
⚠ Monday

Ann Marie has a daughter who is 18 years old

I'm going to marry her

She's the one for me!


Thinking about Ann Marie's daughter, gosh I really love her

Ok, so fornication is among the major sins in Islam

But why do so many people fall into that sin time and time again?

💡 Because... "people make marriage too difficult"

Marriage is supposed to be easy and simple

People have needs, each one of us do

The only way to satisfy these needs and urges is to get married

Also, it's the marriage contract that makes the marriage valid in Allah's Eyes

Not the consumation


I wish it was the other way around

"Have sex with a girl now she's your wife" 😂

The Shahada is "I testify that no one deserves to be worshipped except for Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger"

What does that second part mean? "I testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger"

What does it mean??

💡it means that he is truthful

Because in order to be "The Messenger of God" you have to be truthful

And you have to be courageous

And courteous...

And all the good characteristics

Today was GREAT!

I started my second semester class in school today. I'm only doing one class but I'm in this HTML class in which Ann Marie is teaching

It's not a real class. Well it is a real class, but I'm just taking it to learn more, I already took it

But today was the first day, Ann Marie was telling us a little bit about herself

She was telling us things like where she went to college, her first job and things like that

And also, she told us that she has a daughter who is 18

She's 18!!!

I mean, I knew she had a daughter, but I was thinking she's like 8 or 9

But SHE'S 18!!

I have to marry her... I have to impregnate her

Ann Marie is so smart, she has all these degrees and accolades, so her daughter is bound to be smart just like her

I have a new mission in life, to marry her and make her the mother of my children

She will be MINES!! 😃

The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS was to worship Allah and share that with mankind

We have to start caring about these people

We have to show them that we care

Is the world lost yes or no? YES OR NOO!!!!??

Who are the only people with,the absolute truth??....The Muslims

Islam is not a part-time Religion


⚠ Tuesday

Good Morning

Getting ready to go to school

Btch I thought today was Wednesday

Thinking about Ann Marie's daughter

That's bae

She's so beautiful, I love her

The right kind of goals propel you forward

2:53am , I'm thinking about Ann Marie's daughter. Gosh, I really love her, I think I'm gonna go all the way with her

I have to play this very smart, I have to be very strategic

Ok, so... let's analyze the situation

What do I want to do? I want to marry Ann Marie's daughter that's wtf I wanna do


Why what?

💂why do you want to marry her?

Bruh, because... look at Ann Marie. She's smart af, and she's SUPER NICE, she taught me most of what i know about comp science. Her daughter has to be the same way, she has to be smart JUST LIKE HER!

However the mother is... that's how the daughter is going to be

💂ok..... Soo how?

How what?

💂How r u going to marry her?

😃I'll kidnap her and we'll run away somewhere and elope and live happily ever after!


I... I really don't know

I've never seen her before, but then again I don't really care about looks, it's an investment, SHE'S GOING TO BE RICH!!

This is what I have to do... since I've never seen the daughter before or spoke with her, I need to get to the daughter THROUGH THE MOTHER

The mother is Ann Marie, I want to marry her daughter

Ann Marie agreed to be my mentor last semester, I just have to make sure that I show her my best behavior and she sees that ima top notch guy 😉

Then..... her daughter will be mine! 😃

Me and her WILL ELOPE!!

Jk, why would we elope? That's dumb

Why run away to get married when we can do it right here?

And plus..... I don't like to hide

If I have something that looks good, I want it to be shown, I want the whole world to know

That goes for everything... except... my woman

I don't want you to stare at my woman bruh, I'LL KILL YOU BTCH!

Yeah I know she's hella pretty, I know she gotta fat butt and long hair and pretty eyes but SHE'S MINES!

get your own!!

I'm really jealous when it comes to my woman bruh

But I do not like..... when a woman gets jealous over me

"😕Umm... you're not my girlfriend"

I mean WIFE!!!!!

Ima horny little fucker

You finna get fucked btch

Bring your little itty-bitty teeny weenie pussy over here

So I can put my dck in it and stroke vigorously

Ya Shaykh, what's the judgement of eating a granola bar whilst it's 72 degreed outside in the state of Ohio?

That's blasphemy don't do it


⚠ Wednesday

Good Morning

Working on call it luck

I already prayed Fajr

Finna eat, then go to the library, then go to school

"Every situation is a learning situation, you learn and grow" -Ann Marie

Thinking about bae...

Ann Marie's daughter

I been thinking about her all week

Ann Marie's daughter is so pretty

"sighs" she prolly has like a boyfriend or something

Whoever he is I have to find him and murder him, and I have to throw away the evidence

But... what if she gets another, or another?

Then I gotta kill them too. I GOTTA KILL ALL THEM SONS OF BTCHES!

But what if she gets another? "sighs"

No way would I have a chance with her


Who knows?

"crosses fingers"

I already know that she's really smart, which is the predominant reason as to why I want to marry and impregnate her

I want a wife who is SMART

That girl has to be smart, SHE HAS TO BE...

Think about it... I had Ann Marie for ONE semester, and she taught me how to build an entire website!!

And her daughter, she's been with her for like... her whole life, think of all that she's taught her?

I love her so much 😘

I wonder what her name is..?



