Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The Friend of Allah

  • Allah then makes mention of Moses, Haroon, so on and so on. Allahu Akbar. May Allah's peace be upon them all
  • It doesn't stop there. Allah gives us a break so we can rest
  • Allahu Akbar, so we can rest
  • Allah says that is how we recompense those who do good, we keep the deen in their progeny
  • Allah gives us more names and tells us that they are all pious
  • Allah tells Ibrahim more names, one after the other
  • He tests you one after the other. When you pass all those tests, Allah will fling open many doors for you in a way you can never imagine. Allahu Akbar
  • Allah says not only those names but their families we have showed them the right path
  • Allah says we guided them because of Ibrahim's many efforts and his sacrifices
  • Allah chose all of Ibrahim's family over the rest of mankind
    Prophet Muhammad makes mention of this in the Quran. So it is Allah who chooses
  • Allah says in the Quran we gave the family of Ibrahim not only property but authority
  • Take a look at David and Solomon, they were Prophets but they were also kings at the same time SubhanAllah
    They were from the family of Ibrahim
  • Then we have the death of Ibrahim he passes away in an area in Palestine

  • DONE