
Love is best when it’s built from the ground

Using our limited comprehension and our false understanding of the world we assign false dimensions to the Creator to what the divine SHOULD be like

It is much easier to ascribe to noble ideals when you are in a position of weakness

The power to overcome your desires when you have access to those desires

Acquainting yourself with thoughts of death is not always as morbid and cynical as it sounds

I hate getting mixed signals

Your worst enemy is yourself, your best friend

No one knows you better than yourself

You have to learn to be hard on yourself

You’re so used to impressing people and putting on this “phase”, you start convincing yourself that’s who you really are

One has to learn to stop complaining about the world and start complaining about yourself

Maintain balance in your life

The asset that all of us really have is “time”

We have to show respect to time

You can never control people

You’re so overwhelmed by these petty things that you forget that Allah/God controls the future, not you

If a person is pessimistic all the time than how can they have hope in Allah?

Don’t let the bad that people are saying about you make you stop the good that you are doing

We must make sure that we correct each other in a beautiful dignified way that they would be convinced to take that advice from us, that’s a true friend

Friendship needs to be restricted to goodness

Those who have passed away are far easier to follow as role models because their history has already been recorded and their books are closed

The Muslims lead a disciplined life.

There is a reason for you to be here, and after this life you are going to be resurrected and taken to a day of judgment

What is your purpose in this life? What do you live for? What is your goal?

Frivolous and trivial

Adulation is a trivial matter to me

Ima winner, I don’t ever lose

Everything that Allah is allowing us to do is because He loves us, and He cares for us

Allah will give you His love and His care on His terms, not on your terms

Sometimes a little bit of your suffering creates a lot of love and care for others

Our actions are judged by their endings

Shaving your beard is Haraam

Islam is all about knowledge and action. And knowledge is precious

Seek help through patience and prayer

I stay high like the TOP BUNK. I can’t tell you that I’m NOT DRUNK, my btch bad and she GOT SPUNK, she got ass and she’s NOT DUMB, I already been to the country twice, I ain’t trying go up state cuz some nggas already told me that shyt is NOT FUN

Finna get ready to pray Fajr

I think I’m only good for one

Finna do some writing

Even though I’m good without you I’m fuckin with you regardless

You can ride my face until you drip and cum 💦

I fuck 1,000 btches EACH NIGHT, you sold your soul for a CHEAP PRICE, I eat pussy and I EAT RICE, you sleeping on me ngga SLEEP TIGHT

I’m cooking 🍳

Btches be fake moaning. That shyt not cool bruh

Nobody wakes up early anymore

I think Ima transfer to CCP for the fall semester

The key difference between love and lust is that with “love” even though a powerful and deep emotion, there is never a compromise in the subjects cognitive reasoning. Their ability to think and come to a sound determination. Whereas lust takes over all reason.

“Love is blind, and it will take over your mind” what they really meant was “lust”

Most men only succumb to the will of Allah or only seeks Allah, out of desperation instead of love

💡I seek Allah out of love. I love Him yo. He’s been there with me from the rip

💡I’m going to memorize Surah Ash Shams. I’ve been on it for months now

How great is the test that we call “life”

Eliminate your ego, control your anger, don’t say anything vulgar, and stop arguing. Let it be

The easiest way to dissipate anger is to not open your mouth. The minute that you do, and you express that anger verbally, all hope is gone.

Do not speak, or write, or type a message in a state of anger

The intellect is swayed by the emotional disposition of a person

Good can only manifest itself in the presence of evil

It’s human nature that we remember God when things are difficult

Train your mind, focus on your personal growth

This ngga Kur was like “I don’t care about what nggas doing”

I miss waking up in the morning and smoking weed

I have ADHD

I’ve never been formally diagnosed tho

God is always on my mind, I think about Him more than I think about food

Girl I’m older than you u cannot play me

I literally overthink EVERYTHING

Rush towards the Paradise 🏃

I wanna stick my 👅 on your face and lick all over like a panting dog

Be independent of other people and put your dependency on God solely

Strive to accomplish that which will benefit you

If something happens to you say “it is the decree of Allah and He does what He wills”

“I did my part, God Will do the rest”

Beware of the word “if”

We always put forth our best effort, but we understand the limitations of our best efforts. Recognizing the limitations of our best efforts does not diminish them, it simply allows us to be at peace with the outcomes

Your favorable outcome in this life doesn’t lead to an unfavorable outcome in the afterlife, which is far more important

What could be more bitter than slander

Understand the honor of another person

“This was not bad for you in the grand scheme of things, it’s rather good for you”

You don’t have to like it but don’t beat yourself up over the outcome. And don’t go back and say “if I would’ve done this differently”

God had a plan for you, and the end of that plan is good for you. So be patient, and don’t think that this is bad for you

I need some leisure time

I do not forget a thing I’m patient it’s a gift

I’m mad, I don’t feel like talking

People take life too seriously sometimes

That’s not normal

Girls like attention

“Giving” does not necessarily depict the pleasure of God

We say “I seek refuge on you God from the accursed devil”

“I seek refuge in You from myself, from what I have committed”

You can’t properly own the sin if you blame the devil for it

No, the sin has been committed, I own it

You cannot appreciate the severity of your sins if you cannot appreciate the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you

What has God given to you for you to turn around and respond with disobedience?

You should be too shy to sin in front of God

I sin continuously. But I do not sin out of laxity or negligence: I sin because... 🤔 that’s just what I fuckin do! I never plan on sinning tho, that shyt just be happening. And I always feel remorse and regret afterwards. My brother be trying tell me ima bad person, but he doesn’t truly know me. Deep down I’m good

I sin because I’m weak, Ima man. I like getting high, doing drugs, busting nuts. That’s wat makes me HAPPY 😊

Most people don’t even give a fuck about their sins. At least I CARE!

If the shame is gone and the worldly repercussions are gone, then we become complacent with that sin once again


I like it better when you smile

I’m all about peace

Nobody knows me better than I do. Ik all my flaws and limitations

There is no stronger bond between a mother and a child

“Oh, why did God do this to me?” When people start questioning the wisdom of Allah the heart of the matter is that they haven’t accepted one thing about Allah... that He is God and you are a servant

The educational process is that we make the word “Allah” common knowledge

When a bird is alive it eats ants, yet when it dies ants eat it. Circumstances change at any time. Do not oppress, despise, or hurt anyone during your lifetime. You may be powerful today, but time is more powerful.

Just like one tree makes a million match sticks, yet when the time comes then only a single match is needed to burn a million trees

This ngga won’t LEAVE ME DF ALONE!!

Bae still sleeping I think

Delimited - having fixed boundaries or limits.

“Allah is not delimited”

I smoke cuz it helps alleviate

I already prayed Maghrib

555, 525, 755, 725

733, 819, 633, 625

433, 325, 355, 115

95, 70, 55, 25

The dreams I be having lol

These girls be acting foolish