Chapter 13

page 91

Christy jolted her arched back downwards and gave a loud yelp.

“Don’t do that!” She said out loud as she lifted her head up.

I removed my fingers from my nose and put it back down and continued to rub her head.

“I’m sorry baby, keep sucking it okay, I love you so much, your eyes are so beautiful.” I said to her while gently rubbing her head.

Christy’s head went back down and she continued. The inside of her mouth was warm and gooey, her saliva was sticky, her tongue performed many tricks. My head fell back and I gazed up at the ceiling as I continued to rub her head. My heart started pounding in my chest, my toes began to curl up. I used my heels to take off both of my shoes, now I only had socks on. I lifted my left foot up on the bed and put it inside the blanket as my toes continued to curl. My right foot was still down on the floor.

“I never wanna lose you baby, you’re so special to me.” I said to Christy.

Christy began to giggle. She grabbed the head of “it” and then she looked at me.

“Boy, shut up! You’re just saying that.” She said to me.

Then she began to stroke the head of “it” with her hands, my left toe continued to curl up in the blanket.

“I’m serious baby, I really---” I began to say.

I stopped mid-sentence once I began to feel it. My left toe inside the blanket. It began to tighten up due to the strenuous curling it was doing. Immediately I lifted my leg out the blanket and kicked Christy on the side of her head.

“CRAMP!!” I hollered out.

I quickly got up from the bed and began doing jumping jacks and stretching my toes as my pants dropped down to my ankles. Christy caught herself with her hands before she fell all the way to the floor. She began to rub the side of her head.

“OUUCHH!” She bellowed out.

“Why would you do that?” She said as she continued to rub her head.

I continued to do my jumping jacks, then I looked at her as she sat on the floor rubbing the side of her head.

“Bae are you okay?” I asked her while jumping.

“I had a cramp in my toes, it hurted!” I said.

Christy didn’t say anything. She got up from the floor and began walking out of the door.

“What’s wrong baby, where you going?” I called out to her as she continued to walk.

“Jason that really hurt! I’m going downstairs to lay down on the couch.” She said.

“Wait, don’t leave, come back, I’m sorry!” I said.

Christy then walked out the room and closed the door, then I heard her going down the steps.

I quickly dropped my hands down and lifted my pants from up my ankles, and tried to tighten it back around my waistline, but my “thing” was still sticking out, and it was preventing me from pulling my pants all the way up. The veins were visible on it, “it” curved slightly in the middle as it was outstretched. I held “it” tight in the palm of my hands and used my thumb to squeeze down on it to lessen the rigidity.

After about a minute or so of me squeezing down on “it”, it became soft again in the palm of my hands. I put it back inside my boxers and pulled my camouflage pants all the way up and tightened it, then I walked out the door and began heading down the stairs.

When I came down I saw Christy, she was laid down on the long white couch in the middle of the living room. Her arm was up over her head and her eyes were closed. She was silently groaning. I slowly walked up to her on the couch and sat down on the side of it and I gently placed my hand on her forehead.

“What’s wrong baby? Are you okay boo?” I asked her in a little boy’s voice.

She didn’t respond, she just continued to lay there.

“Bae what’s wrong? Talk to me honey boo pie butt!” I said to her.

She put her arm down from over her head and then she brushed my hand off from her forehead.

“Jason that’s not funny, that really hurt!” She said.

“Bae I’m sorry damn! Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?” I asked her.

Then I placed my hand on her chest, I could feel her heart beating, then I slowly began to rub and slide my hand underneath her shirt.

She quickly brushed it away with the side of her elbow.

“Jason noo! I’m not playing, you think everything is a joke, I’m not laughing!” She said to me while laying down.

“Fine! Be like that!” I said, then I got up from the couch and started walking towards the kitchen.

I then stepped inside the kitchen, I opened the cabinet that was up and started looking inside. There was a bunch of canned goods in there. Green Beans, Hunt’s Tomato Sauce, Bush’s Baked Beans… Those were not what I was looking for though. I delved my hand in deeper and started to look further inside. Then I finally found it. I quickly grabbed a hold of it and drew it out, then I looked at it as it was in my hand, “Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup!”

