I could not believe what I was hearing. Of course she was cute. Hell, she was probably the cutest girl in the entire school, but I didn’t want her to think I know that. For our whole time that we’ve spent together in the cafeteria I’ve been chastising her and making fun of her. Now for her to bluntly come out and say how I felt about her like it was not even a big deal was very appalling to me. How had she known that? Had somebody told her that she was my crush?
I stared at her with a blank expression for about a minute, “I know nothing.” I monotonously said. Then Christy raised one eyebrow as she stared at me and smiled widely, as if she knew I was lying, which I was. “Whatever boy keep telling yourself that.” She continued to eat her pretzel and took a sip of her juice. The alarm then rang alerting everybody that it was only 5 minutes of the lunch period left. I was heartbroken because me and Christy was just beginning to kick it off, and I didn’t know if the next day I was going to be brave enough to sit with her. I had to get her contact information, someway somehow.
I began to eat really fast as I knew lunch was coming to an end. “You trying go back to the snack line and steal some Sun Chips?” I asked Christy as she was finishing off her pretzel. “Nobody will know.”
Christy looked at me and gave a soft chuckle, “boy you crazy.”
“You’re a bad influence to me, and I am a susceptible person.” Christy said in the midst of drinking her juice. I didn’t quite know how to take Christy’s statement. Was she saying that she can’t hang out or be with somebody like me or was she just making a sarcastic remark? I wasn’t sure.
Christy took a last bite of her pretzel then she got up and threw the trash away, then she put the remainder of the food she bought from the snack line in her bag. “Thanks for the treat though, it was nice of you.” Christy said while standing and smiling.
I got up and extended my hand towards her to give her a handshake, “anytime my lady.” I said this while giving a short bow.
She gave a short laugh. Then she took my hand and said “Ahh my prince, death to anyone who claims that chivalry is dead.” She said while half laughing.
Then the bell rang notifying everybody that the lunch period was over. All the students began to head for the exit door to go to class.
“Well, see you.” I said to Christy as I tunrned my back and slowly began to walk. Towards the exit door.
“Wait.” Christy said. “Come here.”