It's my turn to cry, it's my turn to worry

My vision is blurry, my kidneys are burning

It's my turn to make a sacrifice

I never asked for this, but you gave it to me

I accept, Onika

I want for you to please see the sincerity in my words

You're not just a girl, you're my whole entire world

Please don't stop being who you are

You're a superstar, you're my entire universe

I always want to be in control

You make me whole, you make my soul explode

If you drive drunk you'll crash and burn

You've taught this lesson to me many times but I haven't learned

It's a dog eat dog world, selfishness is the norm

I fell in love with you instantly when I laid my eyes on you

I gave my trust to you, I gave my all to you

Your eyes are beautiful, the night will soon be full

Let's endure together, me and you forever