Prophet Ibrahim Page 11
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Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
The Friend of Allah
They taught him manners and so on, and as he grew his father used to come and go
His father Ibrahim had come back at one stage and had seen Masha'Allah this is the set up and he was quite happy with it. And he would come and go
And then the big test comes to Ibrahim
The great test from Allah
And you could imagine Ibrahim for 86 years waiting for a child
You could imagine how the heart of Ibrahim was so attached to his son Isma'il
And then the test comes where Allah tells Ibrahim to move away Haajar and Isma'il from him and Sarah
Now the bigger test comes, when Isma'il grows. As he grows his righteousness is growing
And Isma'il becomes a young fit teenager. Righteous and pious, and God fearing
Loving Islam and worshipping Allah. Such a beautiful sight for the father to see
You could imagine now the heart of Ibrahim is even more attached to his son
When he sees his son fearing Allah, calling to Him, and worshipping Him
And the big test comes
Allah now orders Ibrahim a great order. He will see himself one night slaughtering his own son Isma'il