlier that morning she called one of her friends and told her to slap her and beat her face severely, until her eyes turned black and purple, so she could use that as a sort of alibi in court and say that Frank would often abuse her in the house and made many attempts to try to kill her.

The judge issued a full PFA on Frank, he could not come within 500 feet within the distance of Crystal Angela, and she gave full ownership of Christy over to her. Frank used to come by and visit Christy on birthdays and holidays, and take her out and buy her gifts, but he had to stop because of the court order.


She started treading up the stairs to go into her room.

“CHRISTY, ARE YOU IN YOUR ROOM HONEY?” She said when she arrived upstairs.

Christy was with Jason in the bathroom in her room, they were both in the shower with the curtains closed. Jason quickly put his hands over her mouth to stop her from talking or making any sound.

“Don’t talk! If you open your mouth I’ll kill you and send your carcass in a slave ship back to Africa!” Jason whispered to her.

Jason had his arms around her waist, they were both naked, as soon as they heard Crystal Angela’s voice coming through the front door outside they both stopped moving. Christy began fidgeting and tried to loosen Jason’s grip as his hands were wrapped around her waist. She then began to lightly bite his fingers. Jason was forced to loosen the grip that he had over her mouth.

“Jason… We can’t… let me go!” She whispered as she continued to struggle.

Jason was behind her and he had his arm wrapped around her waist. Christy tried to loosen his grip but to no avail, Jason was much stronger than her. She managed to step one foot out of the shower. As soon as Jason saw this he knew what he had to do, nothing was going to stop him. He immediately grabbed “it” by his hand and stuck it inside Christy’s crevice from her back. Christy then fell on the floor and Jason fell with her.

Christy began moaning as her legs began shaking and trembling.

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” Jason said. He tightened his grip around her waist and started to pull her in close as he began to stroke faster and faster.

Christy began moaning loudly. She gripped Jason’s hand that was wrapped around her mouth. She started to loosen his grip and pull his hands down.

“Jason, noo! Jason!!” She said as she struggled to be set free from his grip.

“I gotta nut in you, I gotta nut in you, I gotta nut in you!” Jason said as he wrapped his arms tighter around her waist and began to stroke faster.

“Jason, nooo!!” She yelled trying to stop him.

Her screams were of no use though, Jason shot off a huge blast inside her from the back.

She could feel the shot hitting the inside of her stomach, it then started dripping out slowly.

Jason gave a loud groan and Christy moaned out silently. They both laid there on the floor for a few minutes, “it” was still inside her, she didn’t want him to pull it out, and he didn’t want to take it out. They both just laid there, in silence.

Crystal Angela knocked on Christy’s door gently. “CHRISTY YOU IN THERE?” She said simultaneously as she knocked. Christy placed her hands on the floor and pushed a lot of weight on it and began to get up. Jason was still laying down. His eyes was wide open as he looked up and stared at the ceiling.

“I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead.” He slightly kept saying to himself.

Christy got up and opened the bathroom door and stuck her head out.

“YEAH MOM, I’M IN THE BATHROOM JUST TAKING A SHOWER.” She bellowed back to her mother.

“OKAY HONEY, JUST CHECKING.” She said and turned around and began heading to her room. Christy closed the bathroom door and went back inside. Jason was still laying on the floor.

“My life is no more. I’m dead. I’m a ghost. I’m in Limbo.” He quietly said to himself.

Christy reached down with her hand, grabbed his and lifted him up off the floor.

“My mom is here, what do you want us to do?” She asked him.

Jason was still in a daze. He shook his head at a rapid pace from side to side to come back to reality. When he did he grabbed Christy and held her by the arms.

Go tell her that my dad finna come over and talk to her.” He said.

Christy nodded her head up and down. She then picked up her clothes that were laying down on the floor, and she started putting it back on as she was standing. Jason decided that he was just going to stay in the bathroom while Christy goes and talks to her mom. As he was putting on his pants his gaze went across Christy. He noticed her long black curly hair, he noticed her augmented backside, he noticed her long black hair, and he noticed some type of white liquid, seeping out from her crevice in the back. Jason smiled and laughed in his head.

Christy finished putting her pants on, she didn’t have on any underwear, so all that she wore was her yellow skirt. She then put on her green velvet shirt and placed her hands on the doorknob and began to turn.

“Okay bae, stay here I’m coming.” She said as she began to turn the doorknob.

Jason quickly reached in with his hand and pulled her back in, he then sat her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

“I don’t want you to leave.” He said as he hugged her tight.

Christy began laughing. “Boy I’m not going anywhere, I’m just going to talk to my mom right quick and tell him that your dad coming over, I’m not going anywhere.” She said as she hugged Jason back and looked at him in the eyes.

“Okay baby, you promise you’re coming right back?” He asked her.

“Yeah baby, I promise.” She said as she wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips.

