Chapter 13

page 93

She did not respond. After a few seconds I heard her door opening and then slamming shut. I was still crouched low behind the couch. I began to frown as I looked around, nobody was there, I was all alone. A huge frown spread across my face.

I then got up from my crouched position behind the couch and began to head up the stairs, Once I got up, I began walking towards Christy’s room. Normally her door will be open a little bit, but it was completely shut. I quietly opened it, the door silently creaked and I peeked inside with my head. I saw Christy, she was laying down on the bed, her back was facing me and the blanket on her bed was wrapped around her body.

I opened the door all the way, then I slowly crept towards her without making any sound. As I looked at her laying down with the blanket wrapped over her body, I couldn’t tell whether she was sleeping or not. I decided to lay down on the bed next to her from the back. I wrapped my right hand around her and began to kiss her neck. She still did not budge or move.

“Hey boo, are you okay sugar plums honey biscuit pie butt?” I asked her.

She did not reply. I couldn’t see her face. Only the back of her neck. I then began rubbing her shoulders and kissing it.

“Come on, cheer up bae!” I said to her.

She shrugged her shoulders and moved her lower body forward a bit, away from me. Then she sucked her teeth and shrugged her shoulders again.

“I’m not in the mood Jason.” She said.

“How come honey boo pie butt sugar kitty?” I asked her.

She did not reply, she only drew more of the blanket over her head. I removed my hands from her shoulders as I stared at her.

“I see that you are adamant, you refuse to be coerced huh?” I asked her.

She did not reply or say anything back. I then pushed my weight on the bed to get up and walked towards the wall on the other end of her room. I sat down, then I lifted my legs up, so that they were now vertically positioned. I held on tight to my knees and buried my face in my legs and began quietly sobbing.

After a few minutes of me sobbing, I lifted my head up and saw that Christy was still laying down in the same position and had not moved. I quickly dived my head back between my lap and started to sob louder. Crocodile tears were now falling from my eyes as they began to turn red. Once Christy saw this she immediately rose from the bed and walked to where I was seated on the wall and she sat down next to me. She then began to rub my head gently.

“What’s wrong Jason, why are you crying?” She softly asked me as she continued to rub my head.

I did not respond, I continued to sob. My bottom lip began quivering and going in and out.

“Bae what’s wrong, why are you crying?” She asked me again.

My head was still delved in between my legs as I continued to sob.

“You don’t love me no more, cause I’m an ugly duckling.” I quietly said, then I began sobbing louder as more tears fell from my eyes.

“Omg boy I still love you.” She said.

I lifted my head up and looked at her as snot began dripping from my nose.

“Re-re-really? You really do?” I asked her with starry eyes.

“Uhh… yeah.” She said.

I wiped the snot that was dripping from my nose with the back of my hands, and then I smeared it on my face.

“Do you think I’m cute?” I asked her as I continued to look at her in the face as more snot began dripping down.

Christy looked at me and crunched up her face a bit.

“Uhh… Yeah bae, you cute.” She replied.

My face lit up and I gave a huge smile, then I puckered up my lips to her direction.

“GIVE ME KISS THEN BABY!” I said to her.

Christy gave a loud scream, she then got up from the floor and then turned around and began running towards the bed as she continued to scream. I got up and began to run towards her.

“EEWW NO NO GET AWAY!” She said as she began running around the bed.

She then grabbed a hold of the blanket and dived underneath it. I immediately climbed on top of the bed and followed her inside the blanket.

“Come out my little princess! Where are you? You don’t possibly think that you can run away from your husband right?” I said to her as I scurried inside the blanket trying to get a hold of her.

The blanket was huge, her bed was wide. I was not able to see anything, but I knew that she was inside. I was able to hear her tiny laughter and I could feel her weight on the blanket as she pulled and tugged on it from the other side.

“If I’m not ugly then why are you running away from me?” I asked her out loud as more snot began to drip from my nose.

Christy began to scream louder as she continued to run around inside the blanket.

“Get away from me you freak!” She bellowed out.

I ignored her yells and continued to scavenge inside the blanket. I was able to grab onto her feet. I pulled at it, she gave a loud yelp as she fell down on the bed. I quickly grabbed onto the sheets of the bed and pulled up closer to it. My head was now underneath her feet. I wrapped my mouth around her legs and bit down. She gave a loud scream and then she kicked me with her other foot on the side of my head, causing me to fall off the bed.

“Why would you do that?” I said as I began to rub the side of my head that she kicked.

“Why would you try to bite me!!? You weirdo.” She said.

As I laid there on the floor rubbing my head, my eyes began to well up with tears again.

“I’M LEAVING!” I said out loud to her.

I then put all my weight on my hands and began to get up. Then I started walking to the door and down the steps. I threw my hoodie on and my shoes, then I opened the front door and slowly stepped outside and began leaving.

As soon as I stepped out it began to thunderstorm and drops of rain began hitting the floor. Christy rushed down the stairs and she stood by the doorway as she watched me leave.

“JASON!” She called out to me.

“JASON WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?” She asked me out loud.

