I didn’t know what to say or how to respond to her. I just stared at her, as she stood almost behind the door with her hands over her face. Cecilia’s face was white, and he teeth were chattering. I knew that she wasn’t just playing around, this was not a joke.
“Spider?” I asked her while raising one eyebrow.
Her hands still covered her face and her teeth continued to chatter.
“Yes Jason, please go kill it, it’s over there.” She pointed with her fingers towards the top of her bed.
I couldn’t believe my sister, what she was asking me to do. She was wasting my time… again. I was about to walk out of the door and head back to my room but then I stared at the white look on her face. She was really afraid for some reason.
I decided “okay, let me check this out”. I turned my body around and I began to head towards her bed. There was a purple wide blanket that was spread over it, and then there was a white sheet under the purple blanket. I grabbed the edge of the purple blanket, and then I yanked it off the bed. The white sheet was thin, it spread and covered the entire perimeter of the bed, from corner to corner. I searched around the top of the bed for the spider, but I could not see it. I brought my face closer to the top of the bed and I squinted my eyes to look harder, I still was not able to see the spider.
“Cecilia, you trippin! There’s no spider on…” I began to say.
Then I saw it. An all-black spider. Spiky hair was growing all over its’ body. It had long black hairy legs. Huge red and black eyes were on its’ head. As it crawled on the floor from side to side it looked as if it was about as big as a hand span. The spider had been underneath the purple blanket that I removed from the top of the bed. It had clung on to the back of it, which is why I was not able to see it. When I lifted the blanket off from the bed and dropped it on the floor the spider went along with it.
It crawled on the floor, looking for some sort of refuge. Then it went back under the white blanket that was laying on the floor.
“KILL IT JASON!” Cecilia screamed. The scene of the spider was really scaring her; I didn’t like that. I have to save my little sister from the intruder that has occupied her room. Quickly, I picked the edge of the blanket up and threw it back on the bed. There I saw the black spider. It was crawling around in a circle as it realized that the blanket was no longer over it. I hurriedly lifted my right foot up, then I dropped it down with a thud on top of the black spider.
“DIEEE!” I said as I stepped on it. I pushed my weight further down on my foot as it remained on top of the black spider. There was a “CRACK” sound, I could feel the spider breaking up into pieces as I pushed my weight down on it. After a few seconds I slowly lifted up my heels. There wrtr now green residue of the spider on the bedroom floor and underneath my foot. As I looked at spider’s guts, and his internal organs that were underneath my foot, I twisted my face and my stomach began to turn.
Underneath my foot looked sort of like I stepped on guacamole. I wasn’t wearing no shoes or slippers or anything, I only had my naked feet, no socks on. Usually I wear socks when I’m inside the house, but that’s only during winter when the temperature is really low. Since it’s in the middle of Spring, the weather outside on most days is temperate, so the inside of the house is not really chilly.
As I looked at the green mess that was underneath my foot, I began to regret the fact that I had not worn any socks or shoes. If I had known that I was going to be doing this then I would’ve better prepared myself.
“EEEWW!” Cecilia said. She was still standing behind the door, now her hands were no longer over her face.
I kept my right foot up, I didn’t want to step on Cecilia’s floor with it and get bits of the spider’s guts on her carpet.
“THAT’S GROSS!” She said again.
I turned around and looked at her. She had stepped out a bit from behind the door, now the light emanated through her entire body and her face and legs and arms all became apparent. As my right foot was raised up and I stared at my little sister’s face, a thought popped in my head, A slight grin appeared on my face. I began to bounce on my left leg as my right leg was raised up and started heading towards Cecilia while chuckling.
Cecilia gave a loud scream. “EEWW, NO, NO, GET AWAY JASON!!” She began to run to every corner in her room. First she ran to the corner that was close to her TV, then she ran to the corner that was directly opposite to that one, and then she bolted to another corner. My right leg is still raised up and I’m hopping along on one foot following her.