Jason kissed back slowly and closed his eyes. Christy then got up from his lap and walked out the bathroom door and out of the room. Jason reached in his pants and he got his phone and started to dial his father’s number.

The phone rang twice, and then it came on.

“AH COMING!” Jason’s father voice came from a distance.

After a few seconds his father’s voice came in the line.

“Oldhead, is you home?”

“Yes Jason, I am home, I’m not working today, where are you?” He asked.

Jason opened his mouth and was about to tell his father that he was over at Christy’s house. He quickly stopped himself, he thought maybe that won’t be such a good idea.

“I’m at football practice, but I’m walking now going to Christy’s house, her mom just got off work and she said that you can come over now.” Jason said.

“Okay great! Text me the address and I’m coming over there now.” He said.

Him and Jason then hung up. He texted Christy’s address to his phone, then he finished putting his pants on and slowly walked out of the bathroom and went to sit down on the edge of the bed to wait for Christy.

A few minutes later Christy opened the door and walked in and sat down next to him.

“She said okay. Is he coming now?” She asked him.

Jason nodded his head. “Yeah that’s what he said.”

“Bae I told him that I was coming from football practice and on my way to you, I need to get my stuff and go out so I can tell him to pick me up somewhere, cause I don’t want him to know that I was over here.” Jason said.

Christy nodded her head as she looked at him. “Okay bae.”

They both then got up and gently walked downstairs, making sure to be very meticulous as they passed by Crystal Angela’s door. When they reached downstairs Jason grabbed all his belongings, gave Christy a long kiss and walked out the front door.


Jason called his dad and told him to pick him up at a nearby daycare center.

About 25 minutes later they arrived at the front door and Mohammed gently knocked. Christy quickly opened, he let them both in. Then she pointed upwards.

“She’s upstairs, first door on the left.” Christy said.

Mohammed nodded his head. “Come on Jason…” He called to his son.

Jason followed his father as they both treaded up the stairs. When they reached to the top and outside Crystal Angela’s door, Mohammed turned to his son. “Stay here okay.”

Jason nodded his head. His father then went in to talk to Crystal Angela, about permission for Jason to marry her daughter.

Jason stood outside, he heard the two adults in the room talking. After about 25 minutes to half an hour later Mohammed stepped out and gently closed the door. He had a dark gloomy look on his face.

“Come on Jason, let’s go.” He said to his son.

Jason followed his father as they both went down the stairs. Christy was on the downstairs couch seated. Her hands were inside her lap and her knees were touching, she had a worried look on her face.

“Mr. Mohammed, Jason, what happened?” She asked as they both came downstairs. Mohamed didn’t say anything, he grabbed his son by the arms, turned the doorknob and walked out.

They began walking to Mohammed’s all black Toyota Corolla. Mohammed then stopped walking when he got a few feet away from the car, he turned to his son.

“Jason, listen to me…” He said to his son while looking at him in the eyes.

You must never speak to that girl again.” He said.

Jason stood there, adjacent to his father, a few inches away from his face. He could not believe what he was hearing.

“Wh..wh..wha…Oldhead how come? What happened?” He asked his father.

Mohammed didn’t say anything, he just got in the car, Jason sat in the passenger seat and his father began to drive off.

Jason looked straight ahead the whole time as they were driving, he could not believe this, him and Christy were not going to be together, they were not going to have their names on the contract saying that they are both husbands and wife, tears slowly started forming in Jason’s eyes.

“Oldhead, stop the car.” He said to his dad.

His father looked at him, then he pulled off to the side of the road and stopped. Jason turned his head towards his father, at this point tears were freely falling from his cheeks.

“Dad, please, I love this girl.” He looked at his father and said.

Mohammed saw the tears that were falling from his son’s eyes, he started to hold back his own tears.

“I have to marry her, please father, I gotta marry this girl.” He said as more tears trickled down his cheek.

Mohammed looked at his son. He knew that what he was saying was the truth, he knew that he was sincere. He reached in his back pocket, pulled out his wallet and handed Jason his black platinum debit card. Jason took it, he knew what he had to do.

He got out the car and started running. He ran to a nearby thrift store. He looked around until he found it, he quickly walked up to it, bought a ring and then went to pay for it. Afterwards, he walked out the thrift store and started running towards Christy’s house.

He arrived to the front door and knocked loudly. Crystal Angela opened the door. She starred at him as he stood there.

“Please leave, I don’t want to have to call the po…” She began to say.

Jason quickly went under her arms and stepped in the living room, Christy was still seated on the couch in the same position that he left her in, tears were falling down her cheeks and she was sobbing. Jason ran up to her and kneeled down.

“Christy I don’t wanna lose you. I love you so much. I don’t care what our parents say, it’s you that I want, you’re my wife and I love you.” He said. Then he pulled the ring from inside his pocket and put it around Christy’s finger.

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