I didn’t respond, I kept on walking. Christy then stepped out the door, with no shoes on, and she ran towards me and grabbed my hands as I was leaving.

“Jason where are you going?” She asked me while holding my hands.

“Bae I’m leaving!” I replied.

“Por Que?” She asked me.

“Because you said I’m ugly and I stink, and you don’t love me no more.” I replied to her.

“Bae but I never said that.” She said.

“Yes you did, I heard you!”

“And plus you think I’m ugly!” I added.

Christy gave a big sigh. “Boy, I do not think you’re ugly.”

“You’re just like all the other kids in school, they pick on me and say that I stink and I’m ugly!” I said as I tried to hold back tears and twisted my face.

Christy began to laugh as she continued to hold on to my hands.

“Omg bae, stop being a drama queen.” She said to me.

The rain started to fall harder. I gripped Christy’s hand and began to squeeze.

“Who you calling a drama queen?” I asked her.

“OOOWW!” She yelled out.

“LET GO OF MY HANDS!” She screamed out as she began pulling her arm away to loosen the grip.

I held on tighter and began squeezing more as I blankly stared at her in her eyes. She dropped down on her knees as she began screaming in pain. The rain started falling harder and faster. This was my chance, this was the perfect opportunity. I knew what I had to do. As I looked at her knelt on the floor screaming out in pain, I began loosening my pants so that I…

As the droplets of rain started striking my head and I looked around I immediately began to realize, “I’m outside, this may not be the best location”.

I then stopped squeezing Christy’s small and soft fingers and let go of her hand, then I looked at her.

“Bae get off the floor, you look ridiculous.” I said to her.

“Shut up.” She said as she started getting up.

“Come on, let’s go inside.” Christy said to me as she reached for my hand and began to turn around.

I quickly drew my hand back to stop her from grabbing a hold of it, I then grabbed her from underneath her legs and threw her body over my shoulders as I started to run inside.

Christy began screaming as she balled up her fist and started slamming it on my back.

“PUT ME DOWN!” She said as she continued screaming and pouncing me on the back with her fists.

In order to have a firm grip, I had to squeeze her backside as I ran with her.

Christy continued kicking and screaming and telling me to put her down. I then ran in the house, threw her on the couch in the living room and closed the door.

“Jason what are you doing you weirdo!!” She said to me as her petite and brittle body fell on the couch.

I ignored her as I began to look at her hair that was dripping down with water, and her saturated shirt, which was now drenched and dripping with wet. I looked at her on the couch as she was talking, I was not able to understand a word that was coming from out of her mouth, only one thing was on my mind.

I started walking to where she was seated on the couch, I gently sat next to her and placed my hands on her thighs and began staring at her.

“What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked me.

I didn’t respond. I turned my head around and started looking at the wall.

“Bae… quite frankly, I need to release.” I said.

She gave a slight pause as she began to look at me. Then she fell back on the couch and folded her legs up and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV.

Then she began patting her head. “I’m not in the mood.” She said quietly as she continued flipping through channels.

I grabbed a hold of her neck and began to squeeze as I turned her head to face me.

“I WASN’T ASKING!” I said out loud to her.

Christy then drew her hand back and slapped me across the face.

“You rapist! I said I’m not in the mood.” She said.

My head fell back due to the impact of the slap she gave me, almost causing me to fall off the couch.

I see we’re going to have to do this the hard way. I began thinking to myself.

Her hand was soft, her fingers wet. I didn’t feel any pain from her blow. It only caused me to be stimulated more.

“Do you still have that marriage contract?” I asked her.

“Yeah.” She said as she stopped flipping through the channels. She was now just looking straight ahead at the TV.

“Could you kindly show me as to where it is at please?” I said to her.

“Why boy? I don’t feel like getting up.” She said.

“I just have to take a picture of it and send it to one of my friends please.” I said.

Christy didn’t respond. She gave a long pause. Then she finally got up.

“Ughh! You are so annoying!” She said as she turned around and began climbing up the stairs, I followed behind her.

She opened the door to her room and we both headed inside. The lights were on. I quickly flicked the light switch off.

Christy turned around. “Won’t you need the light on to take the picture on your phone?” She asked me.

“Nah it’s cool, I’ma just use the flash, it produces a much better quality.” I said to her, lying.

She then went to the drawer that was close to her bed, she opened it up and pulled out a thin white piece of paper. On top of it read Official State Marriage Contract. Right below it both our name were printed on it with our date of birth and signature of our parents. So it was true, me and Christy were officially married. She was my wife.

“Here you go.” She said as she handed me the paper. Then she turned around and began walking out.

“I’m gonna be downstairs, take your picture and you…” She began to say.

I grabbed on to her hands and stared at her in the eyes lasciviously. She stared at me back as she slowly began backing towards the wall.

“Wh-wh-what are you doing?” She asked me as she continued to back up.

I looked at her and didn’t say nothing. She held her arms out as she hit the wall, she couldn’t back up any more.

“Jason what are you doing?” She asked me again.

“It’s not considered rape if we’re legally married.” I silently said to her.

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