I walked to the sink and grabbed a bowl from up the drawer. I then opened the can and poured all the content into the bowl. Afterwards, I threw the empty can in the trash can and then I put the bowl inside the microwave oven that was next to the sink. I set it for three minutes, then I turned around and started walking towards the fridge. I opened the freezer, then I pulled out the ice tray. I took a few blocks of ice cubes out, ripped out about three sheets of paper towel, they were all still connected to one another when I ripped them out. Afterwards, I put the blocks of ice cubes in the paper towel and wrapped it up. I then walked back over to the sink where the microwave was at, and I patiently waited for it to finish.

After about two minutes the microwave started beeping, signaling me that it was done. I took out the hot bowl, smoke was now rising from inside of it. I placed it on top the counter, grabbed a spoon from underneath the cabinet. I then began walking out the kitchen. While holding the bowl with my right hand and the paper towel with the ice cubes on it with my left hand.

I walked over to the couch where Christy was laying down. Her eyes were shut, I didn’t know if she was sleeping or just had them closed. I placed the hot bowl on the table and then I walked back into the kitchen to get a bottle of water from inside the fridge

“Bae wake up!” I said to her as I walked back in the living room and sat next to her.

Her eyelids began to slowly flutter as they began to open.

“Mhmm.” She said, while her eyes were still halfway closed.”

“Shhh baby don’t talk.” I said as I sat down next to her on the couch.

I grabbed the bowl from on top the table and began mixing it with the spoon.

“Here baby I’m gonna feed you okay, now I want you to eat all of this, it’s gonna make you feel better okay boo?” I said.

I slowly tucked my hands underneath her head on the couch and slowly lifted her head up. Then I moved the bowl closer to her proximity. I began to stir with the spoon and dug inside, then I blew at it to cool it down, and then I moved it towards her mouth.

“Open up baby, here comes the train!” I said to her.

Christy began to smile lightly and giggle.

“I hate you.” She said as she reached in with her head and took a spoonful bite.

“That’s a good girl!” I placed the empty spoon back inside the bowl and began hitting it on the side.

Then I grabbed the paper towel with ice cubes in it and placed it on the side of her head where I accidentally kicked her.

“I’m sorry for kicking you okay baby, don’t be mad at me.” I said to her.

“Mhmm.” She said.

“Do you still love me?” I asked her.

“Nope!” She said.

I reached inside the bowl with the spoon and gave it to her again. She took another spoonful bite. I continued to repeat that process until the bowl was halfway finished and Christy said that she didn’t want anymore. I then opened the water bottle and made her drink some down. Afterwards I also drank from the same water bottle.

I finished drinking from the water bottle, then I closed the cap and placed it back on the table and faced Christy. I looked at her as she was laying down on the couch, my hands were on my lap.

“You’re so special to me baby, I love you okay.” I said to her as I placed my hand on her forehead.

“Mhmm… Whatever Jason.” She said.

I then walked over to the closet that was in the living room. I drew out a wide blanket that was in there. Then I walked back over to where Christy was laying down at on the couch. I threw the blanket in the air, opened it up, and laid it down and spread it on my wife.

“I want you to get some sleep okay honey boo boo pie butt?” I said to her.

She didn’t say anything. I walked over to where the light switch was at, flicked it off, then walked to where the table was to pick up the bowl with soup in it. I then headed to the kitchen. Poured the content of the bowl into the sink. Then I turned the tap water on low, I washed the bowl and placed it back inside the drawer. I then walked out the kitchen and turned off the light. “It” started throbbing again, I was still stimulated. As I looked at my wife laying down on the couch, I knew that she wouldn’t be in the mood right now. I knew what I had to do.

I gently tip toed in the living room without making any sound, Christy was laying down on the couch with her eyes closed, most likely she would be sleeping. I gently took “it” out from my pants. Then I quietly walked over to where she was laying down at. Without making any sound, I climbed on top of the couch and started to insert “it” into her earlobe. Then I began to stroke gently.

Christy’s eyes slowly began to open, and she saw me as I was on top of her on the couch with “it” inside her earlobe and drool was coming from out my mouth.

She immediately jolted up and slapped “it” away, causing me to fall back and land on the floor in the living room.

“JASON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” She asked me while wiping away at her ears.

“BAE!” I said while on the floor.

“Bae I inserted it into your ears because I didn’t want you to hear me coming.” I said.

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