Prophet Nuh (AS)


Prophet Ibrahim
  • It went through with our guidance. And then...
  • When Allah instructed the water to subside, Allah says: It was said to the Earth...
  • Swallow back your water
    (So this shows that it had spat it out)
  • Swallow back your water. And the skies were told to hold back their water...
  • And the water subsided, and we guided this Ark, and it rested on Mount Judi
  • Where exactly that is; Allah knows best. There are alot of statements...
  • In fact recently I've seen someone said; they have discovered an Ark...
  • In Turkey somewhere, someone said they discovered something elsewhere
  • Only Allah knows. But, the lesson, we know it's true
  • So Allah says: That Ark was guided and it rested...
  • And it was said: Distance or destruction be! Woe be! Upon those who were opressors!
  • They are now gone. Completely. Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala...
  • Makes mention of a beautiful verse in the Qur'an... Beautiful verse in the Qur'an
  • Subhan'Allah. We said: O Nuh, disembark in peace from this Ark, you and your people
  • And from your people disembark those whom...
  • We will grant them goodness for a short period of time...
  • And thereafter we will punish them even after that
  • What does that verse mean?
  • That verse means that: O Nuh, we want you to know that now there are only believers with you
  • When they come out andn they're going to have their children and so on
  • There will come a time when they will then deserve the punishment once again
  • Allahu'Akbar. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala protect us and our offspring as well
  • Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala gives a gift to Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam
  • Allah says in the Quran...
  • Those who were in the ship with Nuh or in the Ark with Nuh...
  • Noah may peace be upon him, none of them had offspring
  • Besides Nuh... So everyone of us here... We are the children of Nuh,
  • Not anyone who was with him. Subhan'Allah
  • Allah says: The others... They were not granted children
  • Him... His progeny is what continued, him and his sons sons and so on
  • And there was continuation there. So we have a gurantee...
  • From the Quran that all of us... The common forefather that we do know...
  • After Adam was Nuh for every single one of us. Subhan'Allah. We know that
  • May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala grant us understanding
  • Thereafter Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala speaks about how he has kept the signs...
  • And how he has kept all this in order for us to take heed
  • And in order for us who came later on to learn a lesson
  • And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: Is there anyone from amongst you...
  • Who's going to learn a lesson from the story of Nuh? Noah may peace be upon him
  • May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala grant us a deep understanding