


Insincerity is among the major sins in Islam. Insincerity is when one does a good deed claiming it to be for the sake of Allah when one is really doing it for the praise of the people.
Many people may consider themselves as sincere Muslims, when really they are only seeking the praise of the people. This is a major sin. One must be very careful to not fall into this major sin. This is why in Islam we are always reminded to correct our intentions while doing a good deed and make sure it's only for the sake of ALLAH.

Because after all, if you are not doing the deed for the sake of Allah than why are you doing it? The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank) said that within the Muslim community it will be split into 73 sects, and among the 73 72 will go to hellfire and only one willl go to paradise. Undoubtedly those who are insincere is among the 72 that is going to hellfire.

If a person prays and claims that he or she is doing it for the sake of Allah when really it is for the sake of the people than that person is sinful and his prayer is not accepted. If a person fasts and claims that they are doing it for the sake of Allah when really it is for the sake of the people than that person's fast is accepted, but he or she is very sinful.
May Allah have mercy on us.