One was a shepard, and one was a farmer who had produce
"Instruct the two of them to give out a charity,
and whoever his charity is accepted will be correct"
Now what happened?
This is made mention in the Qur'an. Allah says...
"And (O MUHAMMAD SAW) Recite to them the story of the two
sons of Adam in truth;" SURAT AL-MA'IDAH(5:27)
Oh Muhammad(SAW) recite to them the story of the
two sons of Adam with truth
"When each offered a sacrifice(to Allah), it
was accepted from the one but not from the other" SURAT AL-MA'IDAH(5:27)
When both of them gave their sacrifices it was accepted from one,
but not from the other
The question is: why was it not accepted?
It is very interesting, we are going to draw a lesson from this
The one who was a shepard was Abel. He came with a good animal and he put it on the mountain
Why did he have to put it on the mountain?
There were no poor people at that time
There is no poor to give the charity to
So the plan at that time, what used to happened is
They used to put the sacrifice on the mountain and then they would go away
When they came back they would see the fire has eaten one or the other
When the fire has eaten your sacrifice it means it was accepted
by Allah
And if the fire has not eaten it than it is not
accepted, it is rejected
So this man(Abel) came with a very good animal, and he put it there
And the other brother (Cain), the one who was fighting and
arguing. He was a farmer, he had produce, he brought not
mediocre produce. But that produce that was now almost rotten
and he put it there and he says "right, this is the sacrifice"
And they went away. So one was accepted and one wasn't
It's very simple to know which one was accepted and why
One charity was accepted and the other wasn't
The latter said to the former: "I will surely kill you." SURAT AL-MA'IDAH(5:27)
He looked at his brother and says "I am going to kill you"