Prophet Hud (AS)
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Prophet Hud (AS)
No.. So what did they decide to do? Allah speaks about them in the Qur'an
Hud Alayhi Salam told them that; When you sieze, when you want to punish someone
You destroy them totally, you seize so powerfully as though you are tyrants
Which means: They used to kill off those who were weak
And those who tried to go towards the message
They used to kill off those whom they considered a threat
Nobody could tell them anything. Why?
They were huge... Powerful people and they were in the majority
Allahu Akbar. So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala warns them
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala warned them through the Prophet Hud
But now I want to spend a few minutes describing to you their houses
Are you those who used to build on the mountains.. On every high place
You had your monumental home and palace
What is a monumental home and palace? They build palaces on top of the mountains
Huge palaces.. Which they did not live in. It was only known; That house is for this man
That house is for that man, that house is for this man
Those were all on sand dunes and on the little mounts that they had
They were not living in them. So Allah says; Are you building extravagantly...
These homes that you are not living in? You are not going to stay in them
And you are becoming so indulged.. that you are forgetting Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
Allahu Akbar.. And on top of that, the next verse says; And then in the valleys
You build the little houses that you are going to live in.. In such a manner
That you think that you are going to live forever
You have taken these fine homes for yourselves as though you are going to live forever
Allahu Akbar.. So imagine the houses. These people.. They owned the mountains
They carved up at the top of the mountains a place for them to boast.. to brag
That's my home, that one is my house, that one is the other one's house
That's the uncle's house.. And so on. Allahu Akbar
They were the first in this type of engineering. And because of that.. Why does Allah mention it?
Because of that... They had this sense of arrogance. That because of this invention that they have
And their advanced technology.. They ruled the world
They thought that they are the rulers, they are superior to everyone
The first thing they did was.. they rejected him and they rejected his warnings
Why did they reject him and reject his warnings? They were stricken with this disease of superiority
If they had followed him.. It meant for them that they are now going to be equal to everyone else
So Allah Subhannahu Wa Ta'Ala speaks about their size