Fasting Ramadan


Fasting Ramadan

Allaah made it obligatory upon every accountable and able Muslim to fast the month of Ramadan. Fasting during the month of Ramadan was made obligatory during the month of Shabban in the second year AH. It is a great obligation and upon the most important matters of Islam. The Muslims look forward to this month because it's the month of goodness, obdeience and blessings. It is also the best month of the year, and in it the best night of the year, the night of Qadr. Fasting is abstaining from anything that invalidates the fast during the day along with having made the intention during the night. It is an obligation upon every pubescent, sane and able Muslim to fast. However, it is not valid from the menstruating and post partum bleeding woman to fast, it is not obligatory on them. They make up the days of fasting they missed after Ramadan. Fasting Ramadan becomes obligatory by one of two things:
  1. Finishing 30 days of Shabban
  2. Seeing the crescent of Ramadan on the 30th night of Shabban, meaning after the sunset of the 29th day of Shabban.
This is due to the saying of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim in which he said "fast upon seeing the crescent and break your fast upon seeing it"
If you cannot see the crescent because it was cloudy than finish the whole 30 days of Shabban. The one who sees the crescent has to fast, moreover, the one who does not see it but is informed by an upright, trustworthy free Muslim, who does not lie is also obligated to fast. Fasting has two integrals:
  1. The first is having the intention in the heart everyday. One intends in the heart "I intend to fast tomorrow to fulfill the obligation of fasting for the month of Ramadan this year faithfully and seeking the reward from Allaah." The time of the intention is at sunset and before the Fajr prayer begins the next morning.
  2. To abstain from anything that invalidates the fasting from the appearance of the true dawn to sunset

The invalidators of the fast are many, among them are:
  • eating, even if as little as a sesame seed. And drinking even if one drop of water, while remembering that one is fasting.
  • Droplets in the nose or ear invalidates the fasting. The eye drop does not invalidate the fasting.
  • Losing consciousness for the whole day from Fajr to sunset. Or losing sanity for one moment.
  • Placing one's finger or what is similar down one's throat to make oneself vomit
  • If one involuntary vomits and does not swallow any of it then one's fasting is not invalidated
  • Apostasy of any types, beliefs, actions, or sayings invalidates the fast

Whoever invalidates his fast by intentionally eating, drinking or vomiting is sinful. He is also obligated to make up the fasting immediately after Eid day. However, he is not obligated to pay money to the poor Muslim as expiation.