Prophet Noah
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Prophet Nuh (AS)
It went through with our guidance. And then...
When Allah instructed the water to subside, Allah says: It was said to the Earth...
Swallow back your water
(So this shows that it had spat it out)
Swallow back your water. And the skies were told to hold back their water...
And the water subsided, and we guided this Ark, and it rested on Mount Judi
Where exactly that is; Allah knows best. There are alot of statements...
In fact recently I've seen someone said; they have discovered an Ark...
In Turkey somewhere, someone said they discovered something elsewhere
Only Allah knows. But, the lesson, we know it's true
So Allah says: That Ark was guided and it rested...
And it was said: Distance or destruction be! Woe be! Upon those who were opressors!
They are now gone. Completely. Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala...
Makes mention of a beautiful verse in the Qur'an... Beautiful verse in the Qur'an
Subhan'Allah. We said: O Nuh, disembark in peace from this Ark, you and your people
And from your people disembark those whom...
We will grant them goodness for a short period of time...
And thereafter we will punish them even after that
What does that verse mean?
That verse means that: O Nuh, we want you to know that now there are only believers with you
When they come out andn they're going to have their children and so on
There will come a time when they will then deserve the punishment once again
Allahu'Akbar. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala protect us and our offspring as well
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala gives a gift to Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam
Allah says in the Quran...
Those who were in the ship with Nuh or in the Ark with Nuh...
Noah may peace be upon him, none of them had offspring
Besides Nuh... So everyone of us here... We are the children of Nuh,
Not anyone who was with him. Subhan'Allah
Allah says: The others... They were not granted children
Him... His progeny is what continued, him and his sons sons and so on
And there was continuation there. So we have a gurantee...
From the Quran that all of us... The common forefather that we do know...
After Adam was Nuh for every single one of us. Subhan'Allah. We know that
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala grant us understanding
Thereafter Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala speaks about how he has kept the signs...
And how he has kept all this in order for us to take heed
And in order for us who came later on to learn a lesson
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: Is there anyone from amongst you...
Who's going to learn a lesson from the story of Nuh? Noah may peace be upon him
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala grant us a deep understanding