Maryam [Mother Of Jesus]
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Maryam [Mother Of Jesus]
And if you see any human beings; Say verily...
I have vowed a fast unto the Most Gracious
So I shall not speak to any human being this day
Say that you're fasting from speaking
Because what will she tell the people?
She will tell them; An Angel came to me and told me...
They're not gonna believe her
So Allah SWT told her: Don't speak
She came to her people carrying the child
Immediately they said: Indeed you have brought a thing
That is mighty; What have you done?
And then they said: O sister of Harun;
Who's Harun? It has one of two meanings
One of them is that she had a brother whose name was Harun
This is one meaning
And Rasullullah SAW says: Those people used to
Name their children according to the names of their 'Anbiya'
They were bringing up Harun AS; The 'Nabi' Harun
Because Al-Imran are from the descendants of Harun
They're the descendants of Dawud
And Dawud was the descendant of Harun
So in other words they're bringing up the fact that
You are from a righteous family of Harun; What have you done?
Your father was not a man who used to commit adultery
Nor your mother was an unchaste woman
So they're already accusing her
She didn't speak because Allah SWT told her: Don't speak!
How can we talk to a chi
So she pointed to the child; Telling them: He's going to respond
How can we talk to a child who is in the cradle; What's wrong with you?
Because she was pointing to Eesa; She's pointing to him
And said: He's gonna respond back to you
Allah SWT made him speak; He said:
I am the slave of Allah
He has given me the scripture and made me a Prophet
And he made me blessed wherever I am
Wherever Sayyidina Eesa is; Blessing is following him
And Allah SWT has enjoined on me 'Salah' and 'Zakat' as long as I live
And dutiful to my mother and made me not arrogant
So Allah SWT says about Eesa and 'Salaam' [Peace] be upon me
The day I was born and the day I die
And the day I shall be raised alive
And we know that Eesa Ibn Maryam did not die yet
This is one of the indications of his coming back
It is very important to note the fact that throughout her life
Why because the Jews accused Maryam
They accused her of 'Zina'; They accused her of [Fornication]
And they did not see Eesa as being a legitimate child
And they accuse her of sleeping with a carpenter
And all of these made up fabricated stories
That's what the 'Yahood' say and 'Subhanallah' it's interesting
To see how the Christians can fall prey to the Jews
When they know that's what the Jews say about their 'Nabi'
The Christians say thatl; No, Jesus
Was born from the Virgin Mary
And he is the son of Allah
And then the Muslims come and say:
Eesa Ibn Maryam was born from the Virgin Mary
And he is a 'Nabi' of Allah SWT and he is a righteous;
One of the five best of the 'Anbiya' of Allah SWT
But Allah SWTT does not have a partner
And Allah does not have a son
Because of this dispute that arose;
It is he Eesa Ibn Maryam who will come down at the end of time
And solve this once and for all
Mary; Since her birth until the end of her life was always a 'Siddiqa'
And Allah SWT called her 'Siddiqa' in Qur'an; 'Siddiqa'
'Siddiqa' is an extreme form of righteousness
Or it's a high level of righteousness
Due to an extreme form of 'Sidq'; [Truth]
You know what; She went to her people carrying the baby
If Allah's with me; I don't care anymore
This isn't a punishment; I don't care
But that's her 'Tawakkul'; That's the extent of her [Trust] in Allah SWT
Maryam is an example for all men and all women
You know in regards to how to be devout
How to be devoted in regards to our worship
How to maintain our modesty
And at the same time; How to trust Allah SWT
We ask Allah SWT to bless her
We ask Allah SWT to reunite us with Maryam AS
In the highest level 'Jannah Al-Firdous'
In the company of the Prophet SAWS
And all of the righteous