Abdullah Ibn Masud the Companion of the Prophet (SWS)
reported that Allah's Messenger had seen Angel Gabrielle in his natural state
in which he had 600 wings
Each of which filled the horizon
And they were like multicolored drops of pearls and corals
falling from the wings
For the Angels in their natural state are
quit huge so much so that in another narration narrarated by
Jabir Ibn Abd-Allah
With regards to the Angels that carry the Throne of Allah
Prophet Muhammad (SWS) said:
Allow me to speak about one of the Throne bearers
The distance between his earlobe and shoulder
"is what a bird will fly in 700 years"
So we are talking about a huge aspect of Allah's creation
The Angels, though they appeared when they appeared in human form
they appeared as males
Because of the appearances
The companions described it he looked like
one of the companions, who's name was Diya-Al Kalby
That he looked similar to him and other times he appeared
like an unknown bedwin
Though they've been described as male forms
They are not considered to be either male or female
Nor is there any evidence in Islamic texts to indicate that
they reproduce
We have in Surah Saffat verse 150, Allah is saying:
This was rebuking the Pagan Arabs for claiming
that Angels were feminine, or female
Now, with regards to the names of the Angels, there
are only eight names which have been authentically recorded in
Islamic texts
There are many in folklore (legends, cultures)
There are only 8
Angel of revelation
The Angel
responsible for rain
The Angel who will
blow the horn
signaling the end of
the world
The Angel
guarding hell
Munkar & Nakir
The Two Angels
guarding hell
Harut & Marut
Two Angels who
were sent
to the
people of Babylon
to test their
These are the authentic names
of Angels, all of the other names we hear of Israel and etc...
These names are either based on:
1. Israeli traditions- traditions taken out of the
Bible biblical sources
2. Weak narrations-
Fabricated narrations or they have
been simply common folklore names which have been chosen
Now, with regards to the abilities of the Angels
We are informed that they are able to read human intent(intention)
They are able to understand what is going on in human mind
Prophet Muhamma(PBUH) was quoted by Abu Huraira saying:
The Angels say to Allah that man intends to do evil
Although He is more vigilent than them
He replies: Watch him if he commits evil report it in kind.
But if he abandons it record for him one good deed
for surely he gave it up for my sake
So they have the ability to read human mind
And virtually all of the movements and activities
which take place in the world
Are under their commander, under their control or
under their influence
And this is deduced from many verses in the Qur'an
And other verses where Allah's command
Throughout the creation because everything is by
His command as you know
He assigned to the Angels
He also assigned to every human being
From the time that they are formed in the womb
Till the time of their birth
Prophet Muhammad (SWS) was quoted by Anas Ibn Malik
Allah the Exalted and Glorious has appointed an
Angel as the caretaker of the womb that says "my Lord it is
like an oily drop"
"my Lord it is now like a leech"
"my Lord it has become like a clump of chewed flesh"
Then if Allah wishes to complete its' creation the
Angel will ask:
"my Lord, will it be male or female?"
We have another narration from Abdullah Ibn Masod
That when the fetus reaches the
beginning of the 5th month
The Angel breathes the soul into him
At that same time
4 things are recorded
His livelihood
His lifespan
His deeds
Whether he will be wretched or happy
Besides that each person has an Angel assigned to him
Who may vary, not necessarily the same Angel all
the time but an Angel is with him throughout his life
Encouraging him to do good and guarding him
from evil. This is part of the human conscience
Every human being has a consciousness of good
and evil
And we will look at the evil side when we come
to the world of the jinn
Prophet Muhammad (SWS) said everyone of you has
been assigned companion from among the jinn and one from
the Angels
So these Angels who are with us encourage us to
do good and put good suggestions in our minds
And counteract the evil suggestions which will come from the evil
source of the jinn
There are also two Angels who are assigned to recording deeds.
These are the ones most people know about
We can find in Surah Infitar verses 10 & 11
That verily there is assigned to you
protectors or guardians, guardians who are noble and
who record, your deeds
Outside of this we have Angels throughout
our life span
These Angels who are with us recording they
are constantly with us
The Angels which are assigned as support to us and
put good thoughts in our mind, sometimes these Angels may
leave us
Prophet Muhammad (SWS) said that Angels do not
enter a house in which there is a dog or pictures of
statues of living beings
Because the Angels that are recording will not
leave you at any time
So we shouldn't think that some people migt ignorantly
feel that they can avoid their record being take place
you know things deeds being recorded if they keep
a dog with them all the time you know
At any case
With regards to a person dying
An Angel is also assigned to take the soul
at the time of death
And when the person dies that soul is passed over
to the Angels in the next life
And the Angels who receive that soul take the
soul on a particular journey
Allah knows best about this journey
It's enough to know that the Angel takes
our soul in the next life, and takes it on a journey
then two other Angels will come back to it whilst it's
in the grave
In that state of the grave and question it concering
it's Lord, the Prophet, who was sent to it and its' religion
And that basically summarizes the basic information that has been revealed
to us concerning the Angels
And the significance of knowledge of the world
of the Angels
Is basically for human beings to know that all of
their deeds are being recorded