Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

The Friend of Allah

  • "Oh Allah I will sacrifice for the sake of you, even if it's my own son Isma'il."
  • The test was take Hajaar and Isma'il to the middle of the valley in Makkah where there is nothing there and leave them there and come back to Saarah
  • Wow. WHAT A TEST
  • Think about it, 86 years waiting for this child, and the child comes and his heart is so attached to the child. Now, put him and his mother in a place not a town, not a city where there is civilization, there are services, there are people around... In the middle of nowhere
  • So Ibrahim decided to leave his wife and child, and they hardly had much to eat. Just a day or two of food and drink, and he started walking
  • His wife looks at him and begins to question him, "where are you going? What's happening?"
  • He didn't answer, he just carried on
  • Then she decided, "there is only one thing that can be happening here"
    "it can only be an instruction of Allah"
    So she asks him "is it Allah who has instructed you to do this?"
  • That is when he said yes, and he continued.
  • At that moment she also surrendered
  • That is when she decided not to question further, and she knew immediately that Allah was going to look after them
  • That is when she decided not to question further, and she knew immediately that Allah was going to look after them
  • As he left he began to make Dua. "O Allah, you are the best of protectors"
  • He Isma'il was breastfed for a while and then the food ran out and everything dried up Subhan'Allah
  • The mother is looking at the child and she says "no I must make an effort to try and look for some food"
  • So she decides to go up Mount Safa
  • She went up the mountain and she is looking is there any sign? No sign, no life, no nothing
  • So she came down, making Dua to Allah and when she gets to the bottom she is running. Why is she running?
  • Because she wants to get to the top of the other mountain on the other side and she doesn't want to miss anyone who might pass while she's at the bottom
  • Subhan'Allah

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