I gave a slight laugh back. "Sike naw." I said while smiling. "Come to the snack line let me buy you something."
"Oh you gon buy me something?" Said Christy smiling while she raised an eyebrow up.
"Yeah fool come on." I commandingly said to Christy as if I was talking to an adolescence.
"I don’t want nothing though, I'm not hungry." Christy said.
I stopped all my movements and starred at her for a few seconds. I looked deep into her eyes. "You're not hungry? You?"
"Uhh... Yeah." Replied Christy dully.
"But you're a fatty." I said then reached over and rubbed Christy's stomach.
She fell back and started to laugh. She had a really pretty smile that I loved to see. I starred at her again while she was laughing. A few seconds later she stopped laughing then stared back at me.
"It's not good to stare boy!" Christy abruptly said.
I didn't say nothing in response to her, I only kept starring.
"Well...?" Christy said while waving her hand in front of my face, trying to break my focus.
"I gotta ask you something." I softly said.
"Speak boy, you are permissed."
"Anybody ever tell you that you had the most beautiful eyes in the world?"
Christy starred at me appallingly, then she covered her mouth with her hand.
"Oh my God! You are so sweet." She looked at me and smiled.
"But yeah my boyfriend tells me that every night.? Christy said nonchalantly.
I looked at her with a straight face. "Oh." "Your boyfriend."
Christy immediately saw the dismay on my face then she burst out laughing.
"Just kidding boy!" She said as she put her hand on my chest and shoved me a little bit, I could feel her fingers on my naked chest, they were very soft.
I chuckled playfully. "OHH! I knew that." "I knew you was playing all along." I said, even though I didn’t.
"You joe! But come on, you gon buy me some chips or naw like." Christy was asking me to go buy her some chips as she got up and lifted her pants up.