She prolly has an exotic name, like... like... "CLAUDIA!"

Her name is Claudia, I just know it, I gotta feeling from the bottom of...

Actually..... no

That sound like the name of an overweight Scottish girl

I know her name

Her name is "MADELINE!"

That is soooo beautiful, I love her name

Beautiful name for a beautiful young woman 😘

Naw matterfact her name is Sarah

No Julie

No Elise


Idk... I don't know her name 🙁

I don't need to know her name to marry her

And plus, she's gonna have my name anyways, so it really don't matter

What if her name Abigail?

I remember now!! When Ann Marie was telling the class about herself and she was talking about her daughter she was saying how she's a senior in high school and she has a lot of college offers

Colleges want her!! This must mean..... THAT SHE IS SMART!😄

But... keep it a bean... I don't want her to like, go off to college

Cuz them college boys!!

They're gonna try to take my wife away from me

She's staying with me, she's not gonna go to college AND LEAVE ME!!


SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME!! Don't you think that ik how this work?

She's gonna go off to college, and one of them Justin Bieber, Kyle Korver lookin mfs is gonna sweep her off her feet and run away with her, and I will never see my wife agakin!

You think I'm dumb enough to let that happen, FAAAAACCCKKK NOO!

She's not gonna go to college, she's gonna stay with me forever and she will not earn any type of higher education to further her knowledge, she doesn't have to go to school to get a good job

If God Wills for us to stay in a one bedroom apartment for all our life, then that's what it will be

At least me and her will be together, at least I will know that SHES NOT CHEATING!

she's mine! She's gonna stay with me! I love her!!

💂bro, get a hold of yourself

I'm sorry 😔

💂listen bruh... if you really love this girl, and you want to marry her... you're gonna have to set her off into the world and just trust her. Part of being in a relationship is trusting your partner

💡yes, I agree. That is true, IN A BF AND GF RELATIONSHIP

💂she's a big girl, she can handle herself

💡I do trust her, she's my wife so I TRUST HER

💡It's these damn hormonal boys I don't trust, these damn NIGGERS!

They're gonna try to take my wife away from me. She can never go off to college. NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!

She's going to be my "W-I-F-E"

Do you know what that means

It means... SHE'S MINES!

When you really love somebody right...

And I'm not talking like those little boyfriend girlfriend type relationships love, I mean REAL LOVE

Real love is like the love that a mother has for her child, or siblings have for one another

Real love is... when a man and woman got married when they were both 18, and 22 years later the husband has to go fight in a war, and something happens and he dies

And the wife, she refuses to get married to another man because she can't let go of her late husband

So, the woman got married to the man at the age of 18, 22 years later her husband goes off into war and dies

Now the woman is 40 years old, that's not an old age AT ALL!

She can easily get re-married if she wants to

But she doesn't... because she can't get over her late husband, so she remains single and unmarried for many years, let's say she dies at the age of 98

So she remains a widow between the ages of 40 to 98


And for that entire time, all she does is look at that one picture of her late husband in a sailor suit, and she sobs, and she grieves, for how long?

58 YEARS!!

That is real love

But yeah, when you really love somebody, you will do whatever it takes to protect them... NO MATTER WHAT!

That's the type of love that i have for Ann Marie's daughter, her name is Amber

No Ashley


Allah knows best her name, the point is... she will be my wife and mother of my children, period!

I never wanted anything as bad as I want this girl

She's perfect for me

I've never felt this way about a girl Wallahi, she's the most beautiful girl in the world

She has the prettiest eyes

She is the second most beautiful woman in the world

The first is... our daughter

She's not born yet, but soon Insha'llah

She won't be the only one, there will be many! Yup

I'm going to fill the entirety of Ann Marie's household with little Abduls running around in their diapers

I will be her king, and she will be my queen

And the best part about it is... she's clean and pure!

She's not like all these other girls out here, she's different

I love her

I gotta think, I'm plotting

I just need to get her alone... If I get her alone I can...


You see how the Shaytaan works, he wants me to be alone with that girl so I can fornicate with her


Her mother Ann Marie's going to be there the entire time. Up until we get married and we get that marriage contract

Then she will be my wife and I can be alone with her, then we can initiate the process of her being the mother of my children

But until then... her mom gotta be right there!

But I wanna have 27 kids with her, I've already made up my mind!

I'm contemplating, I'm plotting... heavy

I want this girl. But howw? How am I going to get her

I don't wanna wait, I want her NOW NOW NOW!

I want her to know that I really care about her, and I want to make her happy

I bet her hair smells really nice

I bet she has soft lips

I bet she has a pretty laugh😁

I bet... I bet... I'm tired of betting, I want to know FOR CERTAIN!

If I had liker her phone number or social security number then perhaps I could stalk her, but I got nothing, I don't even know her name 🙁

Her name is Cynthia

Her name Susie

Her name Brianna





Idk, but here's what I do know

The names of our children, our first daughter will be named "Ann Marie", after my wife's mother

Our first son's name will be... idk... idk what that little ngga name gon be

Allah knows best...

It's gon be super hard naming 27 babies

Cuz that's how many we're going to have

And all of them will be healthy, beautiful, and SMART!

Just like their mother