“Cecilia, stop being a baby and just eat it!” I said to her as I hopped on one leg and followed her to another corner.
Cecilia continued to run around the room, and then she jumped on top of her bed and grabbed her life size teddy bear, and she threw it at me. I quickly threw my hands over my face as a way to stop the teddy bear from going in that direction. It hit me on the stomach instead. Though it really didn’t hurt, it came to me at a quick pace though. I immediately started to draw back and retreat as the teddy bear hit me on the stomach.
“FINE! BE LIKE THAT!” I said, as I turned around and began hopping on one leg out of her room. I hopped out of the room and gently closed the door. Then I began hopping towards the bathroom.
“What was her problem?” I thought to myself as I began to rub my stomach, from where she threw the life size teddy bear at me.
My father walked out of his room. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a white shirt.
“What is the matter? Did something go wrong?” He asked me.
“Why are you on one leg Jason?” He added.
I fully turned my body around and faced him.
“Yeah everything good, Cecilia just had a little spider in her room, I had to step on it and kill it.
“Little” spider I began thinking to myself. Perhaps I didn’t word that correctly. Because that spider was not no little spider.
“Okay make sure to go in the bathroom and clean your foot off, I’ll see you tomorrow son I am going to sleep. Don’t forget to remind that girl about me talking to her mother tomorrow.” My father said as he began to head into his room.
“I got you oldhead, she already said that you can come tomorrow to talk to her mom.” I said.
“But I’ll remind her again tomorrow at school when I see her.” I said to my father.
He didn’t respond. As he was going back into his room he gave me a thumbs up and then he closed his door.
I hopped in the bathroom, sat down on the tub, put my foot inside the tub and then I turned on the hot water. It was so hot, I quickly drew my foot back away from it. Then I put my foot back in and turned on the cold water on this time. I washed underneath my foot then I spread water between the toes and washed them as well. After I was done, I stepped and wiped my foot on the green towel, that was spread on the floor.
I then walked out of the bathroom and I took a few steps into my room. As I put my hands on the doorknob I realized that Christy was still on the line, I didn’t even tell her to hold on. I quickly turned the doorknob and rushed in the room, and then I went on top of the bed and picked up the phone.
“Hello? Christy? Hello? Christy are you there?” I said over the phone.
There was no reply, I was beginning to think that she had hung up and went to sleep. I removed the phone from my ears and was about to press “End Call”. But then Christy’s voice came on.
“Mhmm… Yes Jason.” She weakly said.
Her voice was very low and soft, even more low and soft than it usually is. It sounded as if she was sleepy or tired. I quickly looked at the time at the front screen of my phone. “11:15pm”.
That’s not really that late. But I didn’t want for Christy to be skeepy, I don’t want for my wife to be tired.
“Bae go to sleep okay, I’ll call you in the morning.” I said.
Christy weakly sighed. “Uh… No Jason, I wanna talk to you.” She said, it almost sounded as if she was whispering now.
“Christy, look, you’re tired okay honey, get some sleep and I’ll call you tomorrow morning when I wake up okay sugarplums?” I said, and then I made a popping sound with my mouth.
Christy laughed weakly, a thin smile spread across her face.
“Ok boy, call me in the morning when you wake up.” She said.
“I promise you.” I said to her.
“And I want you to know something okay?” I added.
“Yes?” She replied.
I paused for a few seconds. “I want you to know I love you, I want you to know that you have the prettiest eyes in the whole world, I want you to know that you have made me the happiest man in the world by agreeing to marry me, I want you to know that I love you so much okay baby, and you’re so beautiful.” I said.
There was a slight pause. “Awwww.” Christy finally said, her face became red and she now began to blush.
“I love you okay boo?” I said.
“I love you too daddy.” Christy replied. She then blew me a kiss over the phone. I waited for a few seconds, then I pressed “End Call”.