Live your life

Live your life

  • Live your life with courageous integrity. Do the right thing, not the easy thing

  • If you find yourself faced with a difficult decision today, dont just make the easy choice. Ask yourself, 'What's the right thing to do?"

  • As difficult as your answer may be, remind yourself that taking the easy way out might always be harder in the long run

  • Instead of becoming disappointed or feeling let down if something doesn't turn out the way you wanted today, shift your perspective and ask yourself, "What have I learned?"

  • Make the decision that today is going to be a great day and don't let anyone else stand in your way. Choose to have a great day

  • Your self-esteem is a valuable resource. Make sure you encourage, nurture, protect and support yours. Treat yourself with respect

  • The truth is, even if there are things you still want for your life, you probably already have everything you need. Cheer up! 😊

  • Take care of yourself 😉

  • As you work through all the things in you to-do-list, make sure you find time for something just for you. It might be that you exercise, stop for a coffee at your favority cafe, call a friend or read a chapter of a book. Whatever you choose, make sure that you do something each day that you really do enjoy. Your life will be happier for it.

  • Make a point of acknowledging something good or positive each and every day. Rather than making this a bedtime activity, try doing it two or three different times during your day

  • Most people spend a lot of their time complaining about things they don't want or don't have, only to wonder why their life stays exacytly the same. If you want to live your best life, start each day by focusing your attention on your goals and dreams. Then apply your efforts to making these your reality.

  • Regardless of your upbringing or formative experience, it is never too late to start believing in yourself